Yannick Zubiria Castellanosadicionou o comentário 8 years ago
hola solo te queria decir que en el how are you esta sobrando el doing
Hola como estas, no hablo mucho inglés pero espero me entiendas
Hello, how are you? I not speak much english but I hope understand me
Hello, how are you doing? I don't speak English very much, but I hope you can understand me
Hello Fine And You How Are You
Hola Bien Y Tú Como Estas
Hello Fine And You How Are You
Hola Bien Y Tú Como Éstas
Hi how are you? I don't speak much english but I hope you can understand me
Hi, how are you? I don't speak very good english, hope you under stand
espero este bien escrito ;)
hola solo te queria decir que en el how are you esta sobrando el doing
creo que esta mal escrito, sorry :/ estoy aprendiendo.
¡Muy bien, Susana!
Hi! How are you? I don't speak much english, but I hope you can understand me.