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sem exemplosEncontrados em 3 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


['pærət] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. попугай

    2. фигура попугая, используемая в качестве мишени для стрельбы

    3. попка-дурак (человек, бессмысленно повторяющий чужие слова)

  2. гл.

    1. = parrot it болтать как попугай

    2. учить, зубрить, механически повторять

    3. учить (кого-л.), заставляя повторять одно и то же много раз; заставлять зазубривать

Biology (En-Ru)


попугай; pl попугаи (Psittacidae)

см. тж. parrakeet

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Exemplos de textos

The mango served as a perch for a colony of gray parrots, prattling, quarrelsome, ferocious birds, which set upon living birds, and those who would judge them from their congeners which Europe keeps in cages, would be singularly mistaken.
Манговое дерево служило насестом для целой стаи серых попугаев, болтливых, задорных и яростных пернатых, которые обычно нападают на других птиц. Было бы весьма ошибочно судить о них по их сородичам, которых в Европе содержат в клетках.
Verne, Jules / Dick Sand, or A Captain at FifteenВерн, Жюль / Пятнадцатилетний капитан
Пятнадцатилетний капитан
Верн, Жюль
© Художественная литература, 1954
Dick Sand, or A Captain at Fifteen
Verne, Jules
© 2006 Biblio Bazaar
He was an ex-seaman and beachcomber who made regular voyages to southern ports and imported personally conducted invoices of talking parrots and dialectic paroquets.
Он был раньше моряком, а теперь совершал регулярные поездки в южные порты на каботажных судах и привозил говорящих попугаев.
O.Henry / The Day We CelebrateГенри, О. / День, который мы празднуем
День, который мы празднуем
Генри, О.
The Day We Celebrate
One must do something always. You hang your canvas up in a palm tree and let the parrots criticise. When the scuffle you heave a ripe custard-apple at them, and it bursts in a lather of cream.
Что-нибудь делать всегда нужно; ты развешиваешь свои полотна на пальмах и предоставляешь попугаям критиковать их, а когда они начинают ссориться и драться, ты запускаешь в них спелым яблоком, которое лопается и разлетается мелкими брызгами...
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / The Light That FailedКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / Свет погас
Свет погас
Киплинг, Джозеф Редьярд
© "Издательство П. П. Сойкина", 1915
The Light That Failed
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
© 2011 by Victorian Secrets
Even my little poll-parrots are no more...I don't think you knew them, by the way. They both died on the same day, as I always predicted they would.
Вот и мои переклитки умерли... да вы их, кажется, не знали; и обе, как я предсказывал, в один день.
Тургенев, И.С. / НовьTurgenev, I.S. / Virgin soil
Virgin soil
Turgenev, I.S.
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Правда", 1979
But without getting specific, the idea's coming on, and it'll make everyone sick as parrots.
Но если в общих чертах, то идея на подходе. И такая, что все припухнут.
Pelevin, Victor / Homo ZapiensПелевин, В. О. / Generation "П"
Generation "П"
Пелевин, В. О.
© В. Пелевин, текст, 2009
Homo Zapiens
Pelevin, Victor
© Victor Pelevin, 1999
© Andrew Bromfield, 2000
As he was at present dressed in a seafaring slop suit, in which he looked as if he had some parrots and cigars to dispose of, I next discussed with him what dress he should wear.
Так как на нем был дешевый матросский костюм, невольно наводивший на мысль, что у него припасен для продажи попугай или сигары, я счел за благо тут же обсудить, как ему лучше всего одеться.
Dickens, Charles / Great ExpectationsДиккенс, Чарльз / Большие надежды
Большие надежды
Диккенс, Чарльз
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1960
Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles
© 2010 Ignatius Press, San Francisco
Dogs, monkeys, and parrots are a thousand times less wretched than I. The Dutch fetiches, who have converted me, declare every Sunday that we are all of us children of Adam — blacks as well as whites.
