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O Novo Dicionário Biológico Inglês-Russo
  • Сontains 72,000 terms on all branches of biology:
  • - botany, zoology, microbiology, cytology, histology, systematics, genetics, ethology, molecular biology, etc., names of plants and animals.


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Exemplos de textos

Then he asked what the future consequences might be of a ballooning federal deficit.
Затем он спросил, каковы могут быть в будущем последствия увеличения бюджетного дефицита.
Weiss, Martin D. / Crash Profits: Make Money When Stocks Sink And SoarВайс, Мартин Д. / Делай деньги во время паники на бирже
Делай деньги во время паники на бирже
Вайс, Мартин Д.
© 2003 by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
© ЗАО Издательский дом "Питер", перевод на русский язык, 2005
© ЗАО Издательский дом "Питер", издание на русском языке, оформление, 2005
Crash Profits: Make Money When Stocks Sink And Soar
Weiss, Martin D.
© 2003 by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.
The Dendarii kept ballooning.
Дендарийский флот рос, как снежный ком.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / The Warrior's ApprenticeБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Ученик воина
Ученик воина
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
© перевод С. Роя, С. Курдюкова, 1995
The Warrior's Apprentice
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
Within, men in coats cut away over ballooning knee breeches mingled with women in elaborate gowns: The room was so huge that the orchestra played from a balcony, above the heads of the court.
Внутри мужчины в камзолах, укороченных так, чтобы открыть пышные в коленях панталоны, были едва заметны в обществе женщин, одетых в немыслимо сложные вечерние платья. Зал был так огромен, что оркестр играл на балконе, прямо над головами собравшихся.
Stross, Charles / The Family TradeСтросс, Чарльз / Семейное дело
Семейное дело
Стросс, Чарльз
The Family Trade
Stross, Charles
© 2004 by Charles Stross
Yet, even knowing this, it was a strain on the nerves to watch that giant globe ballooning minute by minute.
Пул и Боумен хорошо знали это, но все же смотреть на гигантский, с каждой минутой разбухавший шар было страшновато.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / 2001 A Space OdysseyКларк, Артур Чарльз / 2001: Космическая одиссея
2001: Космическая одиссея
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
© Издательство "Мир", 1970
2001 A Space Odyssey
Clarke, Arthur Charles
© Arthur С. Clarke and Polaris Productions, Inc., 1968
Pvt. John Slaughter of the 116th Regiment, U.S. 29th Division, also described the scene: "After dark an enemy ME-109 fighter plane flew over the entire Allied fleet, from right to left and just above the barrage balloons.
Рядовой Джон Слотер из 116-го полка 299-й дивизии США также описывает эту сцену: «Когда стемнело, вражеский истребитель „Me-109“ пролетел над всем флотом союзников справа налево, прямо над аэростатами заграждения.
Ambrose, Stephen / D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War IIАмброз, Стивен / День «Д». 6 июня 1944 г.: Величайшее сражение Второй мировой войны
День «Д». 6 июня 1944 г.: Величайшее сражение Второй мировой войны
Амброз, Стивен
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2003
© Пер. с англ. И.В. Лобанова, А.В. Короленкова
© 1994 by Ambrose-Tubbs, Inc.
D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II
Ambrose, Stephen
©2003 by J. Ross Publishing, Inc.
He couldn’t have been more surprised had there been a rowdy group with balloons and noisemakers having fun at his expense.
И если бы там оказалась толпа с воздушными шариками и свистками, ликующая при виде его замешательства, он бы ничуть не удивился.
Brown, Sandra / RicochetБраун, Сандра / Рикошет
Браун, Сандра
© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.
© Перевод. С. Панина, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
Brown, Sandra
© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.
We are not in the boudoir of a mincing lady, but like two abstract creatures in a balloon who have met to speak the truth.
Мы не в будуаре жеманной дамы, а как бы два отвлеченные существа на воздушном шаре, встретившиеся, чтобы высказать правду.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1989
The possessed
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The observer launches some sort of small balloon into the air, and, taking careful aim, shoots from his gun a burst of photons to strike the balloon.
Наблюдатель запускает в воздух нечто вроде воздушного шара и, тщательно прицелившись, дает из своей пушки «пулеметную очередь» фотонов, стараясь попасть в шар.
Synge, J.L. / Relativity: The general theoryСинг, Дж.Л. / Общая теория относительности
Общая теория относительности
Синг, Дж.Л.
Relativity: The general theory
Synge, J.L.
On the whole a guttural variant of English prevailed in the sentences that alighted upon the balloon; chiefly he was told to "gome down or you will be shot."
Смысл большинства долетавших до Берта фраз, произносимых на гортанном ломаном английском языке, сводился к одному: «Спускайтесь — не то мы будем стрелять».
Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухе
Война в воздухе
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
The war in the air
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
On the horizon float the bright yellow, sunlit observation-balloons, and the many little white clouds of the anti-aircraft shells.
На горизонте повисли ярко освещенные желтые аэростаты и белые облачка - разрывы зенитных снарядов.
Remarque, Erich Maria / All Quiet on the Western FrontРемарк, Эрих Мария / На Западном фронте без перемен
На Западном фронте без перемен
Ремарк, Эрих Мария
© Издательство «Правда», 1985
All Quiet on the Western Front
Remarque, Erich Maria
© 1929 by Little, Brown, and Company
The man he had spoken to was gaping up at the runaway balloon. “Figlio d’una mignotta!
Мужчина, с которым Роберт разговаривал раньше, открыв рот от изумления, смотрел на поднимающийся шар.
Sheldon, Sidney / The Doomsday ConspiracyШелдон, Сидни / Конец света
Конец света
Шелдон, Сидни
© Sidney Sheldon Family Limited Partnership, 1991
© Перевод. А.П. Романов, 1993
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
The Doomsday Conspiracy
Sheldon, Sidney
© 1991 by Sheldon Literary Trust
"Perhaps if they had drunk a little more they would have been blowing up balloons."
– Наверно, если бы они побольше выпили, они бы стали надувать шарики.
Greene, Henry Graham / Monsignor QuixoteГрин, Генри Грэм / Монсеньор Кихот
Монсеньор Кихот
Грин, Генри Грэм
© Издательство "Молодая гвардия", 1989
Monsignor Quixote
Greene, Henry Graham
© Graham Greene, 1982
Right: The ATIC cosmic ray detector ascends to the stratosphere tethered to a high-altitude research balloon.
На снимках сверху: детектор космических лучей ATIC поднимается в стратосферу, привязанный к воздушному шару для исследований верхних слоев атмосферы и другие снимки запуска.
© Astrogorizont.com
© European Space Agency
© 1999–2011, Universe Today
Except in its moments of descent, the balloon was a vehicle of faultless urbanity; this was a buck- jumping mule, a mule that jumped up and never came down again.
Если не считать минут спуска, воздушный шар вел себя с безукоризненной вежливостью; это же была не машина, а гарцующий осел, который к тому же упрямо скакал все только вверх и вверх.
Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухе
Война в воздухе
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
The war in the air
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
The efficacy of prolonged repeated dilatation of the coronary arteries using a perfusion balloon in extensive dissections of varying directions
Эффективность применения длительной повторной дилатации коронарных артерий с использованием перфузионного баллона при обширных диссекциях различной направленности
© Copyright 1998-2010 Russian society of Angiogitst & Vascular surgeons
© Copyright 1998-2010 Russian society of Angiogitst & Vascular surgeons

