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sem exemplosEncontrados em 4 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
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[maɪn] брит. / амер.

  1. притяж. мест.

    1. абсолютная форма, не употр. атриб.; см. тж. my

      1. мой; моя; моё; принадлежащий мне

      2. вместо сочетания my с существительным, которое уже было употреблено в данном предложении

    2. уст.; поэт. вместо my перед словами, начинающимся с гласного или h

    3. абсолютная форма моя семья; мои родные

    1. сущ.

        1. рудник; шахта; прииск; копи

        2. ист. подкоп

        1. залежь, пласт, месторождение руды (обычно о железной руде)

        2. источник (информации, сведений, знаний)

      1. воен.


    2. гл.

        1. = mine out производить горные работы, разрабатывать рудник; добывать

        2. извлекать, выкапывать

        1. подкапывать, производить подкоп

        2. зарываться (в землю); рыть норку (о животных, личинках)

        1. минировать; ставить мины

        2. взрывать с помощью мины

      1. подрывать (чью-л. репутацию, авторитет)

Physics (En-Ru)



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Exemplos de textos

I, too, lay down on mine in a state of great excitement.
Я тоже улегся в свою, но в большом волнении.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
“Well, I'll tell you,” said Hurstwood. “This investment of mine is taking a lot of money just now.
— Видишь ли, я вложил все наличные деньги в дело и пока что очень стеснен в средствах.
Dreiser, Theodore / Sister CarrieДрайзер, Теодор / Сестра Керри
Сестра Керри
Драйзер, Теодор
© Издательство "Правда", 1986
Sister Carrie
Dreiser, Theodore
© Nov. 8, 1900 No. A27641 by Doubleday, Page & Co.
© renewed by Theodore Dreiser as Author Nov. 17, 1927 No. R42188
The Duke knows him for no other but a poor officer of mine; and writ to me this other day to turn him out o' th' band. I think I have his letter in my pocket.
Герцог знает его за плохонького офицеришку в моем отряде и недавно написал мне, чтобы я его выгнал из полка; кажется, письмо его со мной.
Shakespeare, William / Alls Wel that ends WellШекспир, Вильям / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Шекспир, Вильям
© Издательство "ACADEMIA", 1937
Alls Wel that ends Well
Shakespeare, William
© Susan Snyder 1993
Your count is no concern of mine!
Какое мне дело до твоего графа!
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The Insulted and InjuredДостоевский, Фёдор / Униженные и оскорблённые
Униженные и оскорблённые
Достоевский, Фёдор
© "Государственное издательство художественной литературы", 1955
The Insulted and Injured
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
What sort of management is mine?...
Что мое за хозяйство?..
Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman's Sketches v.1Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.1
Записки охотника т.1
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1975
A Sportsman's Sketches v.1
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
"That's mine, sir.
-- Это мое, сэр!
O.Henry / Holding Up a TrainГенри, О. / Налет на поезд
Налет на поезд
Генри, О.
Holding Up a Train
Anything in the wearing apparel line has got to be just so, or it's to the misfit parlors for it, for mine.
Насчет одежды я разборчив – все должно быть первого сорта, иначе это не для меня.
O.Henry / Vanity and Some SablesГенри, О. / Русские соболя
Русские соболя
Генри, О.
© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо». 2009
© Перевод Т. Озерской. Наследники, 2009
Vanity and Some Sables
© 2006 Adamant Media Corporation.
The well-lost life of mine on his Grace's cure.
Мне разрешенье счастья попытать, Ручаюсь я моей ненужной жизнью,
Shakespeare, William / Alls Wel that ends WellШекспир, Вильям / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Шекспир, Вильям
© Издательство "ACADEMIA", 1937
Alls Wel that ends Well
Shakespeare, William
© Susan Snyder 1993
Thou speak'st it falsely, as I love mine honour;
Ты лжешь! Как честь свою люблю, ты лжешь
Shakespeare, William / Alls Wel that ends WellШекспир, Вильям / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается
Шекспир, Вильям
© Издательство "ACADEMIA", 1937
Alls Wel that ends Well
Shakespeare, William
© Susan Snyder 1993
That's bad enough, but there's a girl here whose powers are stronger than mine.
Это и так ужасно, но хуже всего то, что та девочка гораздо сильнее меня.
Cast, P.C.,Cast, Kristin / BetrayedКаст, Филис,Каст, Кристин / Обманутая
Каст, Филис,Каст, Кристин
© St. Martin's Griffin Press, LLC, New York, 2007
© ЗАО "ОЛМА Медиа Групп", издание, перевод, 2009
Cast, P.C.,Cast, Kristin
© 2007 by P. С. Cast and Kristin Cast.
"They are for a friend of mine, a botanist and pharmacist.
— Они для моего друга, ботаника и аптекаря.
Castaneda, Carlos / The Active Side of InfinityКастанеда, Карлос / Активная сторона бесконечности
Активная сторона бесконечности
Кастанеда, Карлос
© 1998 by Laugan Productions
© "София", 2008
© ООО Издательство "София", 2008
The Active Side of Infinity
Castaneda, Carlos
© 1998 by Laugan Productions
Safety, health and ventilation work, such as dust sampling, prevention of mine fires, etc.
Работы, связанные с обеспечением безопасности труда, охраны здоровья и вентиляции, например, взятие проб пыли, предотвращение пожаров в шахте и т.д.
© 2010 OECD/IEA
© 2010 OECD/IEA
If we find they correspond, every fear of mine will be removed."
Если мы узнаем, что они переписываются, всем моим опасениям придет конец.
Austen, Jane / Sense and SensibilityОстин, Джейн / Чувство и чувствительность
Чувство и чувствительность
Остин, Джейн
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
Sense and Sensibility
Austen, Jane
© Cambridge University Press 2006
Mine Action Service representatives are responsible for the collection, analysis, reporting and appropriate dissemination of information related to mine action service activities in the mission environment.
Представители Службы отвечают за сбор, анализ, обобщение и соответствующее распространение информации, связанной с деятельностью в области разминирования в условиях миссий.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
That idea drove me to fury. I lolled even more at my ease, and began turning over the leaves of the book, as though the position were no concern of mine.
Эта идея привела меня в бешенство; я разлегся еще больше и стал перебирать книгу с таким видом, как будто до меня ничего не касается.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

