sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O Dicionário Compreensivo Alemão-Russo- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
n <- и -s> геогр Висбаден (столица федеральной земли Гессен в Германии)
Exemplos de textos
Wie viel verdankt alleine unsere deutsche Eparchie der Zarenfamilie in dieser Hinsicht, bis hin zu dem vom Zaren in Wiesbaden erworbenen Friedhof, auf dem einige Generationen russischer Emigranten ihre letzte Ruhe fanden.Скольким только наша Германская епархия обязана Царской семье в этом смысле - вплоть до купленного царем кладбища в Висбадене, на котором покоятся несколько поколений русских эмигрантов.© 2006-2011 2/7/2012© 2006-2011 2/7/2012
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Substantivo neutroВисбаден
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Formas de palavra
Substantiv, Singular, Neutrum
Singular | |
Nominativ | Wiesbaden |
Genitiv | Wiesbadens |
Dativ | Wiesbaden |
Akkusativ | Wiesbaden |