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Александр64solicitou a tradução 10 anos atrás
Como traduzir? (en-ru)
had risen hands up in a gesture of triumph. Then on his neck hung a gold medal for winning the Individual European Championship.
On September 19th, 2014 in Czestochowa, Emil Sayfutdinov had risen hands up in a gesture of triumph. Then on his neck hung a gold medal for winning the Individual European Championship. A year later, the Russian counts on repeat, this time in Ostrow Wielkopolski.
Traduções dos usuários (1)
- 1.
сделал победный взмах руками, а затем его грудь украсила золотая медаль за победу на личном первенстве Европы.
#EsportesTradução adicionada por Tatyana-D3