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O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[bʌmp] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.

      1. глухой тяжёлый удар; столкновение (обычно сильное)

      2. спорт. столкновение яхт при обгоне, след на корпусе яхты от столкновения (считается доказательством успешного обгона)

      3. опухоль; шишка

      4. изгиб, выпуклость; выпуклая вмятина, вздутие

      5. колдобина, выбоина

      6. разг. способность

      7. шишка (в френологии - отдел мозга, отвечающий за какую-л. способность)

      8. авиа воздушная яма

      9. разг. танец живота

    2. гл.

      1. ударяться; врезаться, наталкиваться

      2. (bump into) разг. случайно встретиться с (кем-л.), натолкнуться на (кого-л.)

      3. ударять, бить

      4. мор. сесть на мель, задеть килем дно

      5. спорт. "подрезать" впереди идущую яхту при обгоне и врезаться в неё; задеть впереди идущую яхту какой-л. частью своей (в некоторых правилах равносильно обгону)

      6. воен.; жарг. взрываться (о мине); подрываться (на мине, на минном поле)

      7. подпрыгивать, трястись (на ухабах), трясти (о самолёте)

      8. уволить

    3. нареч.

      с шумом; со стуком; с (глухим) ударом

    4. межд.

      шлёп! хлоп! бубух!

    1. сущ.

      крик выпи

    2. гл.

      кричать (о выпи)

Physics (En-Ru)


выступ кристалла, бамп

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Exemplos de textos

He let his foot off the brake and the car crawled forward down the driveway. It bumped over the curb and he brought it to a jerky stop.
Марк снял ногу с тормоза. Машина поползла вниз по подъездной аллее, наткнулась на край тротуара, и Марк порывисто остановил ее.
King, Stephen / Salem's LotКинг, Стивен / Салимов удел
Салимов удел
Кинг, Стивен
© Е.Ю. Александрова, 1992. Перевод
Salem's Lot
King, Stephen
© 1975 by Stephen King
He froze. Vigor bumped into him from behind.
Вдруг он замер на месте, и Вигор по инерции ткнулся в его спину.
Rollins, James / Map of BonesРоллинс, Джеймс / Кости волхвов
Кости волхвов
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Map of Bones
Rollins, James
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
"I walked around, bumped into another couple of dives.
– Так, шаталась, заглядывала в разные подвальчики.
Robb, J.D. / Immortal in DeathРобертс, Нора / Яд бессмертия
Яд бессмертия
Робертс, Нора
© 1996 by Nora Roberts
© Издание на русском языке ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
© Перевод. А. Кабалкин, 2001
Immortal in Death
Robb, J.D.
© 1996 by Nora Roberts
But last week she received a shock when in the lobby of the Kapitaliste Hotel she bumped into her opposite number at Sparky-Cola.
Но на прошлой неделе она испытала настоящее потрясение, столкнувшись в «Капиталист-отеле», где она остановилась в Дырастане, со своими соперниками из «Спарки-колы».
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов
Принципы корпоративных финансов
Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт
© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004
Principles of Corporate Finance
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart
© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003
I bumped back, in the silence.
Я молча отвечал тем же.
Child, Lee / The EnemyЧайлд, Ли / Враг
Чайлд, Ли
© 2004 by Lee Child
© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
The Enemy
Child, Lee
© 2004 by Lee Child
The river between towns was heavily travelled. There seemed to be no organized pattern to the traffic, and the boats occasionally bumped into each other. Such incidents were usually accompanied by an exchange of curses and insults.
По реке между ним и Дабоуром сновало множество суденышек, движение было не особенно организованно, и лодки то и дело сталкивались, и тогда над рекой повисали истошные вопли и ругань матросов.
Eddings, David / Diamond ThroneЭддингс, Дэвид / Алмазный трон
Алмазный трон
Эддингс, Дэвид
Diamond Throne
Eddings, David
© 1989 by David Eddings
It bumped closed with a solid snap of the latch.
Замок с громким щелчком закрылся.
Rollins, James / Map of BonesРоллинс, Джеймс / Кости волхвов
Кости волхвов
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Map of Bones
Rollins, James
© 2005 by Jim Czajkowski
At dawn he pulled off it, bumped across a shallow roadside ditch, drove through an old field overgrown with weeds and brush, and parked in a grove of oaks at one end of the field.
На рассвете он съехал с нее, проехал по старому, заросшему сорняками и кустарником полю и остановился у дубовой рощи.
Simak, Clifford D. / Why Call Them Back from HeavenСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
Зачем их звать обратно с небес?
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© Перевод. А. Левкин, 2005
© 1967 by Clifford D. Simak
Why Call Them Back from Heaven
Simak, Clifford D.
©, 1967, by Clifford D. Simak
In many places the route was only a little wider than the Castor itself, and it bumped against its neighbors, its swaddling of rope and rubber absorbing the impact.
Во многих местах канал был лишь чуть-чуть шире самого «Кастора», и корабль, проходя, ударялся о суда по сторонам коридора, но резина и канаты на его бортах смягчали удары.
Mieville, China / The ScarМьевиль, Чайна / Шрам
Мьевиль, Чайна
© Перевод. Г. Крылов, 2008
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
© 2002 by China Mieville
The Scar
Mieville, China
© 2002 by China Mieville
Here the opposite was the case; one assumed that everybody one bumped into was a stranger, and meeting a familiar face was generally a cause for joy and celebration.
Здесь же все наоборот: кругом чужие, а увидеть знакомое лицо – большая радость и удача.
Banks, Iain / WhitБэнкс, Иэн / Умм, или Исида среди Неспасенных
Умм, или Исида среди Неспасенных
Бэнкс, Иэн
© 1995 by Iain Banks
© Е. Петрова, перевод, 2006
© ООО "ИД "Домино", 2007
Banks, Iain
© 1995 Iain Banks
And the hell of it was, she thought as the cat bumped his head against her leg, he meant both those things absolutely.
А самое страшное было в том, – Ева это поняла, когда проснувшийся кот боднул головой ее ногу, – что он абсолютно искренен и в том, и в другом случае.
Robb, J.D. / Creation In DeathРобертс, Нора / Образ смерти
Образ смерти
Робертс, Нора
© 2007 by Nora Roberts
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
© Перевод. Н. Миронова, 2009
Creation In Death
Robb, J.D.
© 2007 by Nora Roberts
The Whitecloak barely caught himself and started an angry oath at the man who had bumped him when another man staggered him with a deliberate, aimed shoulder.
Белоплащник с трудом удержался на ногах и принялся было осыпать гневными проклятиями наскочившего на него мужчину, но другой прохожий явно намеренно ударил его плечом.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
The ship bumped gently into fenders.
Корабль мягко ударился о кранцы.
Duncan, Dave / Coming of WisdomДункан, Дэйв / Обретение мудрости
Обретение мудрости
Дункан, Дэйв
Coming of Wisdom
Duncan, Dave
© 1988 by D. J. Duncan
The car bumped about, getting whipped by brambles, and long grass swept and crackled underneath it like rushing water beneath a boat.
Машина переваливалась на рытвинах, кусты ежевики стегали ее по бокам, высокая трава скребла по днищу, точно стремительное течение под шлюпкой.
Waters, Sarah / The Night WatchУотерс, Сара / Ночной дозор
Ночной дозор
Уотерс, Сара
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
© А. Сафронов, перевод с английского, 2008
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
The Night Watch
Waters, Sarah
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
But when she'd turned the corner, she'd bumped into that strange man.
Но стоило ей завернуть за угол, как она налетела на какого-то странного типа.
De la Cruz, Melissa / Blue BloodsДе ла Круз, Мелисса / Голубая кровь
Голубая кровь
Де ла Круз, Мелисса
© Перевод. О. Степашкина, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо». 2010
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods
De la Cruz, Melissa
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz

