sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O Dicionário Compreensivo Alemão-Russo- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
m<-s, -s> англ неженатый; незамужняя
n<-s, -s> англ спорт одиночный матч (в теннисе, бадминтоне); одиночная игра (в гольфе)
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- 1.
SINGLE - один; одиночный; единичный; одинарный... (ENG)
Tradução adicionada por Василий ХаринPrata de-ru - 2.Tradução adicionada por 🇩🇪 Alex WallOuro de-ru
- 3.
Tradução adicionada por - 4.
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single tax
"единственный налог"
single tax
единый земельный налог
single locus heterosis
одногенный гетерозис