Al (1) people are LIKE; (2) FROM time to time; (3) hit someone WITH; (4) and SHOW THEM your... with THEM.
Люди - пеньки, корни, камни по дороге, - о них спотыкаешься и порою от них чувствуешь боль. Можно обойтись и без них, но иногда приятно поразить человека своею непохожестью на него, показать своё несогласие с ним.
People are stumps, roots, stones in the path, - they make you stumble and sometimes even cause you pain. You can do without them altogether, but then sometimes it's so gratifying to dazzle them with your individuality and show them that you don't agree with them.
People are short stumps, tree roots, stones on the path, - you stumble, even get hurt. You may get along without them, but, what a pleasure to astound them sometimes showing that you are different, you disagree
People are like small stumps, roots, stones along the path - you trip over them, and from time to time they make you feel pain. Of course, you can do without them, but sometimes it's nice to hit someone with your dissimilarity, and to show them your disagreement with them.
Al (1) people are LIKE; (2) FROM time to time; (3) hit someone WITH; (4) and SHOW THEM your... with THEM.
Many thanks, Uly.
No problem
...show THEM
those are the words of LT
very interesting
Why? ... to hit SOMEONE with your dissimilarity, and to show HIM your disagreement with HIM. I don't catch, Uly, why do you find it wrong?
Because someone, somebody can be a man or a woman and we disambiguate this by using the plural form when we refer back to it. "Why would you give someone such an expensive gift if you don't know them?"
I caught it. Thank you very much for explanation. It's very interesting!
AL, +++ , это по пяти или десяти бальной шкале?🤔
по трём)
:-) )))
"Ещё бы бутылку, и тогда бы полностью великолепно" Василий Аксёнов, "Остров Крым"