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Ангелина Куркумулиsolicitou a tradução 8 years ago
Como traduzir? (ru-en)
Мы ничего не будем делать, пока не придёт адвокат. Но никто не знает, когда он появится.
Traduções dos usuários (3)
- 1.
We're not doing anything until our lawyer gets here. But nobody knows when he's going to show up.
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en3 - 2.
We won't take any actions until solicitor is here. No one knows when he is going to show up.
Tradução adicionada por Paddington BearOuro ru-en1 - 3.
We are not doing anything until your lawyer comes. Although nobody knows when he will come.
Tradução adicionada por Yana Neser0