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sem exemplosEncontrados em 8 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[gruːv] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.

      1. желобок, паз, вырез, прорез (искусственное углубление в дереве, железе); нарез (винтовки); спиральный желобок (в граммофонной пластинке)

      2. естественное углубление, выемка (в земле)

      3. рутина, привычка; привычный ход дел

      4. диал. карьер, рудник, шахта

      5. тех. калибр, ручей

    2. гл.

      1. тех. желобить, делать пазы, канавки

      2. прорывать, делать углубление

      3. заниматься рутиной, привычным делом

    1. сущ.; разг.

      1. высшая, прекрасная форма

      2. нечто приятное, возбуждающее

      3. определённый ритм

    2. гл.; разг.

      1. наслаждаться, получать огромное удовольствие

      2. гармонично взаимодействовать

Physics (En-Ru)


бороздка, канавка, паз, штрих (дифракционной решётки)

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Exemplos de textos

The size of this displacement (or amplitude of a periodic groove) would not be exceeding radius of a ball so as the ball to be in simultaneous contact to all three grooves.
Величина этого смещения (или амплитуда периодической дорожки) должна быть не больше радиуса тела качения, чтобы шарик мог находиться в одновременном контакте со всеми тремя дорожками качения.
The both plates are provided with a groove 20 for a hand.
Обе пластины выполнены с прорезью 20 - для руки.
A circular groove for fastening of an inserted cuff can be made on an external side of the body.
На наружной поверхности корпуса выполнена кольцевая канавка для крепления пришивной манжеты.
Said groove may be provided with a spring drawing information cards up to the plate surface or to the rims.
Паз может быть снабжен пружиной, поджимающей информационные карточки к поверхности пластины или к бортикам.
One of the plates may be made of a nontransparent material with a groove in which a transparent plate is arranged.
Одна из пластин может быть выполнена из непрозрачного материала с пазом, в котором установлена прозрачная пластина.
It is noteworthy that the geometry of at least one working surface of the piston 6 or groove 8 may be defined at least partially and the geometry of at least one external surface of the piston 6 and groove 8 may be defined at least partially.
При этом может задаваться по крайней мере, частично, геометрия, по крайней мере, одной рабочей поверхности Поршня 6 или Паза 8 и, например, по крайней мере, частично, геометрия, по крайней мере, одной наружной поверхности Поршня 6 или Паза 8.
In other embodiment shown in FIG. 5, the ball gearing is formed by the closed periodic groove 3 conjugated with toroid dimples 10. Each of dimples 10 is formed by rotating a circle having radius equal to a ball radius.
В передаче на фиг. 5 шариковое зацепление образовано замкнутой периодической канавкой 3 и тороидальными лунками 10, имеющими радиус вращающегося круга, равный радиусу шарика.
The cavitating core G is pressed along its gliding surface, having the diameter D, into a cartridge case U, which is squeezed into a groove 7.
Сердечник G запрессован глиссирующей поверхностью диаметром D в гильзу U, которая обжата в проточку 7 .
The plate may be embodied transparent and the groove may be made open from opposite sides of the plate.
Пластина может быть выполнена прозрачной, а паз может быть выполнен открытым с противоположных сторон.
The aforesaid with respect to an optimal geometry of the working surface of the groove 8 is also related to the TPS.
Вышесказанное относительно оптимальной геометрии рабочей поверхности Паза 8, относится и к ТПН. .
Said grooves are: periodic bent continuous groove 3 in the disk 1, and equiangularly spaced slots 25 in the disk 2.
На диске 1 это периодически изогнутая замкнутая дорожка 3, а на диске 2 - система разнесенных по окружности радиальных канавок 25.
Balls 5 movement along of radial slots 25 and orbital moving caused by their interaction with the sidewall 7 of immovable periodic groove 3, both result in turning of the disk 2 with radial slots 25, relative to disk 1.
Перемещение шариков 5 вдоль радиальных канавок 25 и их орбитальное перемещение, вызванное их 20 взаимодействием со стенкой 7 неподвижной периодической дорожки 3, вызовет поворот диска с радиальными канавками 25 относительно диска 1.
But when the diameter d2 is more than 1.7 d, the core may spall along the groove 20.
Однако при диаметре dг больше l,7d сердечник может не сколоться по проточке 20.
Accordingly, sites of groove 3 and dimple 22, laying opposite of increased walls, have reduced by the same value walls height.
Соответственно, участки канавок 3 и 22, лежащие напротив стенок увеличенной высоты, имеют высоту стенок, уменьшенную на такую же величину.
The endless groove of a cage 1 is made in the form of a direct ring slot 25.
Замкнутая дорожка качения на обойме 1 выполнена в виде прямой кольцевой канавки 25.

