Guten Tag - Здравствуйте! Hello - Hallo; Gruß. - Привет!!
Alba Trossadiocionou a nota hace 9 años
What I want to know, is what words (in any language) do you find it a nightmare to try and pronounce (becuase of consonant clusters, vowels, length, whatever)?
I am starting:
The full version of the russian "hello" gave me grief for a while.
Здравствуйте! (zdravstvujtje)... Russians, really?
for Germans: Sprichst. [ˈʃpʁɪçst] How it is possible?!!
Discussão (3)
Here's a little tip from Russia: when you say “здравствуйте” you don't pronounce the first “в” (nobody does). it becomes much easier, though it's only one sound.
how about “покровительствующий” - “patronizing”?
also there's a wonderful word in Russian having three letter “е” in a row. anybody cares to guess?
Alba Tross, Igor is absolutely right. There is no need in pronouncing the first "в", so basically it's not "zdraVstvujtje", it's "zdrastvujtje".
Igor, I know the word you're talking about! :) Actually it's not even a word it's an ending, cause it goes with a few different words.