sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O Dicionário Compreensivo Alemão-Russo- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
f <-, -en> канц признательность, благодарность
Exemplos de textos
Vielleicht habe ich einen Anspruch auf öffentliche Erkenntlichkeit, wenn ich den drei werthvollsten Prozeduren einen präzisen Ausdruck gebe.Быть может, я получу право на общественную признательность, если точно сформулирую три самые ценные процедуры.Nietzsche, Friedrich / Der Fall WagnerКазус Вагнерзус ВагнерКазус Вагне© Издательство "Мысль", Москва 1990Der Fall WagnerNietzsche, Friedrich
„Ihr sollt nicht meinen, daß ich Euch meine Erkenntlichkeit lediglich in Worten bezeigen will", führ er, zu Ann gewandt, fort.- Но не думайте, что я ограничусь только словами признательности, я сделаю больше.Wolkow, Alexander / Der Feuergott der MarranenВолков, Александр / Огненный бог МаррановОгненный бог МаррановВолков, АлександрDer Feuergott der MarranenWolkow, Alexander© Raduga–Verlag, Moskau
Adicionar ao meu dicionário
Substantivo femininoпризнательность; благодарность
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Formas de palavra
Substantiv, Femininum
Singular | Plural | |
Nominativ | Erkenntlichkeit | *Erkenntlichkeiten |
Genitiv | Erkenntlichkeit | *Erkenntlichkeiten |
Dativ | Erkenntlichkeit | *Erkenntlichkeiten |
Akkusativ | Erkenntlichkeit | *Erkenntlichkeiten |