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Kate Smirnovasolicitou a tradução 7 years ago
Como traduzir? (ru-en)

Эми пробует самостоятельно докопаться до правды. На ее счастье, в этих местах проездом оказывается великий сыщик Эркюль Пуаро, который соглашается помочь в расследовании убийства

Traduções dos usuários (2)

  1. 1.

    Amy tries to find the truth herself. Fortunately, there is the great detective Hercule Poirot passing through these places, who agrees to help with investigation of the murder.

    Tradução adicionada por Jane Lesh
    Ouro ru-en
  2. 2.

    Amy tries to find the truth on her own. By her good fortune, famous sleuth Hercule Poirot is passing through, and agrees to help the murder investigation. But the solution does not come easily, even to him - after all, the archeological team are very conspicuous, and each has a cast-iron alibi.

    Tradução adicionada por Arthur Brock

Discussão (2)

Jane Leshadicionou o comentário 7 years ago

Arthur, а откуда это последнее предложение - "But the solution does not come easily, even to him - after all, the archeological team are very conspicuous, and each has a cast-iron alibi."?

В русском исходном тексте этой фразы нет.

Arthur Brockadicionou o comentário 7 years ago

В более ранней редакции текста было третье предложение. он изменился.

(+++ "great detective")

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