We don't "make an order for shipping" things in English. What is this actually asking?
подскажите пожалуйста
когда мы должны подавать разнарядку на отгрузку товара
Could you please advise when we should submit our shipping instructions?
Please advise (by) when we need to provide forwarding instructions for the shipment (received).
Please let us know when we should make arrangements to have the goods shipped (to{us}).
We don't "make an order for shipping" things in English. What is this actually asking?
give an order?
Are they asking when they should let a vendor know that they want something they bought shipped to them?
I think this is about the goods that arrived at a port or are to arrive and a buyer or forwarding company are asking when they should submit their instructions for the on-forwarding
make arrangements is something general
MAKE ARRANGEMENTS can apply to a specific situation where shipment has yet to be arranged. It’s what we say.