hostile takeover bid
The acquisition OF one company (called THE TARGET COMPANY) BY another company (called THE ACQUIRER).
Translator's comment
It is accomplished not by coming to an agreement with the target company's management, but by going directly to the company's shareholders or fighting to replace management in order to get the acquisition approved.

to learn a lesson
извлечь урок

to put INTO perspective
представить что-то в перспективе

to talk through

to point OUT
обращать чьё-либо внимание на...

to give background TO
создать фон для....

to draw attention TO
привлечь внимание к...

have a look at
взглянуть (взгляните) на...

to turn down
отказать кому-то
We had to TURN John DOWN, even if his proposal was Okay.
Example translation
Мы были вынуждены отказать Джону, несмотря на то, что его предложение было неплохо.

to rush into
They don't want to be rushing INTO giving an answer.
Example translation
Они не хотят, чтобы их торопили с ответом.