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El diccionario inglés-ucraniano- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
Ejemplos de los textos
At next use, this word will not be treated as an error.Під час наступної перевірки орфографії в тексті це слово не позначатиметься як помилка.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
You can also use picture areas to select any text fragments that you want treated as pictures (ABBYY FineReader will not perform OCR on these areas).Зони зображення можна також використовувати для вибору будь-яких фрагментів тексту, які потрібно обробляти як зображення.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
- Create a new file at each blank page to treat the pages as a set of groups, each group ending with a blank page.- Створити новий файл після кожної пустої сторінки, щоб сторінки розглядалися як набір груп, кожна з яких закінчується пустою сторінкою.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
In fact, better results can be obtained by treating them as single compound characters.Найкращі результати можна отримати, якщо розглядати їх як єдині складні символи.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Some scientists prefer to treat Aymara not as a single language with some 10 dialects but as an Aymara language group.Деякі науковці вважають, що мова аймара не є окремою мовою з 10 діалектами, а утворює мовну групу аймара.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Treat files in folder as different documents – Each image in this folder will be processed as a separate document: the program will consecutively open, recognize, and save each of the files.Обробляти файли в папці як різні документи – кожне зображення в цій папці буде оброблено як окремий документ: програма послідовно відкриватиме та розпізнаватиме кожен файл зображення, а потім збереже результати.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
If a table cell contains only a picture, on the Area Properties panel (right-click the area and select Area Properties to make the panel visible), select Treat selected cells as picture.Якщо клітинка таблиці містить лише зображення, на панелі інструментів Параметри зони (для відображення панелі натисніть зону правою кнопкою миші та виберіть пункт Параметри зони) виберіть Обробляти виділені клітинки як зображення.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Treat all files in folder as single document – All images in this folder will be processed as one document: the program will open all the images, recognize them, and save the results to a single file.Обробляти всі файли в папці як один документ – усі зображення в папці будуть оброблені як один документ: програма відкриється та розпізнає всі зображення одночасно, а потім збереже результати.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
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Forma de la palabra
Basic forms | |
Past | treated |
Imperative | treat |
Present Participle (Participle I) | treating |
Past Participle (Participle II) | treated |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I treat | we treat |
you treat | you treat |
he/she/it treats | they treat |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am treating | we are treating |
you are treating | you are treating |
he/she/it is treating | they are treating |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have treated | we have treated |
you have treated | you have treated |
he/she/it has treated | they have treated |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been treating | we have been treating |
you have been treating | you have been treating |
he/she/it has been treating | they have been treating |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I treated | we treated |
you treated | you treated |
he/she/it treated | they treated |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was treating | we were treating |
you were treating | you were treating |
he/she/it was treating | they were treating |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had treated | we had treated |
you had treated | you had treated |
he/she/it had treated | they had treated |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been treating | we had been treating |
you had been treating | you had been treating |
he/she/it had been treating | they had been treating |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will treat | we shall/will treat |
you will treat | you will treat |
he/she/it will treat | they will treat |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be treating | we shall/will be treating |
you will be treating | you will be treating |
he/she/it will be treating | they will be treating |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have treated | we shall/will have treated |
you will have treated | you will have treated |
he/she/it will have treated | they will have treated |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been treating | we shall/will have been treating |
you will have been treating | you will have been treating |
he/she/it will have been treating | they will have been treating |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would treat | we should/would treat |
you would treat | you would treat |
he/she/it would treat | they would treat |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be treating | we should/would be treating |
you would be treating | you would be treating |
he/she/it would be treating | they would be treating |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have treated | we should/would have treated |
you would have treated | you would have treated |
he/she/it would have treated | they would have treated |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been treating | we should/would have been treating |
you would have been treating | you would have been treating |
he/she/it would have been treating | they would have been treating |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am treated | we are treated |
you are treated | you are treated |
he/she/it is treated | they are treated |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being treated | we are being treated |
you are being treated | you are being treated |
he/she/it is being treated | they are being treated |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been treated | we have been treated |
you have been treated | you have been treated |
he/she/it has been treated | they have been treated |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was treated | we were treated |
you were treated | you were treated |
he/she/it was treated | they were treated |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being treated | we were being treated |
you were being treated | you were being treated |
he/she/it was being treated | they were being treated |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been treated | we had been treated |
you had been treated | you had been treated |
he/she/it had been treated | they had been treated |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be treated | we shall/will be treated |
you will be treated | you will be treated |
he/she/it will be treated | they will be treated |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been treated | we shall/will have been treated |
you will have been treated | you will have been treated |
he/she/it will have been treated | they will have been treated |