Perhaps she expected me to want to pray , to want to make my peace with my maker.
Quizás esperaba que quisiese rezar, que quisiese hacer las paces con mi creador.
Sawyer, Robert / Calculating God Sawyer, Robert / El calculo de Dios
El calculo de Dios
Sawyer, Robert
© 2002 by Ediciones B, S.A.
© 2000 by Robert Sawyer
Calculating God
Sawyer, Robert
'I shall pray for that lad to be admitted to heaven in God's time.
– Rezaré para que el muchacho sea admitido en el cielo cuando Dios disponga.
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
He reddened. 'I went to pray over him.
– Fui a rezar por él -respondió el prior sonrojándose-.
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
I pray to God it won't, said Ronnie's father.
Dios no lo quiera, dijo el padre.
Bolano, Roberto / 2666 Bolano, Roberto / 2666
Bolano, Roberto
© 2004 por herederos de Roberto Bolaño
Bolano, Roberto
© 2004 by the heirs of Roberto Bolaño
© 2008 by Natasha Wimmer
'I pray you are right, sir.
– Espero que tengáis razón, señor.
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
You and me, we'll pray for His forgiveness.
Tú y yo rezaremos por Su perdón.
Sawyer, Robert / Calculating God Sawyer, Robert / El calculo de Dios
El calculo de Dios
Sawyer, Robert
© 2002 by Ediciones B, S.A.
© 2000 by Robert Sawyer
Calculating God
Sawyer, Robert
Now pray excuse me, sir, I must prepare some herbs-'
Y ahora, señor, os ruego me disculpéis, tengo que preparar unas hierbas…
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
'Tanny, I don't pray we make this guy.
– No le pido atrapar a ese cabrón.
Katzenbach, John / Just Cause Katzenbach, John / Juicio Final
Juicio Final
Katzenbach, John
© 1992 by John Katzenbach
© Ediciones B, S. A., 2006
Just Cause
Katzenbach, John
© 1992 by John Katzenbach
He started to pray that Lash would make it.
Comenzó a rezar para que Lash lo consiguiera.
Ward, J.R. / Lover Enshrined Ward, J.R. / Amante Consagrado
Amante Consagrado
Ward, J.R.
© Traducción: 2009, Patricia Torres Londoño
© 2010, Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.L.
© 2007, Jessica Bird
Lover Enshrined
Ward, J.R.
When we went into the park I started to pray .
Cuando entramos en el parque yo me puse a rezar.
The savage detectives Bolano, Roberto / Los detectives salvajes
Los detectives salvajes
Bolano, Roberto
e savage detectives
The savage detective
© 1998 by Roberto Bolaño
© 2007 by Natasha Wimmer
Just remember, I was praying to Jesus all during that moonwalk thing of yours.
Sólo recuerda esto: recé a Jesús mientras caminabas por la Luna.
Simmons, Dan / Phases of Gravity Simmons, Dan / Fases de Gravedad
Fases de Gravedad
Simmons, Dan
© 1991 Ediciones В S.A.
© 1989 by Dan Simmons
Phases of Gravity
Simmons, Dan
© 1989, 2001 by Dan Simmons
I prayed that God might lead my actions into a true and just path; a path such as Christ might have followed.
Recé para que Dios guiara mis acciones por un camino recto y justo; el camino que habría seguido Cristo.
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
The neighbor lady's body was laid out on the bed, and beside it he saw a woman on her knees, praying .
En la cama yacía el cadáver de la vecina y junto a ella vio a una mujer, de rodillas, rezando.
Bolano, Roberto / 2666 Bolano, Roberto / 2666
Bolano, Roberto
© 2004 por herederos de Roberto Bolaño
Bolano, Roberto
© 2004 by the heirs of Roberto Bolaño
© 2008 by Natasha Wimmer
I had never heard that voice before, and though I hoped, as I knelt praying that night and in later weeks and years, that I would hear it again, I never have.
Nunca había oído aquella voz y, aunque esa noche, mientras rezaba arrodillado, deseé que volviera a hablarme, y seguí deseándolo durante semanas, meses y años, nunca volví a oírla.
Sansom, Christopher John / Dissolution Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negro
El gallo negro
Sansom, Christopher John
Sansom, Christopher John
Taking the guy’s hands away, he pressed what had been on his back to the open wound and prayed the blood would stop.
Quitando las manos del chico, presionó lo que había estado en su espalda contra la herida abierta y rogó que la sangre parara.
Ward, J.R. / Lover Enshrined Ward, J.R. / Amante Consagrado
Amante Consagrado
Ward, J.R.
© Traducción: 2009, Patricia Torres Londoño
© 2010, Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.L.
© 2007, Jessica Bird
Lover Enshrined
Ward, J.R.