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sin ejemplosSe encuentra en 1 diccionario

El diccionario inglés-ucraniano
  • dicts.universal_en_uk.description


  1. [luk]


    1. погляд

    2. вигляд, зовнішність; вираз (обличчя), вигляд

    3. pl зовнішність (людини)

    4. пошук

  2. [luk]


    1. дивитися

    2. глянути, подивитися

    3. виглядати, мати вигляд, здаватися; (like, as if) бути схожим; нагадувати; справляти те чи інше враження

    4. перевірити; подивитися, у чому справа; (to) піклуватися про (кого-небудь, що-небудь); пильнувати (кого-небудь)

    5. (into, down) виходити; бути поверненим (у який-небудь бік)

    6. виражати (поглядом, виглядом)

    7. амер. (з інфінітивом) очікувати з упевненістю; сподіватися

    8. послухайте!, агов! (look here!; привертає увагу співрозмовника)

    9. -out! увага! обережно!

    10. to look on /upon/ smb

    11. to look to smb for smth звертатися до кого-небудь за чим-небудь; розраховувати, сподіватися на кого-небудь

    12. to look after smb; smth доглядати за ким-небудь, чим-небудь; піклуватися, дбати про кого-небудь, що-небудь

    13. to look for smb; smth шукати що-небудь, кого-небудь; підшукувати; сподіватися, очікувати

Ejemplos de los textos

For example, the date June the 5th 2001 will look as follows in the d.M.y format - 5.6.1.
Наприклад, дата 5-е червня 2001 року виглядатиме так у форматі д.М.р - 5.6.1.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
To use a word correctly, you can look up its grammatical forms (declensions, conjugations, etc.).
Щоб правильно вжити слово, ви можете переглянути його граматичні форми (відмінювання, дієвідміни тощо).
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
build number (see Help > About and look up the Build field)
номер випуску (див. Довідка > Про програму, поле Випуск)
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
For example, the date June the 5th 2001 will look as follows in the dd.MM.yy format - 05.06.01
Наприклад, дата 5 -е червня 2001 року виглядатиме у форматі дд.ММ.рр - 05.06.01.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Unable to look up translation in a specific dictionary
Не вдається подивитися переклад з цього словника
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
Quickly look up a word or phrase right from the text
Швидко перекласти слово або фразу безпосередньо з тексту
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
When you click the button or the Find in ABBYY Lingvo link, the program will look up only the local dictionaries.
При натисканні на кнопку або посилання Шукати в ABBYY Lingvo запускається пошук тільки по локальним словникам.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
Now ABBYY Lingvo will independently determine the language of the word or phrase you want to look up.
Тепер ABBYY Lingvo самостійно визначить мову слова або словосполучення для перекладу.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
This will maintain the look of the paper original in the electronic version when saving the results in TXT format.
Завдяки цьому після збереження у форматі TXT електронна версія виглядатиме як оригінал.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
You can look up words or phrases using a wildcard.
Ви можете шукати слова і словосполучення за заданим зразком (маскою).
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
However, the image may appear blocky and acquire a mosaic look, and some shades of color may be lost.
Проте зображення може виглядати подрібненим, схожим на мозаїку, і, крім того, можуть бути втрачені деякі відтінки кольорів.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
For example, the date June the 5th 2001 will look as follows in the dd.MM.yyyy format - 05.06.2001
Наприклад, дата 5 червня 2001 року виглядатиме так у форматі дд.ММ.рррр - 05.06.2001
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Provides the path to the folder where ABBYY FineReader should look for images.
Вкажіть шлях до папки, в якій програма ABBYY FineReader має шукати зображення.
Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
гальні відомості про ABBYY FineReader
Загальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade
troducing ABBYY FineReader
Introducing ABBYY FineReade
ABBYY Lingvo will try to look up the translation in the text of dictionary entries.
ABBYY Lingvo спробує знайти переклад у тексті словників.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
For example, the date June the 5th 2001 will look as follows in the dd.MMM.yyyy format - 05 Jun 2001
Наприклад, дата 5-е червня 2001 року виглядатиме так у форматі дд.МММ.рррр - 05 Чер 2001
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille

Añadir a mi diccionario

lukSust. neutroпогляд

Traducciones de usuarios

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¡Sé primero de traducirlo!

Forma de la palabra


Common caselooklooks
Possessive caselook'slooks'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)looking
Past Participle (Participle II)looked
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I lookwe look
you lookyou look
he/she/it looksthey look
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am lookingwe are looking
you are lookingyou are looking
he/she/it is lookingthey are looking
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have lookedwe have looked
you have lookedyou have looked
he/she/it has lookedthey have looked
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been lookingwe have been looking
you have been lookingyou have been looking
he/she/it has been lookingthey have been looking
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I lookedwe looked
you lookedyou looked
he/she/it lookedthey looked
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was lookingwe were looking
you were lookingyou were looking
he/she/it was lookingthey were looking
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had lookedwe had looked
you had lookedyou had looked
he/she/it had lookedthey had looked
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been lookingwe had been looking
you had been lookingyou had been looking
he/she/it had been lookingthey had been looking
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will lookwe shall/will look
you will lookyou will look
he/she/it will lookthey will look
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be lookingwe shall/will be looking
you will be lookingyou will be looking
he/she/it will be lookingthey will be looking
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have lookedwe shall/will have looked
you will have lookedyou will have looked
he/she/it will have lookedthey will have looked
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been lookingwe shall/will have been looking
you will have been lookingyou will have been looking
he/she/it will have been lookingthey will have been looking
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would lookwe should/would look
you would lookyou would look
he/she/it would lookthey would look
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be lookingwe should/would be looking
you would be lookingyou would be looking
he/she/it would be lookingthey would be looking
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have lookedwe should/would have looked
you would have lookedyou would have looked
he/she/it would have lookedthey would have looked
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been lookingwe should/would have been looking
you would have been lookingyou would have been looking
he/she/it would have been lookingthey would have been looking
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am lookedwe are looked
you are lookedyou are looked
he/she/it is lookedthey are looked
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being lookedwe are being looked
you are being lookedyou are being looked
he/she/it is being lookedthey are being looked
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been lookedwe have been looked
you have been lookedyou have been looked
he/she/it has been lookedthey have been looked
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was lookedwe were looked
you were lookedyou were looked
he/she/it was lookedthey were looked
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being lookedwe were being looked
you were being lookedyou were being looked
he/she/it was being lookedthey were being looked
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been lookedwe had been looked
you had been lookedyou had been looked
he/she/it had been lookedthey had been looked
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be lookedwe shall/will be looked
you will be lookedyou will be looked
he/she/it will be lookedthey will be looked
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been lookedwe shall/will have been looked
you will have been lookedyou will have been looked
he/she/it will have been lookedthey will have been looked