Exemplos de textos
Allowed to grant short-term loans to non-residents with permission of the Central BankРазрешено краткосрочное кредитование нерезидентов с разрешения национального банка©2004-2005 by RECEPhttp://www.recep.ru/ 11/25/2011
For example, if the Read permission is Allowed for a user or group on a particular file or folder, that user or group will be able to read the contents of the file or folder.К примеру, если в разрешении Read (Чтение) на доступ к определенному файлу или папке для некоторого пользователя или группы установлен флажок Allow (Разрешить), этот пользователь/группа смогут просмотреть содержимое файла или папки.Morimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider SolutionsМаримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертовMicrosoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертовМаримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд© 2004 SAMS Publishing© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2005© Русское издание опубликовано издательством КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ, 2005.Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider SolutionsMorimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed© 2004 by Sams Publishing
Ordinarily you would leave the Maximum Allowed radio button selected.Обычно стоит оставлять выбранным переключатель Maximum Allowed (Максимально возможное).Boswell, William / Inside Windows Server 2003Бозуэлл, Уилльям / Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2Бозуэлл, Уилльям© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003Inside Windows Server 2003Boswell, William© 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.
AT EVERY HOUR THE WATCH BELLS WERE RUNG TO ENSURE THE WARRIORS DID NOT SLEEP, AND NONE WERE ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO THEM LEST THEY BE DISTRACTED FROM THEIR DUTY.Каждый час раздавался колокольный звон, подтверждающий, что воины не спят, и никому не дозволялось говорить с ними, чтобы не отвлекать их от выполнения долга.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
WE WORKED IN AN UNSHADED, WALLED COMPOUND, BUT WERE ALLOWED TO DIP INTO A WATER BARREL AS OFTEN AS WE NEEDED AND EAT GRAYBREAD UNTIL WE FELT BLOATED.Мы занимались в залитом солнцем огороженном загоне, но нам разрешено было окунаться в бочонок с водой так часто, как потребуется, и до отвала объедаться серым хлебом.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
HIS CHOICE OF LESSONS WAS UNFORTUNATE, FOR IT WAS JUST THE KIND OF UNIMAGINATIVE ATTACK THAT HAD ALLOWED ME TO DEFEAT HIM.Его выбор урока удручал, сводясь к одной из совершенно невообразимых атак, позволивших мне победить его.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
At the same time it appeared that he was very anxious to do something to please Versilov, to make, so to speak, the first advance to him, and Versilov ALLOWED it.При этом оказалось, что ему ужасно желалось тоже сделать угодное Версилову, так сказать первый шаг к нему, а Версилов позволил.Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокПодростокДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979A Raw YouthDostoevsky, Fyodor
“IF TOMAS HAD BEEN ALLOWED TO THINK ON HIS OWN, HE WOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT I’D NEVER TAKE SUCH A RISK LIGHTLY.— Если бы Томасу позволили думать самому, он бы знал, что я никогда без нужды не пошла бы на такой риск.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
“NO BREEDING IS ALLOWED IN THE FORTRESS.— В крепости размножаться не позволено.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I HAD NEVER THOUGHT TO BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK WITH GERICK AGAIN, YET HERE WAS AN OPPORTUNITY, AND I COULD NOT THINK HOW ON EARTH TO BEGIN.Я никогда не думала, что мне снова позволят поговорить с Гериком, и все же возможность была, а я и понятия не имела, с чего начать.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
I AM GREATLY HONORED TO BE ALLOWED TO SERVE THE LORDS HERE, AND I WORK DILIGENTLY TO IMPROVE MYSELF.”Мне оказали великую честь, позволив служить лордам здесь, и я прилежно работаю, улучшая свое мастерство.Berg, Carol / Guardians of the KeepБерг, Кэрол / Стражи ЦитаделиСтражи ЦитаделиБерг, Кэрол© Carol Berg, 2004© Перевод. Н. Каляева, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008Guardians of the KeepBerg, Carol© Carol Berg, 2004
Smoking’s not allowed.”Здесь курить нельзя.Rankin, Ian / A Question of BloodРэнкин, Иэн / Вопрос кровиВопрос кровиРэнкин, Иэн© 2003 by John Rebus Limited© Е. Осенева, перевод на русский язык, 2008© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка", 2008A Question of BloodRankin, Ian© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
If you're allowed to carry steel, you should know how to use it.Если имеешь разрешение носить холодное оружие, так носи его и умей им пользоваться.Saintcrow, Lilith / Working for the DevilСэйнткроу, Лилит / Контракт с дьяволомКонтракт с дьяволомСэйнткроу, Лилит© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow© Перевод, С. Теремязева, 2009© Издание на руском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009Working for the DevilSaintcrow, Lilith© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow
The rain beat down without ceasing, with ever the same tranquil flow, as though all time and eternity were allowed it to deluge the plain.Дождь падал без перерыва, все тем же спокойным падением, как будто чувствуя, что у него достаточно времени – вся вечность, чтобы затопить равнину.Zola, Emile / A Love EpisodeЗоля, Эмиль / Страница любвиСтраница любвиЗоля, ЭмильA Love EpisodeZola, Emile© 2005 Mondial
Invoking the Charter of the United Nations, he said that all peoples, without distinction, must be allowed to contribute to, and benefit from, human development.Основываясь на положениях Устава Организации Объединенных Наций, представитель Индонезии вновь подтверждает, что все народы без какой-либо дискриминации должны как вносить свой вклад в развитие человечества, так и пользоваться его преимуществами.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год© United Nations 2010
Adicionar ao meu dicionário
Não encontradoTraduções de usuários
Categoria gramatical não definida
- 1.
