to seduce
уложить в постель (в смысле sex)
to seduce
to get [someone] to bed
to get [someone] to sleep with you
Tatiana, get someone to bed means to put kids to bed for the night.
get someone to sleep with you means to do something or otherwise convince someone that it's a good idea to have sex with you: [friend]: Why do you dye your hair blond every month. I think you look good with dark hair. [husband]: It's the only way I can get my wife to sleep with me!
[worker]: The new secretary is smoking hot! [coworker]: Trust me - I noticed. It won't be long before she falls prey to my irresistible charms. [worker]: Charms my ass! She's way out of your league. [coworker]: So says you! Let's make a small wager: if I can get her to sleep with me by the end of the month, you'll owe me a steak dinner at Morton's. [worker]: You're on!