Exemplos de textos
There are several references to the aerial survey of Lunskoye field conducted in 2002 across the entire ES, but no outcomes of such survey provided.Несколько раз в тексте ОВОС упоминается о проведении в 2002 году аэросъемки Лунского месторождения, однако, результаты аэросъемки в материалах не представлены.© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006www.sakhalinenergy.com 30.09.2011© Sakhalin Energy 2006www.sakhalinenergy.com 30.09.2011
The evaluation of the effect of the balsam was conducted by comparing the acoustic properties of the skin before and after a two weeks' use.Оценку воздействия бальзама проводили путем сравнения акустических свойств кожи до и после 2-х недельного применения.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
Studies have been conducted for three months by a blind scheme, with stomatologist-epidemiologist conducting dental survey not knowing to which group each patient belongs.Исследование проводилось в течение трех месяцев по принципу слепого метода, то есть когда стоматолог-эпидемиолог, проводивший стоматологический осмотр, не знал, к какой группе относится данный пациент.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
Antioxidant therapy should be conducted at the beginning of reperfusion, the start time of which, in turn, is critical to prevent or minimize the development of myocardial infarction.Антиоксидантная терапия должна проводиться в самом начале реперфузии, время начала которой, в свою очередь, является критическим для предупреждения развития или минимизации инфаркта.http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011
The observation was conducted over a 3-month period; the progression of the symptoms listed in Table 6 was evaluated considering the initial symptoms as 100%.Сравнение с группой контроля производили по следующим, приведенным в Таблице 6, симптомам, исходя из 100% шкалы. Наблюдение производилось в течение трех месяцев. Развитие симптома оценивалось исходя из начального значения 100%.http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/24/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/24/2011
It is known as 'baseline' research and is conducted before the campaign begins, providing data on knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviour.Количественные исследования дают информацию об уровне знаний, отношении, практиках и моделях поведения, распространенных в обществе.
The experimental study was conducted on 56 out- breed ICR male and female mice weighing 18 to 24 g.В опытах было использовано 56 аутбредных мышах ICR обоего пола массой 18 -24 г.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011
In the Basic Education Programme, training and study visits for relevant staff were conducted with various ministries and non-governmental organizations.В рамках своей Программы базового образования ЮНИСЕФ совместно с различными министерствами и неправительственными организациями обеспечил проведение учебных и ознакомительных поездок для соответствующего персонала.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 11.03.2011© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 11.03.2011
They left the hall accordingly, Lord Menteith and the Captain being ushered one way by old Donald, and the two attendants conducted elsewhere by another Highlander.Все вышли из зала, и Доналд проводил Ментейта и капитана Дальгетти в одну сторону, а один из младших слуг повел обоих спутников лорда в другую.Scott, Walter / A Legend of MontroseСкотт, Вальтер / Легенда о МонтрозеЛегенда о МонтрозеСкотт, Вальтер© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1971A Legend of MontroseScott, Walter© 2008 by ICON Group International, Inc.
In the opinion of OIOS, to ensure best value for money, as a minimum, a market survey should be conducted to make certain that the total fees payable are still competitive.По мнению УСВН, для обеспечения наибольшей отдачи от вложенных средств следует как минимум провести обследование рынка, с тем чтобы убедиться, что общая сумма вознаграждения по-прежнему конкурентоспособна.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 22.09.2010© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 22.09.2010
To prove the invention's applicability experiments were conducted in mice to determine the sensitivity of the bone marrow cells to the impacts of various agents after introduction of the proposed agent in recommended dose.Для доказательства соответствия изобретения условию применимости выполнены эксперименты на мышах с целью определения чувствительности к различного рода воздействий клеток костного мозга после введения препарата в оптимальных дозах.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
We have planned and conducted the audit in such a manner as to obtain reasonable assurance that the Financial Statements do not contain any material misstatements.Аудит планировался и проводился таким образом, чтобы получить разумную уверенность в том, что бухгалтерская отчетность не содержит существенных искажений.http://www.kuzbassenergo.ru/ 11/23/2011© 2005-2011 JSC "Kuzbassenergo"http://www.kuzbassenergo.ru/ 11/23/2011
The creation of the company took place in April 1993 and has conducted the building of highways with both local and federal importance.Создание предприятия пришлось на апрель 1993 года, и вот уже второй десяток лет оно занимается строительством автомобильных дорог как местного, так и федерального значения.© eer.ru 2004 - 2008http://www.eer.ru/ 12/30/2011
If several election campaigns are conducted in parallel, several addressing shames are by the amount of these campaigns taking into account the TED created for each campaign.В случае проведения параллельно нескольких избирательных кампаний действуют несколько схем адресаций по числу этих кампаний с учетом ТВД, созданных для каждой кампании.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011