Tradução adicionada por Kristen Bell - 2.
Tradução adicionada por Сергей Прокудин - 3.
Tradução adicionada por Malanka . - 4.
разрешенный; дозволенный
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro en-ru - 5.
Tradução adicionada por Rita Hennesy
allowed application
акцептованная заявка
allowed application
удовлетворенное ходатайство
allowed band
разрешенная зона
allowed band
разрешенная полоса частот
allowed increment
допустимое приращение
allowed level
допустимый уровень
allowed level
разрешенный уровень
allowed membership
допустимое количество членов
allowed membership
разрешенное членство
allowed picketing
разрешенное пикетирование
allowed risk
допустимый риск
allowed state
разрешенное состояние
allowed time
допустимое время
allowed time
заданное время
allowed transition
разрешенный переход
Formas de palavra
Basic forms | |
Past | allowed |
Imperative | allow |
Present Participle (Participle I) | allowing |
Past Participle (Participle II) | allowed |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I allow | we allow |
you allow | you allow |
he/she/it allows | they allow |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am allowing | we are allowing |
you are allowing | you are allowing |
he/she/it is allowing | they are allowing |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have allowed | we have allowed |
you have allowed | you have allowed |
he/she/it has allowed | they have allowed |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been allowing | we have been allowing |
you have been allowing | you have been allowing |
he/she/it has been allowing | they have been allowing |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I allowed | we allowed |
you allowed | you allowed |
he/she/it allowed | they allowed |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was allowing | we were allowing |
you were allowing | you were allowing |
he/she/it was allowing | they were allowing |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had allowed | we had allowed |
you had allowed | you had allowed |
he/she/it had allowed | they had allowed |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been allowing | we had been allowing |
you had been allowing | you had been allowing |
he/she/it had been allowing | they had been allowing |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will allow | we shall/will allow |
you will allow | you will allow |
he/she/it will allow | they will allow |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be allowing | we shall/will be allowing |
you will be allowing | you will be allowing |
he/she/it will be allowing | they will be allowing |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have allowed | we shall/will have allowed |
you will have allowed | you will have allowed |
he/she/it will have allowed | they will have allowed |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been allowing | we shall/will have been allowing |
you will have been allowing | you will have been allowing |
he/she/it will have been allowing | they will have been allowing |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would allow | we should/would allow |
you would allow | you would allow |
he/she/it would allow | they would allow |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be allowing | we should/would be allowing |
you would be allowing | you would be allowing |
he/she/it would be allowing | they would be allowing |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have allowed | we should/would have allowed |
you would have allowed | you would have allowed |
he/she/it would have allowed | they would have allowed |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been allowing | we should/would have been allowing |
you would have been allowing | you would have been allowing |
he/she/it would have been allowing | they would have been allowing |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am allowed | we are allowed |
you are allowed | you are allowed |
he/she/it is allowed | they are allowed |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being allowed | we are being allowed |
you are being allowed | you are being allowed |
he/she/it is being allowed | they are being allowed |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been allowed | we have been allowed |
you have been allowed | you have been allowed |
he/she/it has been allowed | they have been allowed |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was allowed | we were allowed |
you were allowed | you were allowed |
he/she/it was allowed | they were allowed |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being allowed | we were being allowed |
you were being allowed | you were being allowed |
he/she/it was being allowed | they were being allowed |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been allowed | we had been allowed |
you had been allowed | you had been allowed |
he/she/it had been allowed | they had been allowed |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be allowed | we shall/will be allowed |
you will be allowed | you will be allowed |
he/she/it will be allowed | they will be allowed |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been allowed | we shall/will have been allowed |
you will have been allowed | you will have been allowed |
he/she/it will have been allowed | they will have been allowed |