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sem exemplosEncontrados em 5 dicionários

O Dicionário Universal Inglês-Russo
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[brænd] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. торговая марка, бренд

    2. разновидность, сорт

    3. выжженное клеймо (на скоте); тавро

    4. клеймо, печать позора

    5. головня, угли; кусок железа

    6. поэт. факел

    7. поэт. меч

  2. гл.

      1. выжигать клеймо, клеймить

      2. маркировать

    1. клеймить, позорить

    2. прижигать (рану)

    3. отпечатываться в памяти, оставлять неизгладимое впечатление

    4. марк. брендировать (давать фирменное название, создавать фирменный дизайн, имидж)

Law (En-Ru)


  1. товарный [торговый, фирменный] знак; марка; (фабричное или заводское) клеймо | ставить товарный [торговый, фирменный] знак; маркировать; ставить (фирменное или заводское) клеймо

  2. истор. клеймить (осуждённого преступника)

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Exemplos de textos

So we are going to dance to-night," said Seriosha, issuing from the drawing-room and taking out of his pocket a brand new pair of gloves.
- Э! да у вас, видно, будут танцы, - сказал Сережа, выходя из гостиной и доставая из кармана новую пару лайковых перчаток, - надо перчатки надевать.
Толстой, Л.Н. / ДетствоTolstoy, Leo / Childhood
Tolstoy, Leo
© 2007 Objective Systems Pty Ltd
Толстой, Л.Н.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1960
As Langdon ran, his thoughts turned over and over in a kaleidoscope of confounding images—Kohler, Janus, the Hassassin, Rocher . . . a sixth brand?
Пока Лэнгдон бежал, перед его мысленным взором, как в калейдоскопе, мелькали какие-то смутные образы: Колер, Янус, ассасин, Рошер… шестое клеймо…
Brown, Dan / Angels and DemonsБраун, Дэн / Ангелы и демоны
Ангелы и демоны
Браун, Дэн
© Dan Brown, 2000
© Перевод. Г.Б. Косов, 2004
© ООО «Издательство ACT», 2005
Angels and Demons
Brown, Dan
© 2000 by Dan Brown
"Just plain old cow-brand cheddar."
— Всего лишь обычный традиционный чеддер.
Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые
Зеленые и серые
Зан, Тимоти
The Green And The Gray
Zahn, Timothy
© 2004 by Timothy Zahn
Key words: make commodity strategy, organization's brand, innovative branded product, cooperative organization.
Ключевые слова: марочная товарная стратегия, бренд организации, инновационный марочный товар, кооперативная организация.
As a consequence of this methodology, it can happen that a brand new machine at a secure military installation can be attacked within hours of its being attached to the Internet, even though no one but the administrator even knows about it yet.
В результате может оказаться, что только что установленный секретный военный компьютер может быть атакован уже через несколько часов после подключения к Интернету, хотя никто, кроме администратора, еще не знает об этом компьютере.
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. / Modern Operating SystemsТаненбаум, Эндрю / Современные операционные системы
Современные операционные системы
Таненбаум, Эндрю
© Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001
© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2002
© ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2002
Modern Operating Systems
Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
© Prentice Hall, Inc., 2001
In total at domestic aircraft building plants there have been manufactured about 45000 aircraft of "MiG" brand, from which 11000 aircraft have been exported.
Всего на отечественных авиастроительных заводах было построено около 45000 самолетов марки «МиГ», из них 11000 поставлены на экспорт.
© Corporation "MiG" 2002
They ceased to talk, and Sid read; but Kipps, falling behind with the reading, and not wishing to admit that he read slower than Sid, whose education was of the inferior Elementary School brand, lapsed into meditation.
Разговор оборвался. Сид взялся за книгу, а Киппс, который не поспевал за ним и не хотел признаваться, что читает медленнее Сида, окончившего самую обыкновенную начальную школу, отдался своим мыслям.
Wells, Herbert George / KippsУэллс, Герберт / Киппс
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells, 1905
A rod of commercially pure titanium of the brand CP Grade 4 with a diameter of 40 mm and a length of 150 mm was used as an initial billet.