Training is being conducted by the CEC and various international organizations.Тренинг проводится ЦИК и различными международными организациями.© OSCE 1995–2010http://www.osce.org/ 22.08.2007
Adicionar ao meu dicionário
Não encontradoFrases
conducted emission
кондуктивное излучение
conducted interference
кондуктивная помеха
electrooculography conducted under conditions of dark light adaptation
be conducted
conducted interference
наводки по цепям питания
conducted party
conducted emission
излучение схемных проводов
be conducted
conducted tour
экскурсия с гидом
abusive conduct
оскорбительное поведение
adverse conduct of an officer
поведение должностного лица
adverse conduct of an officer
противоречащее его должностному статусу
alleged conduct
вменяемое в вину, инкриминируемое поведение
alleged conduct
предполагаемое поведение
Formas de palavra
Basic forms | |
Past | conducted |
Imperative | conduct |
Present Participle (Participle I) | conducting |
Past Participle (Participle II) | conducted |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I conduct | we conduct |
you conduct | you conduct |
he/she/it conducts | they conduct |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am conducting | we are conducting |
you are conducting | you are conducting |
he/she/it is conducting | they are conducting |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have conducted | we have conducted |
you have conducted | you have conducted |
he/she/it has conducted | they have conducted |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been conducting | we have been conducting |
you have been conducting | you have been conducting |
he/she/it has been conducting | they have been conducting |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I conducted | we conducted |
you conducted | you conducted |
he/she/it conducted | they conducted |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was conducting | we were conducting |
you were conducting | you were conducting |
he/she/it was conducting | they were conducting |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had conducted | we had conducted |
you had conducted | you had conducted |
he/she/it had conducted | they had conducted |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been conducting | we had been conducting |
you had been conducting | you had been conducting |
he/she/it had been conducting | they had been conducting |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will conduct | we shall/will conduct |
you will conduct | you will conduct |
he/she/it will conduct | they will conduct |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be conducting | we shall/will be conducting |
you will be conducting | you will be conducting |
he/she/it will be conducting | they will be conducting |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have conducted | we shall/will have conducted |
you will have conducted | you will have conducted |
he/she/it will have conducted | they will have conducted |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been conducting | we shall/will have been conducting |
you will have been conducting | you will have been conducting |
he/she/it will have been conducting | they will have been conducting |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would conduct | we should/would conduct |
you would conduct | you would conduct |
he/she/it would conduct | they would conduct |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be conducting | we should/would be conducting |
you would be conducting | you would be conducting |
he/she/it would be conducting | they would be conducting |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have conducted | we should/would have conducted |
you would have conducted | you would have conducted |
he/she/it would have conducted | they would have conducted |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been conducting | we should/would have been conducting |
you would have been conducting | you would have been conducting |
he/she/it would have been conducting | they would have been conducting |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am conducted | we are conducted |
you are conducted | you are conducted |
he/she/it is conducted | they are conducted |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being conducted | we are being conducted |
you are being conducted | you are being conducted |
he/she/it is being conducted | they are being conducted |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been conducted | we have been conducted |
you have been conducted | you have been conducted |
he/she/it has been conducted | they have been conducted |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was conducted | we were conducted |
you were conducted | you were conducted |
he/she/it was conducted | they were conducted |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being conducted | we were being conducted |
you were being conducted | you were being conducted |
he/she/it was being conducted | they were being conducted |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been conducted | we had been conducted |
you had been conducted | you had been conducted |
he/she/it had been conducted | they had been conducted |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be conducted | we shall/will be conducted |
you will be conducted | you will be conducted |
he/she/it will be conducted | they will be conducted |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been conducted | we shall/will have been conducted |
you will have been conducted | you will have been conducted |
he/she/it will have been conducted | they will have been conducted |