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Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.

    прошедшее время от to bump

    Tradução adicionada por Holy Moly
    Ouro en-ru


air-bumped-and-rinse operation
обдувка воздухом с последующей отмывкой
bumped component
элемент с шариковыми выводами
bumped head
выпуклое днище
bumped chip-carrier
кристаллоноситель со столбиковыми выводами
bumped tape-automated bonding
автоматическое присоединение кристаллов к столбиковым выводам на ленточном носителе
bumped tape-automated bonding
автоматизированное присоединение кристаллов к столбиковым выводам
bumped wafer
полупроводниковая пластина с интегральными структурами
bump against
наскочить на
bump against
bump equalizer
корректор частотной характеристики по трем точкам
bump function
выпуклая функция
bump of locality
способность ориентироваться на местности
bump off
bump off
bump off
устранить силой

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)bumping
Past Participle (Participle II)bumped
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I bumpwe bump
you bumpyou bump
he/she/it bumpsthey bump
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am bumpingwe are bumping
you are bumpingyou are bumping
he/she/it is bumpingthey are bumping
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have bumpedwe have bumped
you have bumpedyou have bumped
he/she/it has bumpedthey have bumped
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been bumpingwe have been bumping
you have been bumpingyou have been bumping
he/she/it has been bumpingthey have been bumping
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I bumpedwe bumped
you bumpedyou bumped
he/she/it bumpedthey bumped
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was bumpingwe were bumping
you were bumpingyou were bumping
he/she/it was bumpingthey were bumping
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had bumpedwe had bumped
you had bumpedyou had bumped
he/she/it had bumpedthey had bumped
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been bumpingwe had been bumping
you had been bumpingyou had been bumping
he/she/it had been bumpingthey had been bumping
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will bumpwe shall/will bump
you will bumpyou will bump
he/she/it will bumpthey will bump
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be bumpingwe shall/will be bumping
you will be bumpingyou will be bumping
he/she/it will be bumpingthey will be bumping
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have bumpedwe shall/will have bumped
you will have bumpedyou will have bumped
he/she/it will have bumpedthey will have bumped
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been bumpingwe shall/will have been bumping
you will have been bumpingyou will have been bumping
he/she/it will have been bumpingthey will have been bumping
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would bumpwe should/would bump
you would bumpyou would bump
he/she/it would bumpthey would bump
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be bumpingwe should/would be bumping
you would be bumpingyou would be bumping
he/she/it would be bumpingthey would be bumping
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have bumpedwe should/would have bumped
you would have bumpedyou would have bumped
he/she/it would have bumpedthey would have bumped
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been bumpingwe should/would have been bumping
you would have been bumpingyou would have been bumping
he/she/it would have been bumpingthey would have been bumping
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am bumpedwe are bumped
you are bumpedyou are bumped
he/she/it is bumpedthey are bumped
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being bumpedwe are being bumped
you are being bumpedyou are being bumped
he/she/it is being bumpedthey are being bumped
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been bumpedwe have been bumped
you have been bumpedyou have been bumped
he/she/it has been bumpedthey have been bumped
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was bumpedwe were bumped
you were bumpedyou were bumped
he/she/it was bumpedthey were bumped
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being bumpedwe were being bumped
you were being bumpedyou were being bumped
he/she/it was being bumpedthey were being bumped
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been bumpedwe had been bumped
you had been bumpedyou had been bumped
he/she/it had been bumpedthey had been bumped
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be bumpedwe shall/will be bumped
you will be bumpedyou will be bumped
he/she/it will be bumpedthey will be bumped
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been bumpedwe shall/will have been bumped
you will have been bumpedyou will have been bumped
he/she/it will have been bumpedthey will have been bumped