АЛ, разве food употребляется с неопределённым артиклем? Она ж неисчисляемая!)
put a food wrong
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.3
- 2.
положить/поставить какой-то продукт неправильно
Tradução adicionada por ` ALOuro en-ru0
Discussão (7)
You definetly put a fooT wrong here.
да сойдет!
Tatiana, "a food" употребляется
food - еда, пища, питание
foods - пищевые продукты, продовольствие
Potato is a food. Очень лаконично и понятно. )
A food for all occasions is cheese; it could also be said that there is a cheese for all occasions. In mythology we are told that cheese was invented in Greece. It is difficult to say just how many cheeses there are.
... it becomes a food for all tastes and all occassions plus it's really healthy!
AL, здесь food - это "продукт питания", класс продуктов питания.
Друзья, не food, а foot! По логике подходит значение "оступиться" или "ошибиться" :)