Андриолли 1adicionou o comentário 4 years ago
The house doesn't look its best. The house looks badly enough. The house hasn't got their best condition. (?)
Дом выглядит не лучшим образом.
The house isn’t at its best (at the moment).
The house doesn't look its best. The house looks badly enough. The house hasn't got their best condition. (?)
Are they talking about the general look of the exterior, or the present look of the interior?
Это может быть одно, другое или и то, и другое.
But I'm inclined to think they're talking about the exterior.
Да, скорее так мы скажем о внешнем состоянии дома, когда находимся outside :)
Да, это разговор 2х людей, которые подходят к дому)
Спасибо всем большое!