sem exemplosEncontrados em 5 dicionários
O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
мор. манифест, декларация судового груза
декларация груза и пассажиров (самолёта или поезда)
очевидный, явный, ясный
делать явным, очевидным; обнаруживать, проявлять
проявляться, обнаруживаться
появляться (о привидении)
доказывать, подтверждать
обнародовать; издать манифест
мор. заносить в декларацию судового груза
Law (En-Ru)
проявлять, изъявлять, обнаруживать
судовой манифест, декларация судового груза
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Exemplos de textos
Bowel and bladder dysfunction manifested in constipations and urine incontinence.Нарушения функции тазовых органов в виде недержания мочи и склонности к запорам. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
It follows that AB to (3-IPN activate the function of T-effectors, which is manifested in the enhancement of the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in response to sensitization by ram erythrocytes.Из приведенных в таблице 1 данных следует, что AT к б-ИФН активизируют функцию Т-эффекторов, что выражается в усилении реакции гиперчувствительности замедленного типа в ответ на сенсибилизацию эритроцитами барана. 11.11.2011 11.11.2011
All studied compounds exhibited marked antiamnestic activity, which was manifested by that the time of the presence of the animals on safe illuminated platform is significantly greater compared with control animals with amnesia.Все изученные соединения обладают выраженной антиамнестической активностью, что выражается в том, что время нахождения животных на безопасной освещенной платформе значительно увеличивается по сравнению с контрольными животными с амнезией. 10/27/2011 10/27/2011
All this harmonizes with our past considerations, but in all this, those outside sources manifested themselves only by making suggestions without contributing to, or withdrawing from, the proceeds of the game.Все это согласуется с нашими предыдущими исследованиями, но во всех них эти «внешние источники» проявляются только как источники предложений, не прибавляющие и не изымающие ничего из доходов игры.Neumann, John,Morgenstern, Oskar / Theory of Games and Economic BehaviorНейман, Джон,Моргенштерн, Оскар / Теория игр и экономическое поведениеТеория игр и экономическое поведениеНейман, Джон,Моргенштерн, Оскар© Издательство «Наука», 1970 г.Theory of Games and Economic BehaviorNeumann, John,Morgenstern, Oskar© 1944 by Princeton University Press
Positive news from external markets became a reason for optimism in Ukraine as well, which manifested itself in a 14.5% upsurge of the PFTS index to 397 points.Позитивные новости с внешних рынков стали причиной оптимизма и в Украине, выразившимся в 14.5%-ом росте индекса ПФТС до отметки в 397 пунктов.© 2006 UFC Capital 11/23/2011© 2006 UFC Capital 11/23/2011
That is better manifested when calibrating X-ray apparatus with detector of higher spatial resolution.В лучшей мере это проявляется при калибровке рентгеновского аппарата с детектором, имеющим высокое пространственное разрешение. 11.11.2011 11.11.2011
In practice, at the moment of interrupting therapy, pathological symptoms associated with exacerbation of a disease, worsening treatment results and slowing down recovery rate are just manifested.На практике в момент перерыва лечения и проявляются патологические симптомы, связанные с обострением болезни, ухудшением результатов ее лечения и снижением скорости выздоровления. 11/1/2011 11/1/2011
A rather frequent development of tachyphylaxy, effect on the CNS manifested by disordered coordination, dizziness, feeling of flabbiness, lowered ability of concentrating attention are negative characteristics of these drugs.Отрицательной характеристикой этих препаратов является довольно частое развитие тахифилаксии, влияние на ЦНС, проявляющееся в нарушении координации, головокружении, чувстве вялости, снижение способности концентрировать внимание. 11/6/2011 11/6/2011
In contrast to the receptor's reaction to the action of cysteine, its effect in the composition of the coordination compound is manifested by activation of the receptor within the first hour after introduction of the coordination compound.В отличии от реакции рецептора на действие цистеина, его эффект в составе координационного соединения проявляется активацией рецептора в пределах первого часа после введения координационного соединения. 11.11.2011 11.11.2011
The way the police treated the strikers gave occasion enough for such political discord to be manifested.Обращение полиции со стачечниками дало немало поводов к проявлению такого разлада.Плеханов, Г. В. / Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. ЛавровуPlekhanov, G. V. / Our Differences. Letter to P. L. LavrovOur Differences. Letter to P. L. LavrovPlekhanov, G. V.Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. ЛавровуПлеханов, Г. В.© Государственное издательство политической литературы, 1949 г.