В качестве исходной заготовки использовали пруток из технически чистого титана марки CP Grade 4 диаметром 40 мм и длиной 150 мм.
This partition was empty, but it clearly was intended to hold another brand . . . a brand much larger than the others, and perfectly square.
Оно было пустым, однако явно предназначалось для еще одного клейма… гораздо большего, чем остальные, и при этом с квадратной головкой.
Brown, Dan / Angels and DemonsБраун, Дэн / Ангелы и демоны
Ангелы и демоны
Браун, Дэн
© Dan Brown, 2000
© Перевод. Г.Б. Косов, 2004
© ООО «Издательство ACT», 2005
Angels and Demons
Brown, Dan
© 2000 by Dan Brown
The sections that follow contain detailed instructions for installing each brand of SQL DBMS.
Ниже приводятся подробные инструкции по инсталляции каждого из продуктов.
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N. / SQL: The Complete ReferenceГрофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н. / SQL: Полное руководство
SQL: Полное руководство
Грофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н.
© Издательская группа BHV, Киев, 2001
© McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999
© Издательство "Ирина", Киев, 2001
SQL: The Complete Reference
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N.
© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
Thus, it was decided that all members of the conglomerate would be united under the single brand, BTA, and the bank itself would change its name to BTA Bank.
Таким образом, было принято решение, что все входящие в банковский конгломерат банки будут объединены единым брендом - БТА. Сам банк будет называться БТА Банк.
Далхаймер, Маттиас Калле
лхаймер, Маттиас Калле
Далхаймер, Маттиас Калл
© 2009-2011 «БТА Банк»
http://bta.kz/ 24.11.2011
© 2009-2011 «BTA Bank»
http://bta.kz/ 24.11.2011
Franklin came back in with the coffee, which was a thin own-brand brew in three nonmatching pottery mugs, two of them chipped, on a cork bar tray, with an open carton of half-and-half and a yellow box of sugar and a single pressed-steel spoon.
Франклин вернулся с кофе, налитым в три разные фаянсовые чашки, две из которых были щербатыми. Чашки он принес на пробковом подносе вместе с открытым пакетом молока, желтой сахарницей и одной ложкой из штампованной стали.
Child, Lee / One ShotЧайлд, Ли / Выстрел
Чайлд, Ли
© 2005 by Lee Child
© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2009
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
One Shot
Child, Lee
© 2005 by Lee Child
The latter made travel to unfamiliar locations more common and created the need to have national brand names as a way to demonstrate quality to customers in these locations.
Последнее способствовало поездкам на дальние расстояния и возникновению необходимости появления национальных брендов как средства демонстрации качества в более отдаленных районах.
Shane, Scott A. / From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your CompanyШейн, Скотт А. / От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
Шейн, Скотт А.
© Баланс Бизнес Букс, 2006
© перевод О. Теплых
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your Company
Shane, Scott A.
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Instead of wasting all your time trying to build your own, you ought to buy a brand new transistor job.
Чем тратить силы и время на то, чтобы это собрать, проще пойти в аудиомагазин и купить себе новенький на транзисторах.
Murakami, Haruki / Dance, dance, danceМураками, Харуки / Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Мураками, Харуки
© Haruki Murakami 1991 "Dansu, dansu, dansu"
© Дмитрий Коваленин, 2001
Dance, dance, dance
Murakami, Haruki
© 1994 by Kodansha International Ltd.
The intangible characteristics that make a product more than simply useful are what differentiate expensive products from cheap products, and include design, brand name, and environmental friendliness.
Именно нематериальные характеристики, делающие продукцию больше, чем просто полезной, отличают дорогие товары от дешевых и включают дизайн, торговую марку и экологичность.
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011

Adicionar ao meu dicionário

brændSubstantivoторговая марка; брендExemplo

corporate brand — корпоративный бренд
stand-alone brand — одиночный бренд
umbrella brand — зонтичный бренд
brand image — имидж торговой марки
10 % discount for own-brand products — 10% скидка на товары под собственным брендом

Traduções de usuários

Categoria gramatical não definida

  1. 1.

