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Tatiana Tanyasolicitou a tradução 8 лет назад
Como traduzir? (ru-en)

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Traduções dos usuários (2)

  1. 1.

    I like the way they cook in our canteen.

    Tradução adicionada por Маргарита Т.
    Ouro ru-en
  2. 2.

    I like the way they cook in our dining hall.

    Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Ouro ru-en

Discussão (29)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

... but you don't like the way they cook meth? :)

Tatiana Tanyaadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

А здесь не будет согласования времён? Или я что-то путаю?

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

нет, просто cook food звучит немного смешно. Не нужно уточнить food c глаголом соок.

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Cook meth- a funny example, Uly! ha ha ha

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Uly, are canteen and dining hall used interchangebly?

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Actually canteen is only used in a military facility. Also it's the metal thing that soldiers drink water out of.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Hahaha! I'm glad you found that amusing. I'm here all week :-)

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Аnd i (and not only me) was taught to use it for the place to eat at school, for example. Gosh! I should start it from the ABCs

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Hahaha. I think they used to use that word more in the 50s. Don't feel bad. I think it's safe to call it a CAFETERIA, as in a school or hospital. We also have places to eat in shopping centers, which we call FOOD COURT.

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

And how should i call the metal thing with the tap upside down which gives water when somebody presses the button, then?

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

a water cooler

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

WHAT should I call...

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Oh, you mean a water fountain.

Paddington Bearadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

I kinda like the word 'refectory' :)

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

What is called water cooler here is like a plastic bottle. And i mean the thing like the sink only to drink not to wash up?

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Of course, what should i call! Many thanks, Uly! We call it фонтанчик. I m happy you are here.:)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Yes, that's a water fountain. Thanks for the Russian word btw.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Today I learned two chick words: fontanchik and oduvanchik)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Nastya, what on earth is a refectory?

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

:))) питьевой фонтанчик, they translated it this way. By the way, одуванчик means not only dendelion. Бабушка, "божий одуванчик", прикупила питьевой фонтанчик.

Paddington Bearadicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Refectory is a dining room, especially in boarding schools and academic institutions. Can be 'Harry Potter' style or modern.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Aha, you learn something new every day :)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

божий одуванчик is a cool expression. So it's like a sweet, delicate old lady?

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 8 лет назад

Cool, thank you!

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