Андриолли 1adicionou o comentário 4 года назад
The house was residential 10 years ago. (?)
It's 10 years the house no longer residential. (?)
The house was lived in 10 years.
Правильно ли -
Дом был жилым 10 лет назад.
И главное, правильно ли это грамматически,
или лучше сказать -
It's 10 years since the house has been lived in.
The house hasn't been lived in for 10 years,
то есть использовать Pres.Perfect?
The house was residential 10 years ago. (?)
It's 10 years the house no longer residential. (?)
It's 10 years sinse the house no longer residential (?)
если "назад", то ago
The house was inhabited ten years ago.