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ballooning colliquation
баллонирующая дегенерация
ballooning degeneration
баллонирующая дистрофия
ballooning degeneration
баллонная дистрофия
pipe ballooning
раздувание трубы
ballooning degeneration
баллонирующая дегенерация
ballooning degeneration
клеточная баллонирующая дистрофия
ballooning stress
напряжение при внутреннем давлении
scientific ballooning
проведение научных исследований с помощью шаров-зондов
Panel on Technical Problems related to Scientific Ballooning
Группа по техническим вопросам, связанным с запуском исследовательских шаров-зондов
automated balloon
автоматический аэростат
balloon angioplasty
баллонная ангиопластика
balloon automaton
емкостный автомат
balloon catheter
катетер Фогарти
balloon catheter
balloon cell
элемент Мейдингера

Formas de palavra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)ballooning
Past Participle (Participle II)ballooned
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I balloonwe balloon
you balloonyou balloon
he/she/it balloonsthey balloon
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am ballooningwe are ballooning
you are ballooningyou are ballooning
he/she/it is ballooningthey are ballooning
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have balloonedwe have ballooned
you have balloonedyou have ballooned
he/she/it has balloonedthey have ballooned
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been ballooningwe have been ballooning
you have been ballooningyou have been ballooning
he/she/it has been ballooningthey have been ballooning
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I balloonedwe ballooned
you balloonedyou ballooned
he/she/it balloonedthey ballooned
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was ballooningwe were ballooning
you were ballooningyou were ballooning
he/she/it was ballooningthey were ballooning
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had balloonedwe had ballooned
you had balloonedyou had ballooned
he/she/it had balloonedthey had ballooned
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been ballooningwe had been ballooning
you had been ballooningyou had been ballooning
he/she/it had been ballooningthey had been ballooning
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will balloonwe shall/will balloon
you will balloonyou will balloon
he/she/it will balloonthey will balloon
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be ballooningwe shall/will be ballooning
you will be ballooningyou will be ballooning
he/she/it will be ballooningthey will be ballooning
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have balloonedwe shall/will have ballooned
you will have balloonedyou will have ballooned
he/she/it will have balloonedthey will have ballooned
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been ballooningwe shall/will have been ballooning
you will have been ballooningyou will have been ballooning
he/she/it will have been ballooningthey will have been ballooning
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would balloonwe should/would balloon
you would balloonyou would balloon
he/she/it would balloonthey would balloon
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be ballooningwe should/would be ballooning
you would be ballooningyou would be ballooning
he/she/it would be ballooningthey would be ballooning
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have balloonedwe should/would have ballooned
you would have balloonedyou would have ballooned
he/she/it would have balloonedthey would have ballooned
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been ballooningwe should/would have been ballooning
you would have been ballooningyou would have been ballooning
he/she/it would have been ballooningthey would have been ballooning
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am balloonedwe are ballooned
you are balloonedyou are ballooned
he/she/it is balloonedthey are ballooned
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being balloonedwe are being ballooned
you are being balloonedyou are being ballooned
he/she/it is being balloonedthey are being ballooned
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been balloonedwe have been ballooned
you have been balloonedyou have been ballooned
he/she/it has been balloonedthey have been ballooned
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was balloonedwe were ballooned
you were balloonedyou were ballooned
he/she/it was balloonedthey were ballooned
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being balloonedwe were being ballooned
you were being balloonedyou were being ballooned
he/she/it was being balloonedthey were being ballooned
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been balloonedwe had been ballooned
you had been balloonedyou had been ballooned
he/she/it had been balloonedthey had been ballooned
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be balloonedwe shall/will be ballooned
you will be balloonedyou will be ballooned
he/she/it will be balloonedthey will be ballooned
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been balloonedwe shall/will have been ballooned
you will have been balloonedyou will have been ballooned
he/she/it will have been balloonedthey will have been ballooned