Tatiana Gerasimenkoadicionou o comentário 6 years ago
So I thought it's absurd we're living next door and aren't on speaking terms.
Вот я и подумал, что ведь это абсурд, что мы живем рядом и не разговариваем
So I thought it’s just crazy that we live right next door to one another and we never talk.
So I thought it's absurd we're living next door and aren't on speaking terms.
...we LIVE next door TO ONE ANOTHER and aren’t on speaking terms (=had an argument and no longer speak)
Да, у «не разговариваем» есть по-крайней мере два значения. 👍
In English too “we don’t speak” can mean that we fell out or that we no longer speak. But “not on speak terms” always implies that we fell out.
Yes 🙏
Sorry, I meant that we fell out or that we just don’t ever have occasion to speak because we’re both busy, etc.
Aha! 🙏