    тавро, клеймо

    фирменная марка, торговая марка


    Tradução adicionada por Irena O
    Bronze en-ru
  2. 2.

    Торговая марка, производитель, бренд

    Tradução adicionada por Лиззи Беннет
  3. 3.


    Tradução adicionada por Alex Hrypun
    Bronze en-ru
  4. 4.

    брэнд, марка

    Tradução adicionada por Евгений Жабаровский
    Bronze en-ru


alteration of brand
вытравление клейма
alteration of brand
brand acceptance
готовность потребителя покупать лишь какой-то определенный сорт одного и того же продукта
brand advantage
преимущество торговой марки
brand advertising
реклама бренда
brand assortment
ассортимент марочных товаров
brand assortment
марочный ассортимент
brand attitude
отношение к марке
brand attributes
атрибуты бренда
brand awareness
знание марки
brand awareness
осведомленность о торговой марке
brand awareness
уровень информированности о бренде
brand beliefs
мнения о торговой марке
brand blotter
brand cannibalization
каннибализация бренда

Formas de palavra


Common casebrandbrands
Possessive casebrand'sbrands'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)branding
Past Participle (Participle II)branded
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I brandwe brand
you brandyou brand
he/she/it brandsthey brand
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am brandingwe are branding
you are brandingyou are branding
he/she/it is brandingthey are branding
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have brandedwe have branded
you have brandedyou have branded
he/she/it has brandedthey have branded
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been brandingwe have been branding
you have been brandingyou have been branding
he/she/it has been brandingthey have been branding
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I brandedwe branded
you brandedyou branded
he/she/it brandedthey branded
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was brandingwe were branding
you were brandingyou were branding
he/she/it was brandingthey were branding
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had brandedwe had branded
you had brandedyou had branded
he/she/it had brandedthey had branded
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been brandingwe had been branding
you had been brandingyou had been branding
he/she/it had been brandingthey had been branding
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will brandwe shall/will brand
you will brandyou will brand
he/she/it will brandthey will brand
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be brandingwe shall/will be branding
you will be brandingyou will be branding
he/she/it will be brandingthey will be branding
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have brandedwe shall/will have branded
you will have brandedyou will have branded
he/she/it will have brandedthey will have branded
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been brandingwe shall/will have been branding
you will have been brandingyou will have been branding
he/she/it will have been brandingthey will have been branding
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would brandwe should/would brand
you would brandyou would brand
he/she/it would brandthey would brand
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be brandingwe should/would be branding
you would be brandingyou would be branding
he/she/it would be brandingthey would be branding
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have brandedwe should/would have branded
you would have brandedyou would have branded
he/she/it would have brandedthey would have branded
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been brandingwe should/would have been branding
you would have been brandingyou would have been branding
he/she/it would have been brandingthey would have been branding
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am brandedwe are branded
you are brandedyou are branded
he/she/it is brandedthey are branded
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being brandedwe are being branded
you are being brandedyou are being branded
he/she/it is being brandedthey are being branded
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been brandedwe have been branded
you have been brandedyou have been branded
he/she/it has been brandedthey have been branded
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was brandedwe were branded
you were brandedyou were branded
he/she/it was brandedthey were branded
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being brandedwe were being branded
you were being brandedyou were being branded
he/she/it was being brandedthey were being branded
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been brandedwe had been branded
you had been brandedyou had been branded
he/she/it had been brandedthey had been branded
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be brandedwe shall/will be branded
you will be brandedyou will be branded
he/she/it will be brandedthey will be branded
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been brandedwe shall/will have been branded
you will have been brandedyou will have been branded
he/she/it will have been brandedthey will have been branded