Звери получили различные подарки. Для обезьян сотрудники зоопарка развесили на канатах рождественские носки, львам и тиграм подарили корм в праздничных коробках, а пингвинов просто покормили рыбой, украсив место кормления рождественской елью.
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.
The animals got a variety of gifts: The zoo workers hung Christmas stockings on the monkeys’ ropes for the monkeys, the lions and tigers got their food in gift boxes, and the penguins got their usual fish, but with a Christmas tree put up in their feeding enclosure.
Comentário do tradutor
(перевод проверил и подправил Uly Marrero))
Tradução adicionada por Elena BogomolovaOuro ru-en2 - 2.
Animals were given various presents. Zoo workers hung Christmas socks on the ropes for monkeys, gave feed in festive boxes to lions and tigers and as to penguins - they just treated them with fish in a place specialy decorated with Christmas tree.
Tradução adicionada por Майя Ронзина0