Собаки, обезьяны, попугаи в тысячу раз счастливее, чем мы; голландские жрецы, которые обратили меня в свою веру, твердят мне каждое воскресенье, что все мы — потомки Адама, белые и черные.
Voltaire / CandideВольтер / Кандид
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1965
© 1918 by BONI & LIVERIGHT, INC.
Well I knowed the two streaks o' white paint, let alone the screechin' o' the parrots which I could hear from the bank.
Ну, да я его сразу признала по двум белым полоскам, и попугаи еще верещали, даже на берегу слышно было. И вижу, там матросы толпятся у борта.
Conan Doyle, Arthur / The Firm Of GirdlestoneКонан Дойль, Артур / Торговый Дом Гердлстон
Торговый Дом Гердлстон
Конан Дойль, Артур
© Издательство "Правда", 1966
The Firm Of Girdlestone
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© 1889 by John W. Lowell
'Am I a parrot to repeat the phrases of others for your amusement?"
— Я тебе не попугай, чтобы повторять чьи-то слова для твоего развлечения!
Brooks, Terry / The Scions of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Потомки Шаннары
Потомки Шаннары
Брукс, Терри
The Scions of Shannara
Brooks, Terry
© 1990 by Terry Brooks
Fragments of words came back to her and she quoted parrot-like: “A glamor to it—a perfection, a symmetry like Grecian art.”
Что-то из этих слов всплыло в памяти, и она как попугай повторила их: — ...и прелести — этого их совершенства, этой гармонии, как в греческом искусстве.
Mitchell, Margaret / Gone with the windМитчелл, Маргарет / Унесенные ветром. Том 2
Унесенные ветром. Том 2
Митчелл, Маргарет
© Перевод. Т. Кудрявцева, 1982
Gone with the wind
Mitchell, Margaret
© 1936 By Macmillan Publishing Company, a division of Macmillan. Inc
© renewed 1964 by Stephens Mitchell and Trust Compnay of Ceorgia as Executors of Margaret Mitchell Marsh.
© renewed by Stephens Mitchell
“Button up,” said the parrot, and Liza scowled at him as she had at her growing children when they were mutinous.
— Заткни пасть, — сказал попугай, и Лиза нахмурила на него брови, как, бывало, на ребенка-неслуха.
Steinbeck, John / East Of EdenСтейнбек, Джон / На восток от Эдема
На восток от Эдема
Стейнбек, Джон
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
East Of Eden
Steinbeck, John
© John Steinbeck, 1952
© renewed Elaine Steinbeck, Thom Steinbeck, and John Steinbeck IV, 1980
"I had a parrot once." A red-eyed sophomore nodded.
— У меня когда-то жил попугай, — кивнув, произнесла какая-то девочка с покрасневшими глазами.
De la Cruz, Melissa / Blue BloodsДе ла Круз, Мелисса / Голубая кровь
Голубая кровь
Де ла Круз, Мелисса
© Перевод. О. Степашкина, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо». 2010
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods
De la Cruz, Melissa
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz
Then he began to dream that he was once more fighting a duel, that the antagonist standing facing him was Herr Klueber, and on a fir-tree was sitting a parrot, and this parrot was Pantaleone, and he kept tapping with his beak: one, one, one!
Потом ему стало грезиться, что он опять дерется на дуэли, что в качестве противника стоит перед ним г-н Клюбер, а на елке сидит попугай, и этот попугай Панталеоне, и твердит он, щелкая носом: раз-раз-раз!
Turgenev, I.S. / The Torrents of SpringТургенев, И.С. / Вешние воды
Вешние воды
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
The Torrents of Spring
Turgenev, I.S.
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
"Which regiment were you in?" asked the parrot in Bender's voice. "Cr-r-r-rash!
- В каком полку служили? - спросил попугай голосом Бендера.-Кра-р-р-р-рах...
Ilf, Ilya,Petrov, Eugene / The Twelve ChairsИльф, Илья,Петров, Евгений / Двенадцать Стульев
Двенадцать Стульев
Ильф, Илья,Петров, Евгений
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
The Twelve Chairs
Ilf, Ilya,Petrov, Eugene
© 1961 by Random House, Inc.
I had gone to him to buy a parrot to present, at Christmas, to my Aunt Joanna.
Я пришел к нему, чтобы купить попугая и подарить его к рождеству моей тете Жоане.
O.Henry / The Day We CelebrateГенри, О. / День, который мы празднуем
День, который мы празднуем
Генри, О.
The Day We Celebrate