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

gruːvSubstantivoжелобок; паз; вырез; прорез; нарез; спиральный желобок

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.


    Tradução adicionada por Yulia🍰 Popova
  2. 2.


    Tradução adicionada por Eugenie


alveololingual groove
челюстно-язычный желобок
annular groove
кольцевой паз
armored ring groove
канавка поршневого кольца с вставкой
balancing groove
разгрузочная канавка
bicipital groove
межбугорковая борозда плечевой кости
blood groove
branchial groove
жаберная щель
carotid groove
борозда внутренней сонной артерии
carotid groove
сонная борозда
cavernous groove
борозда внутренней сонной артерии
cavernous groove
сонная борозда
chemically etched groove-coupled lasers
лазеры с связью через химически вытравленную канавку
choke groove
дроссельная канавка
clearance groove
стружечная канавка
condensation groove
лоток для конденсата

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)grooving
Past Participle (Participle II)grooved
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I groovewe groove
you grooveyou groove
he/she/it groovesthey groove
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am groovingwe are grooving
you are groovingyou are grooving
he/she/it is groovingthey are grooving
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have groovedwe have grooved
you have groovedyou have grooved
he/she/it has groovedthey have grooved
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been groovingwe have been grooving
you have been groovingyou have been grooving
he/she/it has been groovingthey have been grooving
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I groovedwe grooved
you groovedyou grooved
he/she/it groovedthey grooved
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was groovingwe were grooving
you were groovingyou were grooving
he/she/it was groovingthey were grooving
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had groovedwe had grooved
you had groovedyou had grooved
he/she/it had groovedthey had grooved
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been groovingwe had been grooving
you had been groovingyou had been grooving
he/she/it had been groovingthey had been grooving
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will groovewe shall/will groove
you will grooveyou will groove
he/she/it will groovethey will groove
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be groovingwe shall/will be grooving
you will be groovingyou will be grooving
he/she/it will be groovingthey will be grooving
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have groovedwe shall/will have grooved
you will have groovedyou will have grooved
he/she/it will have groovedthey will have grooved
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been groovingwe shall/will have been grooving
you will have been groovingyou will have been grooving
he/she/it will have been groovingthey will have been grooving
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would groovewe should/would groove
you would grooveyou would groove
he/she/it would groovethey would groove
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be groovingwe should/would be grooving
you would be groovingyou would be grooving
he/she/it would be groovingthey would be grooving
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have groovedwe should/would have grooved
you would have groovedyou would have grooved
he/she/it would have groovedthey would have grooved
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been groovingwe should/would have been grooving
you would have been groovingyou would have been grooving
he/she/it would have been groovingthey would have been grooving
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am groovedwe are grooved
you are groovedyou are grooved
he/she/it is groovedthey are grooved
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being groovedwe are being grooved
you are being groovedyou are being grooved
he/she/it is being groovedthey are being grooved
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been groovedwe have been grooved
you have been groovedyou have been grooved
he/she/it has been groovedthey have been grooved
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was groovedwe were grooved
you were groovedyou were grooved
he/she/it was groovedthey were grooved
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being groovedwe were being grooved
you were being groovedyou were being grooved
he/she/it was being groovedthey were being grooved
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been groovedwe had been grooved
you had been groovedyou had been grooved
he/she/it had been groovedthey had been grooved
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be groovedwe shall/will be grooved
you will be groovedyou will be grooved
he/she/it will be groovedthey will be grooved
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been groovedwe shall/will have been grooved
you will have been groovedyou will have been grooved
he/she/it will have been groovedthey will have been grooved


Common casegroovegrooves
Possessive casegroove'sgrooves'