sem exemplosEncontrados em 4 dicionários
O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
диал. заяц
австрал.; разг. овца
шут, клоун, дразнила; проказник, шалун
глиняный кувшин с узким горлышком
тех. копровая баба, копер
тележка подъёмного крана
амер.; разг. купюра в пятьсот долларов
брит.; разг. купюра в пятьсот фунтов стерлингов
название танца
= monkey about / around дурачиться, забавляться, играться
пародировать, передразнивать
= monkey about / around (monkey with) неумело обращаться, портить
Biology (En-Ru)
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Exemplos de textos
'Drunk as a monkey,' she whispered, slipping back in beside me.– Напился до чертиков, – прошептала она, залезая под одеяло.Banks, Iain / WhitБэнкс, Иэн / Умм, или Исида среди НеспасенныхУмм, или Исида среди НеспасенныхБэнкс, Иэн© 1995 by Iain Banks© Е. Петрова, перевод, 2006© ООО "ИД "Домино", 2007WhitBanks, Iain© 1995 Iain Banks
The dog-monkey was still raging and howling as Jack turned and ran as fast as his injured knee would let him.Под бешеный вой пса-обезьяны повернулся, побежал изо всех сил, насколько позволяло больное колено.Wilson, Paul Francis / ConspiraciesВилсон, Пол Фрэнсис / БезднаБезднаВилсон, Пол ФрэнсисConspiraciesWilson, Paul Francis© 2000 by F. Paul Wilson
And Cowslip, a faded yellow monkey in a tiny crocheted pink wool dress.И выцветшую желтую обезьянку в вязаной кофточке.De Lint, Charles / Someplace To Be FlyingДе Линт, Чарльз / Покинутые небесаПокинутые небесаДе Линт, ЧарльзSomeplace To Be FlyingDe Lint, Charles© 1998 by Charles de Lint
If you miss at this range, you're a monkey, he thought, and pulled the trigger.«Если промахнешься с такого расстояния, ты — обезьяна», — подумал он и нажал на спусковой крючок.King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / МобильникМобильникКинг, СтивенCellKing, Stephen© 2006 by Stephen King
“It comes from a monkey, and monkey flesh may not be eaten.”— Это продукт, полученный из обезьяны, а мясо обезьяны есть нельзя.Liss, David / The Coffee TraderЛисс, Дэвид / Торговец кофеТорговец кофеЛисс, Дэвид© И. Нелюбова, перевод, 2008© Издательский дом "Азбука-классика", 2008© 2003 by David LissThe Coffee TraderLiss, David© 2003 by David Liss
The first panel provides a dictionary definition for the word accordion and the second panel a picture of a monkey playing an accordion.Первая панель предоставляет статью словаря, определяющую слово accordion (аккордеон), а вторая панель содержит изображение обезьяны, играющей на аккордеоне.Crane, Dave,Pascarello, Eric / Ajax in ActionКрейн, Дейв,Паскарелло, Эрик / Ajax в действииAjax в действииКрейн, Дейв,Паскарелло, Эрик© 2006 by Manning Publications Co.© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006Ajax in ActionCrane, Dave,Pascarello, Eric© 2006 by Manning Publications Co.
Human lice and monkey lice split off from each other about 1.8 million years ago.Человеческая вошь и обезьянья вошь откололись друг от друга примерно 1,8 миллиона лет назад.Westerfeld, Scott / PeepsВестерфельд, Скотт / Армия ночиАрмия ночиВестерфельд, Скотт© Перевод. Б.Жужунава, 2009© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009© 2005 by Scott WesterfieldPeepsWesterfeld, Scott© 2005 Scott Westerfield
He bounced and jabbered like a monkey and pointed west, west, west.Хоби подпрыгивал, дергался как обезьяна и указывал на запад, на запад, всегда на запад.Child, Lee / TripwireЧайлд, Ли / ЛовушкаЛовушкаЧайлд, Ли© 1999 by Lee Child© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2009© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009TripwireChild, Lee© 1999 by Lee Child
I was almost choked with the filthy stuff the monkey had crammed down my throat: but my dear little nurse picked it out of my mouth with a small needle, and then I fell a-vomiting, which gave me great relief.Я почти задыхался от дряни, которой обезьяна набила мой рот; но моя милая нянюшка извлекла ее оттуда небольшой иголкой, после чего меня вырвало, и я почувствовал большое облегчение.Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия ГулливераПутешествия ГулливераСвифт, Джонатан© Издательство "Правда", 1987Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldSwift, Jonathan
"Weaver!" Carter shouted, "the monkey says he didn't put his nut where the sun don't shine!– Ткач! – закричал Возчик. – Обезьяна говорит, что не засовывала орех туда, где не светит солнце!Pratchett, Terry / Lords and LadiesПратчетт,Терри / Дамы и господаДамы и господаПратчетт,Терри© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009© 1992 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett© Перевод Н. Берденников, 2006Lords and LadiesPratchett, Terry© 1992 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
Some of the people threw up stones, hoping to drive the monkey down; but this was strictly forbidden, or else, very probably, my brains had been dashed out.Некоторые стали швырять камнями, надеясь прогнать таким образом обезьяну с крыши, но дворцовая полиция строго запретила это, так как иначе мне, вероятно, размозжили бы голову.Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия ГулливераПутешествия ГулливераСвифт, Джонатан© Издательство "Правда", 1987Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldSwift, Jonathan
'That monkey,' he said, 'has eaten its last banana.– Ну все, – заявил он, – эта макака сожрала свой последний банан.Pratchett, Terry / SourceryПратчетт,Терри / Посох и ШляпаПосох и ШляпаПратчетт,Терри© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008SourceryPratchett, Terry© Terry and Lyn Pratchett 1988
For instance, in window washing, timber floorings (the so-called monkey boards) are primarily used, which unsafely hang down on straps fastened in the upper part of a structure.Так, например, при мытье окон преимущественно используют деревянные настилы, ненадежно свисающие на стропах, закрепленных в верхней части сооружения. 10/31/2011 10/31/2011
Given time, given opportunity, the monkey was going to become man.С течением времени, при благоприятных условиях обезьяна должна была превратиться в человека.Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Revolution. Talks on KabirОшо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Революция. Беседы по песням КабираРеволюция. Беседы по песням КабираОшо Бхагван Шри РаджнишThe Revolution. Talks on KabirOsho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
You set upon me, you impudent young monkey. I didn't say anything," bawled Marya. "You want a whipping, that's what you want, you saucy jackanapes!"Сам привязался, а не я к тебе, озорник, -- раскричалась Марья, -- выпороть тебя, вот что, обидчик ты известный, вот что!Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья КарамазовыБратья КарамазовыДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988The brothers KaramazovDostoevsky, Fyodor
Traduções de usuários
Categoria gramatical não definida
- 1.
