Промінець Сонечкаanswered 7 years ago
answer (en-ru)
catur day
Caturday the 14th
The day after Friday the 13th, It's the most magical Caturday of the year.
Dude its Caturday the 14th, oh shit son
Translator's comment
#Leisure and hobbies
Промінець Сонечкаadded translation 7 years ago
translation (en-uk)
Pigs in a blanket
Перепічка: сосиска у тісті (київська реалія)
#Leisure and hobbies
Промінець Сонечкаanswered 7 years ago
answer (en-ru)
1. An affectionate term insinuating that the person worthy of affection is also behaving in a silly, cute, or utterly adorable way.
2. A sandwich containing poo, peanut butter, and jelly. This sandwich is usually shipped to someone you do not like anonymously, similar to Sharon Stone.