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O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.




  1. = cooling-off охлаждение

  2. поглощение тепла

Physics (En-Ru)


выдерживание для распада, выдерживание радиоактивных веществ, охлаждение

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Exemplos de textos

The method claimed allows solving the problem using high resolution provided by the change of the nano- structures' cooling speed using the sources of laser radiation.
Предлагаемый метод позволяет решить эту проблему за счет высокого разрешения, обеспечиваемого измерением скорости охлаждения наноструктур с помощью лазерных источников излучения.
Usage of the through-type furnace eliminated cooling the billet at the so small supply speed.
Применение проходной печи исключает подстуживание заготовки при столь малой скорости ее подачи.
The slowest gas-dynamic cooling exists at detonation products throwout surrounded by massive ice or water covers.
Наиболее медленное газодинамическое охлаждение наблюдается при разлете продуктов детонации, окруженных массивными водяными или ледяными оболочками.
The positive AT value evidenced that in the presence of electric field, equilibrium in the working cell shifted towards cooling as compared to equilibrium in the comparison cell.
Положительное значение AT показывает, что в условиях наличия напряжения электрического поля равновесие в рабочей кювете смещается в сторону охлаждения 15 по сравнению с равновесием в кювете сравнения.
The necessity of carrying on this dialogue (his part in which was very slow; mine very quick) in a low tone, that the house might not be disturbed at an unseasonable hour, did not improve my temper; though my passion was cooling down.
Необходимость вести этот разговор понизив голос (он говорил очень медленно, а я очень быстро), чтобы в такой неурочный час не потревожить обитателей дома, не способствовала улучшению моего расположения духа; все же я немного остыл.
Dickens, Charles / David CopperfieldДиккенс, Чарльз / Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда
Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда
Диккенс, Чарльз
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1959
David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles
© CRW Publishing Limited 2004
It is expedient to effect bringing the working medium to another aggregate state by cooling the working medium in the form of a liquid to a temperature not higher than its boiling point.
Целесообразно перевод рабочего тела в другое агрегатное состояние осуществлять путем нагрева рабочего тела в виде жидкости не ниже точки ее кипения.
In the period from the beginning of freezing till the middle of winter, when fast cooling takes place and the ice cover grows, oil has very few ways to penetrate it.
В период с начала замерзания до середины зимы, когда происходит быстрое охлаждение и рост ледяного покрова, у нефти имеется очень мало путей для проникновения в лед.
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
In comparison with the prototype, the invention allows to separate the air cooling process from the circulating water cooling process.
По сравнению с прототипом изобретение позволяет отделить процесс охлаждения воздуха от процесса охлаждения оборотной воды.
heating up to 560° C., 8 h holding, air cooling.
нагрев до 560°C, выдержка 8 часов, охлаждение на воздухе.
So, in the first commercial models of thermocyclers, heating the reaction units was carried out by electrical heaters, while cooling was with either air or water.
Так, в первых коммерческих моделях термоциклеров, нагрев реакционных блоков осуществлялся за счет электрических тэнов, а охлаждение было или воздушным или водяным.
After linking the joints 11-1 . . . 11-4 the valves 10-1 . . . 10-4 are opened feeding beer through the communications 9 for dispense to the valve 18 for dispensing beer and cooling the loops with circulating liquid from the cooling unit.
После подстыковки разъемов 11-1...11 -4 открывают вентили 15 10-1...10-4, подавая пиво через коммуникации 9 для розлива на кран 18 розлива пива и охлаждая контуры оборотной жидкостью из узла охлаждения.
After cooling, the precipitate is filtered out and washed with methylene chloride.
По охлаждении осадок отфильтровывают и промывают хлористым метиленом.
Hie at cooling enabled formation of babbitt microstructure with a mean P-phase grain diameter of 30 (.un as shown in FIG. 6.
Такое охлаждение позволило сформировать микроструктуру баббита со средним размером зерен Р-фазы 30 мкм, приведенную на фиг.6.
The normal rate of cooling shell-type reactors (by 15° C. in an hour) may not be exceeded which is ensured by limiting the number and capacity of the pumps and heat exchangers for normal cooling.
Непревышение нормальной скорости охлаждения корпусных реакторов (15°С в час) обеспечивается ограничением числа и производительности насосов и теплообменников нормального расхолаживания.
Active solar systems take the power of the sun and harness it to heat buildings. Solar collectors absorb solar radiation and change it into heat energy. This thermal energy can then be used to provide hot water for space heating or cooling.
Активные солнечные системы поглощают энергию солнца в приемнике и преобразователе солнечной энергии (солнечном коллекторе) и преобразуют ее в тепловую энергию водяного теплоносителя, которая может затем быть использована для отопления и охлаждения.
© 2010 OECD/IEA
© 2010 OECD/IEA