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    Tradução adicionada por Yefim Yasnogorsky
    Ouro en-ru


parrot disease
parrot disease
parrot fever
parrot fever
parrot jaw
parrot-beak nail
ноготь, искривленный наподобие клюва попугая
poll parrot
домашний попугай
parrot-beak nail
ноготь в виде клюва попугая
parrot tooth
серповидный зуб
parrot cage
клетка для попугая
parrot fever
Parrot's atrophy
атрофия Парро
Parrot's atrophy
непропорциональная карликовость

Formas de palavra


Common caseparrotparrots
Possessive caseparrot'sparrots'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)parroting
Past Participle (Participle II)parroted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I parrotwe parrot
you parrotyou parrot
he/she/it parrotsthey parrot
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am parrotingwe are parroting
you are parrotingyou are parroting
he/she/it is parrotingthey are parroting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have parrotedwe have parroted
you have parrotedyou have parroted
he/she/it has parrotedthey have parroted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been parrotingwe have been parroting
you have been parrotingyou have been parroting
he/she/it has been parrotingthey have been parroting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I parrotedwe parroted
you parrotedyou parroted
he/she/it parrotedthey parroted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was parrotingwe were parroting
you were parrotingyou were parroting
he/she/it was parrotingthey were parroting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had parrotedwe had parroted
you had parrotedyou had parroted
he/she/it had parrotedthey had parroted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been parrotingwe had been parroting
you had been parrotingyou had been parroting
he/she/it had been parrotingthey had been parroting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will parrotwe shall/will parrot
you will parrotyou will parrot
he/she/it will parrotthey will parrot
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be parrotingwe shall/will be parroting
you will be parrotingyou will be parroting
he/she/it will be parrotingthey will be parroting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have parrotedwe shall/will have parroted
you will have parrotedyou will have parroted
he/she/it will have parrotedthey will have parroted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been parrotingwe shall/will have been parroting
you will have been parrotingyou will have been parroting
he/she/it will have been parrotingthey will have been parroting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would parrotwe should/would parrot
you would parrotyou would parrot
he/she/it would parrotthey would parrot
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be parrotingwe should/would be parroting
you would be parrotingyou would be parroting
he/she/it would be parrotingthey would be parroting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have parrotedwe should/would have parroted
you would have parrotedyou would have parroted
he/she/it would have parrotedthey would have parroted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been parrotingwe should/would have been parroting
you would have been parrotingyou would have been parroting
he/she/it would have been parrotingthey would have been parroting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am parrotedwe are parroted
you are parrotedyou are parroted
he/she/it is parrotedthey are parroted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being parrotedwe are being parroted
you are being parrotedyou are being parroted
he/she/it is being parrotedthey are being parroted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been parrotedwe have been parroted
you have been parrotedyou have been parroted
he/she/it has been parrotedthey have been parroted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was parrotedwe were parroted
you were parrotedyou were parroted
he/she/it was parrotedthey were parroted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being parrotedwe were being parroted
you were being parrotedyou were being parroted
he/she/it was being parrotedthey were being parroted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been parrotedwe had been parroted
you had been parrotedyou had been parroted
he/she/it had been parrotedthey had been parroted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be parrotedwe shall/will be parroted
you will be parrotedyou will be parroted
he/she/it will be parrotedthey will be parroted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been parrotedwe shall/will have been parroted
you will have been parrotedyou will have been parroted
he/she/it will have been parrotedthey will have been parroted