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Sanobar Abdumaliksolicitou a tradução 5 anos atrás
Como traduzir? (ru-en)

Я получаю удовольствие и впадаю в грусть одновременно.

Traduções dos usuários (3)

  1. 1.

    I'm enjoying it and feeling blue at the same time.

    Tradução adicionada por Russ S
    Prata ru-en
  2. 2.

    I derive pleasure from it - and at the same time, sadness

    Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Ouro ru-en
  3. 3.

    I get satisfaction and sadness at the same time.

    Tradução adicionada por Russ S
    Prata ru-en

Discussão (8)

Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

I enjoy and feel down at the same time. ¿

Russ Sadicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

Улий, I dare say that your translation does not cover "одновременно" part.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

Thank you!

Russ Sadicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

Do you approve my 2 versions?

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

The first one is good, but the second one should read “get satisfaction... FROM IT at the same time”

Russ Sadicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

But the original question did not have anything pointing at IT. It is in generally saying получаю удовольствие и впадаю в грусть ...

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

It’s hard to explain. There’s a concept in English called VALENCE which refers to the number of grammatical elements with which a particular word, especially a verb, combines in a sentence. In this case, the full expression is “to derive/get satisfaction from/out of something.” To the English ear, if you don’t mention the FROM or OUT OF, the sentence sounds MARKED - even if it’s grammatically possible. One way to fix your sentence, is to replace GET with a verb that doesn’t have the same valence as GET in this context, like FEEL: “I feel satisfaction and sadness at the same time,” for example.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 5 anos atrás

Having said that, your sentence is perfectly correct without FROM/OUT OF - it would just sound better with it.

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