Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (uk-en)
актуальної інформації
actual information
Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (uk-en)
ми можемо запропонувати
we can suggest
Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
пытаются найти улицу который они хотят посетить
They're trying to find the street, that they want to visit
Translator's comment
They're trying to find the street, that they want to visit
Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-es)
make up
Yevhenii Ribeiroanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
да, у меня было много работы сегодня. я приду на занятие во вторник
yes,I've had much work today. I'm going to go to the lesson on Tuesday