Я очень люблю собак. Поэтому у меня уже есть пёс. Ему скоро 4 года и его зовут Таер. Я его очень люблю, я с ним играю. Он очень весёлый и ояень любит детей. А порода его лабрадор. Эти собаки умные и очень хорошо потдаються дрисеровке
- 1.
I really love dogs, which is why I have one. His name is Tire and he's going on four. I'm just crazy about him and play with him all the time. He's a lot of fun and he loves kids. He's a labrador, which is a very smart and trainable breed.
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en - 2.
I like dogs very much. That is why a have already got a dog. He will be four years old soon and his name is Tayer. I love him very much, I play with him. He is very cheerful and he likes children very much. He is a labrador. This kind of dogs is very smart and easy to train.
Tradução adicionada por oleg rubtsov