Uly, sometimes we use да when we want to add some point during a conversation - something that hits us.
BTW? 🤔
да, больше можете мне не писать. Надоело отвечать на ваши сообщения когда у меня есть другие дела
Yeah, you can stop texting me now. I’m sick (and tired) of having to answer your texts when I have things to do.
Uly, sometimes we use да when we want to add some point during a conversation - something that hits us.
BTW? 🤔
That’s exactly the force of YEAH, (that’s why I didn’t use YES)
Who'd have thought! 🙏😊
Почему-то меня рассмешил этот вопрос. Открываю и не могу удержаться от смеха. 😹
For some reason, I pictured Zoya telling someone off 😂
Hahaha :))
Ах, эта Zoya! 😂
Какая ещё здесь Зоя?
Эх, это я хотела написать: А кто такая Зоя? Какая ещё Зоя? 😂
Our one and only Mme. Zoya de St. Exupéry - to know her is to love her 💕
worth mentioning that the original can also imply emails, not just the text message. In this case "stop texting" wouldn't sound good. Ideally would be "stop texting/emailing me..."
Or “stop writing me”
yep, “stop writing me” would cover both cases.
Also, Uly, would it be correct to say:
I’m sick (and tired) to answer your texts when I have things to do?
What's the difference if we skip "of having"? How does it change the meaning?
Yes, you can say: I’m sick and tired OF ANSWERING your texts when I have things to do. But with HAVING, you express the fact that you HAVE TO leave what you’re doing to answer the texts.
that's clear. But why saying "...tired to answer your texts..." is not good?
Yes, it’s good - but it just means you don’t like her texts. You have to decide - do you not like answering the texts, or do you not like having to drop everything to answer the texts when you have other things to do.
I understand now, thank you!