Ольга Морозоваasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
- 1.
translation added by Lana Lana
Ольга Морозоваasked for translation hace 7 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
Останкинская телебашня и радиовещательная башна.Высота этой башни 540 м .Строительство с 1960-1967 года.В ней целых 120 этажей!!!У Останкинской башни 8 место по высоте
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The Ostankinskaya Tower is both a television tower and a radio transmission tower. It is 540m tall and was under construction from 1960 to 1967. Ranked 8th in height, the Ostankinskaya Tower has all of 120 floors!!!
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en