Tradução adicionada por Lord Zarok - 2.
Обезьяна, обезьяний
Tradução adicionada por Dmitry Puchkov
brass monkey
brass monkey
чертовски или ужас какой холодный
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
очень холодный
grease monkey
grease monkey
green-monkey disease
марбург-вирусная болезнь
green-monkey disease
церкопитековая геморрагическая лихорадка
have a monkey on one's back
иметь серьезные неприятности
have a monkey on one's back
употреблять наркотики
howler monkey
howling monkey
make a monkey of smb
выставлять кого-л. на посмешище
make a monkey out of smb
выставлять кого-л. на посмешище
monkey bars
конструкция для лазания
monkey bread
Formas de palavra
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | monkey | monkeys |
Possessive case | monkey's | monkeys' |
Basic forms | |
Past | monkeyed |
Imperative | monkey |
Present Participle (Participle I) | monkeying |
Past Participle (Participle II) | monkeyed |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I monkey | we monkey |
you monkey | you monkey |
he/she/it monkeys | they monkey |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am monkeying | we are monkeying |
you are monkeying | you are monkeying |
he/she/it is monkeying | they are monkeying |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have monkeyed | we have monkeyed |
you have monkeyed | you have monkeyed |
he/she/it has monkeyed | they have monkeyed |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been monkeying | we have been monkeying |
you have been monkeying | you have been monkeying |
he/she/it has been monkeying | they have been monkeying |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I monkeyed | we monkeyed |
you monkeyed | you monkeyed |
he/she/it monkeyed | they monkeyed |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was monkeying | we were monkeying |
you were monkeying | you were monkeying |
he/she/it was monkeying | they were monkeying |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had monkeyed | we had monkeyed |
you had monkeyed | you had monkeyed |
he/she/it had monkeyed | they had monkeyed |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been monkeying | we had been monkeying |
you had been monkeying | you had been monkeying |
he/she/it had been monkeying | they had been monkeying |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will monkey | we shall/will monkey |
you will monkey | you will monkey |
he/she/it will monkey | they will monkey |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be monkeying | we shall/will be monkeying |
you will be monkeying | you will be monkeying |
he/she/it will be monkeying | they will be monkeying |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have monkeyed | we shall/will have monkeyed |
you will have monkeyed | you will have monkeyed |
he/she/it will have monkeyed | they will have monkeyed |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been monkeying | we shall/will have been monkeying |
you will have been monkeying | you will have been monkeying |
he/she/it will have been monkeying | they will have been monkeying |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would monkey | we should/would monkey |
you would monkey | you would monkey |
he/she/it would monkey | they would monkey |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be monkeying | we should/would be monkeying |
you would be monkeying | you would be monkeying |
he/she/it would be monkeying | they would be monkeying |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have monkeyed | we should/would have monkeyed |
you would have monkeyed | you would have monkeyed |
he/she/it would have monkeyed | they would have monkeyed |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been monkeying | we should/would have been monkeying |
you would have been monkeying | you would have been monkeying |
he/she/it would have been monkeying | they would have been monkeying |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am monkeyed | we are monkeyed |
you are monkeyed | you are monkeyed |
he/she/it is monkeyed | they are monkeyed |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being monkeyed | we are being monkeyed |
you are being monkeyed | you are being monkeyed |
he/she/it is being monkeyed | they are being monkeyed |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been monkeyed | we have been monkeyed |
you have been monkeyed | you have been monkeyed |
he/she/it has been monkeyed | they have been monkeyed |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was monkeyed | we were monkeyed |
you were monkeyed | you were monkeyed |
he/she/it was monkeyed | they were monkeyed |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being monkeyed | we were being monkeyed |
you were being monkeyed | you were being monkeyed |
he/she/it was being monkeyed | they were being monkeyed |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been monkeyed | we had been monkeyed |
you had been monkeyed | you had been monkeyed |
he/she/it had been monkeyed | they had been monkeyed |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be monkeyed | we shall/will be monkeyed |
you will be monkeyed | you will be monkeyed |
he/she/it will be monkeyed | they will be monkeyed |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been monkeyed | we shall/will have been monkeyed |
you will have been monkeyed | you will have been monkeyed |
he/she/it will have been monkeyed | they will have been monkeyed |