REMEMBER ABOUT = that they exist, REMEMBER = what they are
Ты помнишь о правилах поведения в торговом центре?
Do you remember the rules of how to behave at a shopping mall?
Do you remember about the rules of conduct in a shopping centre?
REMEMBER ABOUT = that they exist, REMEMBER = what they are
This sounds to me like a parent reminding a child of the rules before they go to the shopping center. Am I right?
помнишь О правилах? = помнишь, что существуют правила?
it might be that a parent is talking to a kid... it's not clear
I think this context allows both - remember the rules and remember about the rules. The main point is to not forget that you must behave properly there.
Since malls don’t have “rules of conduct,” I can only imagine that parents or teachers had a discussion with kids about how to behave there, and before going there again, reminded them of that discussion (+about) or of the rules themselves (-about). So I guess both contexts are possible here.
However, I hardly think they’d use RULES OF BEHAVIOR/CONDUCT in such an informal context - especially talking to children.
The only thing malls lack for is the CODE of conduct 🧐
I googled and found out that shopping centers and malls have their rules/codes of conduct, don't they?
Hahahahaha, I live one hour away from Aventura Mall and the reason they posted a Code of Conduct is because of the huge Russian community (also called Sunny Isles) and the fact that they were seen as loud and disruptive by shopowners and shoppers Some fights broke out and some shopowners were mysteriously beat up in the parking lot. The whole thing cracked me up.
Elena, if you can imagine parents talking to kids in terms of Codes of Conduct, then by all means post it.
Here's an article:
So, perhaps, one of those Russians is now asking their friends if they know the rules of conduct at Aventura Mall before going there again)))
The article was written by Anna Nemtsova and you can tell when you read it. The punctuation is off and it’s a little too flowery for American English, but not the worst I’ve seen.
Forgetting the Code, or about the Code, may lead to serious violations in malls and, subsequently, severe penalties to Russians.
Как иначе могли те русские устранить такой большой недостаток торгового центра, как отсутствие правил поведения? Только устроив беспорядки.😜 Ну а если серьёзно, ужас какой-то. 😳
Забавно, что за 6 раз, что я был в Штатах по 2 по 3 месяца, я видел настоящего полицейского (не считая Traffic Police) только один раз. И это было... в молле 😀