sin ejemplosSe encuentra en 1 diccionario
El diccionario general ruso-francés- This Dictionary is a revised and updated edition of the well-known Russian-French Dictionary by L. Scerba and M. Matoussevitch, which was first published in 1935. The compilers have remained faithful to the principles laid down by L. Scerba and have tried to preserve the original structure and organization of the entries.
- This is the largest Russian-French dictionary ever compiled and includes more than 200,000 words and expressions of contemporary Russian, many idioms, scientific terms and words widely used in the media. The Dictionary includes many terms related to world religions and cultures. For French translations, the compilers have relied on the latest French dictionaries. Compared to the first edition, the number of words in this volume has grown two-fold. The compilers selected illustrative examples so as to reflect the various aspects of modern Russian usage.
- The Dictionary is intended for linguists, translators, teachers, and university students. French students of Russian may also find it useful.
- This Dictionary is a revised and updated edition of the well-known Russian-French Dictionary by L. Scerba and M. Matoussevitch, which was first published in 1935. The compilers have remained faithful to the principles laid down by L. Scerba and have tried to preserve the original structure and organization of the entries.
- This is the largest Russian-French dictionary ever compiled and includes more than 200,000 words and expressions of contemporary Russian, many idioms, scientific terms and words widely used in the media. The Dictionary includes many terms related to world religions and cultures. For French translations, the compilers have relied on the latest French dictionaries. Compared to the first edition, the number of words in this volume has grown two-fold. The compilers selected illustrative examples so as to reflect the various aspects of modern Russian usage.
- The Dictionary is intended for linguists, translators, teachers, and university students. French students of Russian may also find it useful.
macaroni(s) m (pl), spaghettis m pl
Ejemplos de los textos
Он открыл тут гостиницу, где приготовлялись такие вкусные макароны, что их приходили поесть и за ними посылали люди, жившие за несколько лье от Старой улицы.Il y avait fondé une petite hôtellerie où se fabriquait un macaroni tellement raffiné, qu'on en venait quérir ou manger là de plusieurs lieues à la ronde.Дюма, Александр / Виконт де Бражелон. Том IDumas, Alexandre / Le vicomte de Bragelonne.Tome ILe vicomte de Bragelonne.Tome IDumas, Alexandre©2008 Bibliobazaar, LLCВиконт де Бражелон. Том IДюма, Александр
Añadir a mi diccionario
Sust. masculinomacaroni(s); spaghettisEjemplos
макароны с сыром — macaroni(s) au fromage
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Forma de la palabra
существительное, неодушевлённое, мужской род
Ед. ч. | Мн. ч. | |
Именительный | макарон | макароны |
Родительный | макарона | макаронов |
Дательный | макарону | макаронам |
Винительный | макарон | макароны |
Творительный | макароном | макаронами |
Предложный | макароне | макаронах |
существительное, неодушевлённое, только мн. ч.
Мн. ч. | |
Именительный | макароны |
Родительный | макарон |
Дательный | макаронам |
Винительный | макароны |
Творительный | макаронами |
Предложный | макаронах |