The intention to heal and the relationship which supports that intention are manifested through a ritual of some kind.Намерение исцелиться и отношения, поддерживающие это намерение, проявляются через некоторого рода ритуал.Dilts, Robert / Strategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola TeslaДилтс, Роберт / Стратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола ТеслаСтратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола ТеслаДилтс, Роберт© 1995 Robert B. Dilts© 1995 Meta Publications© 1998 Независимая фирма “Класс”, издание, оформление© 1998 Е.Н. Дружинина, перевод на русский языкStrategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola TeslaDilts, Robert© Copyright 1995 by Meta Publications
Exposure to a risk factor means that a person has, before becoming ill, come in contact with or has manifested the factor in question.Воздействие факторов риска всегда предшествует развитию заболевания.Fletcher, Robert,Fletcher, Suzanne,Wagner, Edward H. / Clinical epidemiologyФлетчер, Роберт,Флетчер, Сьюзан,Вагнер, Эдвард / Клиническая эпидемиологияКлиническая эпидемиологияФлетчер, Роберт,Флетчер, Сьюзан,Вагнер, Эдвард© 1996 Williams & Wilkins© Перевод на русский язык и оформление, "Медиа Сфера", 1997.Clinical epidemiologyFletcher, Robert,Fletcher, Suzanne,Wagner, Edward H.© 1996 Williams & Wilkins
Yet, in spite of these edifying memories, it would be difficult to explain the frivolity, absurdity and malice that were manifested beside the coffin of Father Zossima.Но несмотря даже и на столь внушительные воспоминания сии, всё же трудно было бы объяснить ту прямую причину, по которой у гроба старца Зосимы могло произойти столь легкомысленное, нелепое и злобное явление.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья КарамазовыБратья КарамазовыДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988The brothers KaramazovDostoevsky, Fyodor
But the long-term consequences of non-random individual death and reproductive success are manifested in the form of changing gene frequencies in the gene pool.Однако долговременные последствия неслучайных смерти и успеха размножения индивидуумов выражаются в форме изменяющихся частот генов в генофонде.Dawkins, Richard / The Selfish GeneДокинз, Ричард / Эгоистичный генЭгоистичный генДокинз, РичардThe Selfish GeneDawkins, Richard© Richard Dawkins 1989
I.e. what externally manifested mechanical actions of the executor were assessed by the prosecution as the seizure of the oil, the shares in the order prohibited by Art. 160 CrimC RF [Criminal Code of the Russian Federation],То есть, какие внешне проявляющиеся механические действия исполнителя были оценены обвинением как изъятие нефти или акций в запрещенном ст. 160 УК порядке.© ПРЕССЦЕНТР Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева, 2011 20.09.2011© 2011 The International Legal Team of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev 20.09.2011
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- 1.
Tradução adicionada por Zafar Tttt
be expressed / evinced / manifested
cargo manifest
грузовой манифест
cargo manifest
декларация судового груза
inward manifest
декларация по приходу
manifest constant
именованная константа
manifest constant
manifest constant
символическая константа
manifest criminality
явная преступность
manifest design
явное намерение
manifest deviation
manifest deviation
manifest deviation
manifest expression
статическое выражение
manifest freight train
сквозной грузовой состав с ограничениями по категориям вагонов и номенклатуре грузов
manifest hyperopia
явная дальнозоркость
Formas de palavra
Basic forms | |
Past | manifested |
Imperative | manifest |
Present Participle (Participle I) | manifesting |
Past Participle (Participle II) | manifested |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I manifest | we manifest |
you manifest | you manifest |
he/she/it manifests | they manifest |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am manifesting | we are manifesting |
you are manifesting | you are manifesting |
he/she/it is manifesting | they are manifesting |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have manifested | we have manifested |
you have manifested | you have manifested |
he/she/it has manifested | they have manifested |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been manifesting | we have been manifesting |
you have been manifesting | you have been manifesting |
he/she/it has been manifesting | they have been manifesting |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I manifested | we manifested |
you manifested | you manifested |
he/she/it manifested | they manifested |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was manifesting | we were manifesting |
you were manifesting | you were manifesting |
he/she/it was manifesting | they were manifesting |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had manifested | we had manifested |
you had manifested | you had manifested |
he/she/it had manifested | they had manifested |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been manifesting | we had been manifesting |
you had been manifesting | you had been manifesting |
he/she/it had been manifesting | they had been manifesting |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will manifest | we shall/will manifest |
you will manifest | you will manifest |
he/she/it will manifest | they will manifest |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be manifesting | we shall/will be manifesting |
you will be manifesting | you will be manifesting |
he/she/it will be manifesting | they will be manifesting |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have manifested | we shall/will have manifested |
you will have manifested | you will have manifested |
he/she/it will have manifested | they will have manifested |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been manifesting | we shall/will have been manifesting |
you will have been manifesting | you will have been manifesting |
he/she/it will have been manifesting | they will have been manifesting |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would manifest | we should/would manifest |
you would manifest | you would manifest |
he/she/it would manifest | they would manifest |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be manifesting | we should/would be manifesting |
you would be manifesting | you would be manifesting |
he/she/it would be manifesting | they would be manifesting |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have manifested | we should/would have manifested |
you would have manifested | you would have manifested |
he/she/it would have manifested | they would have manifested |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been manifesting | we should/would have been manifesting |
you would have been manifesting | you would have been manifesting |
he/she/it would have been manifesting | they would have been manifesting |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am manifested | we are manifested |
you are manifested | you are manifested |
he/she/it is manifested | they are manifested |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being manifested | we are being manifested |
you are being manifested | you are being manifested |
he/she/it is being manifested | they are being manifested |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been manifested | we have been manifested |
you have been manifested | you have been manifested |
he/she/it has been manifested | they have been manifested |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was manifested | we were manifested |
you were manifested | you were manifested |
he/she/it was manifested | they were manifested |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being manifested | we were being manifested |
you were being manifested | you were being manifested |
he/she/it was being manifested | they were being manifested |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been manifested | we had been manifested |
you had been manifested | you had been manifested |
he/she/it had been manifested | they had been manifested |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be manifested | we shall/will be manifested |
you will be manifested | you will be manifested |
he/she/it will be manifested | they will be manifested |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been manifested | we shall/will have been manifested |
you will have been manifested | you will have been manifested |
he/she/it will have been manifested | they will have been manifested |