будет ли мистр джон в офисе завтра. да будет
- 1.
Is Mr. John going to be in (the office) tomorrow? Yes, he is.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en

есть вареные яйца. а также немного ветчены и сыра
- 1.
There are hard-boiled eggs, as well as some ham and cheese
translation added by Yuri DDDBronze ru-en

будет ли мистер джон в офисе завтра

он обычно бывает в офисе после 10 утра
- 1.
usually he is in the office after 10 AM
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold ru-en

он на встрече сейчас
- 1.
he’s in a/the meeting now
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold ru-en

нет,он здесь, в офисе,но в данный момент он занят
- 1.
no,he is here,he is at office, but he is busy
translation added by Samira Sharipova

где мистр джей
- 1.
Where’s Mr Jay?
translation added by Анна Вью

сколько же времени его рассматривают
- 1.
How long does it take to review it?
translation added by Маргарита Т.Gold ru-en - 2.
How long has it been considered now?
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 3.
How long has it been under consideration now?
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en

нет его еще рассматривают
- 1.
No, it's still under consideration
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
No, it's still being considered
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en

ваш проект уже принят
- 1.
Your project has already been approved.
translation added by Reine Anna