если это новость ,present perfect
она бросила курить
какое время более подходящее ?если нет контекста.past simple or present perfect
she’s quit smoking
she quit smoking
она бросила курить в прошлом году
Editadoshe quit smoking last year
she gave up smoking
she’s quitted smoking
she 'd kicked her smoking habit
если это новость ,present perfect
странно,что никто не предложил самый частый вариант через give up
Как скажете 😄
Gave up smoking vs quit smoking:
Alex, QUITTED is incorrect. The past tense is QUIT
Valery, (1) there’s no call for the past perfect here; and (2) kick the habit means to finally quit something after trying many times.
Tatiana is right - if this is an announcement, then the present perfect. If it’s just a fact, then the simple past: “The boss is in a terrible mood today - she’s quit smoking again.” -or- “Ever since her sister died, Eva has tried to lead a healthy life - she changed her diet, quit smoking and is jogging.”