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active cooling surface
эффективная поверхность охлаждения
active-cooling hypersonic aircraft
гиперзвуковой ЛА с активной системой охлаждения
adiabatic cooling
адиабатическое охлаждение
afterheat cooling
отвод остаточных тепловыделений
aerodynamics of cooling
аэродинамика системы охлаждения
air cooling
воздушное охлаждение
air cooling
кондиционирование воздуха
air cooling
охлаждение на воздухе
air-to-air cooling
воздушное охлаждение
air-to-water cooling
воздушно-водяное охлаждение
annular-cooling-space reactor
реактор с кольцевыми зонами охлаждения
artificial cooling
искусственное охлаждение
atmospheric cooling tower
открытая градирня
bank cooling
охлаждение в холодильнике

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)cooling
Past Participle (Participle II)cooled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I coolwe cool
you coolyou cool
he/she/it coolsthey cool
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am coolingwe are cooling
you are coolingyou are cooling
he/she/it is coolingthey are cooling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have cooledwe have cooled
you have cooledyou have cooled
he/she/it has cooledthey have cooled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been coolingwe have been cooling
you have been coolingyou have been cooling
he/she/it has been coolingthey have been cooling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I cooledwe cooled
you cooledyou cooled
he/she/it cooledthey cooled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was coolingwe were cooling
you were coolingyou were cooling
he/she/it was coolingthey were cooling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had cooledwe had cooled
you had cooledyou had cooled
he/she/it had cooledthey had cooled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been coolingwe had been cooling
you had been coolingyou had been cooling
he/she/it had been coolingthey had been cooling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will coolwe shall/will cool
you will coolyou will cool
he/she/it will coolthey will cool
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be coolingwe shall/will be cooling
you will be coolingyou will be cooling
he/she/it will be coolingthey will be cooling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have cooledwe shall/will have cooled
you will have cooledyou will have cooled
he/she/it will have cooledthey will have cooled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been coolingwe shall/will have been cooling
you will have been coolingyou will have been cooling
he/she/it will have been coolingthey will have been cooling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would coolwe should/would cool
you would coolyou would cool
he/she/it would coolthey would cool
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be coolingwe should/would be cooling
you would be coolingyou would be cooling
he/she/it would be coolingthey would be cooling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have cooledwe should/would have cooled
you would have cooledyou would have cooled
he/she/it would have cooledthey would have cooled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been coolingwe should/would have been cooling
you would have been coolingyou would have been cooling
he/she/it would have been coolingthey would have been cooling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am cooledwe are cooled
you are cooledyou are cooled
he/she/it is cooledthey are cooled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being cooledwe are being cooled
you are being cooledyou are being cooled
he/she/it is being cooledthey are being cooled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been cooledwe have been cooled
you have been cooledyou have been cooled
he/she/it has been cooledthey have been cooled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was cooledwe were cooled
you were cooledyou were cooled
he/she/it was cooledthey were cooled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being cooledwe were being cooled
you were being cooledyou were being cooled
he/she/it was being cooledthey were being cooled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been cooledwe had been cooled
you had been cooledyou had been cooled
he/she/it had been cooledthey had been cooled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be cooledwe shall/will be cooled
you will be cooledyou will be cooled
he/she/it will be cooledthey will be cooled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been cooledwe shall/will have been cooled
you will have been cooledyou will have been cooled
he/she/it will have been cooledthey will have been cooled


Common casecooling*coolings
Possessive casecooling's*coolings'