Xiaoqing Headicionou o comentário 7 years ago
I know it means teasing Gorbachov,
But what's the real meaning behind
«дразнят Горбачева»
Пили, говоря, что «дразнят Горбачева», пили много, но пьянели как-то весело и вольно, как этот пестрый лес высоко в горах, - from "Mbobo"
teasing Gorbachev
"tease Gorbachev"
They drank, saying that they "were teasing Gorbachev," drank a lot, but they got tipsy somehow cheerfully and freely, like this motley forest high in the mountains. / from "Mbobo"
I know it means teasing Gorbachov,
But what's the real meaning behind
Gorbachev banned alcohol drinking across the Soviet Union, but people kept drinking as well as teasing Gorbachev's decree.
Thanks !