maɪnмой; моя; моё; принадлежащий мнеExemplo

Is this book yours or mine? — Это твоя книга или моя?
It's not for them: it's mine. — Это не для них, это моё.

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.


    Tradução adicionada por Петр Волочкин
  2. 2.


    Tradução adicionada por Юра Смольянов
  3. 3.

    Рудник, шахта.

    Tradução adicionada por Сергей Алексеев
  4. 4.


    Tradução adicionada por Григорий Ремесло
  5. 5.


    Tradução adicionada por Алина Маникулова


abandoned mine
заброшенная шахта
acoustic mine
акустическая мина
aerial mine
авиационная мина
all-electric mine
полностью электрифицированная шахта
antipersonnel mine
осколочная мина
antipersonnel mine
antitank mine
противотанковая мина
bauxite mine
бокситовый рудник
coal mine
угольная шахта
coal mine bounce
горный удар в угольной шахте
contact mine
контактная мина
contact mine
ударная мина
conveyor mine
конвейеризированная шахта
conveyor mine
конвейеризованная шахта
copper mine
медный рудник

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)mining
Past Participle (Participle II)mined
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I minewe mine
you mineyou mine
he/she/it minesthey mine
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am miningwe are mining
you are miningyou are mining
he/she/it is miningthey are mining
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have minedwe have mined
you have minedyou have mined
he/she/it has minedthey have mined
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been miningwe have been mining
you have been miningyou have been mining
he/she/it has been miningthey have been mining
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I minedwe mined
you minedyou mined
he/she/it minedthey mined
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was miningwe were mining
you were miningyou were mining
he/she/it was miningthey were mining
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had minedwe had mined
you had minedyou had mined
he/she/it had minedthey had mined
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been miningwe had been mining
you had been miningyou had been mining
he/she/it had been miningthey had been mining
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will minewe shall/will mine
you will mineyou will mine
he/she/it will minethey will mine
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be miningwe shall/will be mining
you will be miningyou will be mining
he/she/it will be miningthey will be mining
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have minedwe shall/will have mined
you will have minedyou will have mined
he/she/it will have minedthey will have mined
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been miningwe shall/will have been mining
you will have been miningyou will have been mining
he/she/it will have been miningthey will have been mining
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would minewe should/would mine
you would mineyou would mine
he/she/it would minethey would mine
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be miningwe should/would be mining
you would be miningyou would be mining
he/she/it would be miningthey would be mining
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have minedwe should/would have mined
you would have minedyou would have mined
he/she/it would have minedthey would have mined
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been miningwe should/would have been mining
you would have been miningyou would have been mining
he/she/it would have been miningthey would have been mining
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am minedwe are mined
you are minedyou are mined
he/she/it is minedthey are mined
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being minedwe are being mined
you are being minedyou are being mined
he/she/it is being minedthey are being mined
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been minedwe have been mined
you have been minedyou have been mined
he/she/it has been minedthey have been mined
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was minedwe were mined
you were minedyou were mined
he/she/it was minedthey were mined
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being minedwe were being mined
you were being minedyou were being mined
he/she/it was being minedthey were being mined
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been minedwe had been mined
you had been minedyou had been mined
he/she/it had been minedthey had been mined
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be minedwe shall/will be mined
you will be minedyou will be mined
he/she/it will be minedthey will be mined
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been minedwe shall/will have been mined
you will have been minedyou will have been mined
he/she/it will have been minedthey will have been mined


pronoun, singular, 1st person
Attributive functionNominal function


Common caseminemines
Possessive casemine'smines'