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sin ejemplosSe encuentra en 1 diccionario

El diccionario inglés-ucraniano
  • The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.


  1. [fɔ:m]


    1. форма; зовнішній вигляд; обрис, контур

    2. фігура (людини); обличчя; статі (коня)

    3. форма, вигляд

    4. вид, різновид; тип

    5. стиль, манера

    6. стан; форма (часто спортивна); готовність; настрій, душевний стан

    7. формальність; проформа; церемонія, порядок

    8. клас (у школі)

    9. форма, бланк, зразок; анкета

    10. довга лава, ослін

    11. нора (зайця)

    12. грам. форма слова

    13. спец. форма виконання (машини); модель, тип, зразок; торговельний сорт (металу)

    14. тих. форма для лиття

    15. полігр. друкована форма

    16. буд. форма; опалубка

    17. (математичний) вираз

  2. [fɔ:m]


    1. надавати форму, надавати вигляду; приймати форму, вигляд

    2. складати, утворювати; формувати; утворюватися; формуватися; грам. утворювати (напр., множину)

    3. створювати, складати; формулювати; виникати, оформлятися

    4. являти собою; бути

    5. тренувати, дисциплінувати; виховувати; розвивати

    6. формувати, організовувати; утворювати, створювати

    7. військ. шикувати; шикуватися

    8. спец. формувати

    9. сад. обрізати; формувати крону

    10. забиратися, забиватися в нору (про зайця)

  3. [fɔ:m]

    = forma

Ejemplos de los textos

You may preview the form before printing it out:
Ви можете переглянути форму перед її друком:
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
When you scan a form or open an image file, the design mode is turned on automatically.
Коли ви скануєте форму або відкриваєте файл зображення, режим проектування включається автоматично.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
After you've drawn the form fields and assigned their properties, you can now begin to fill in the form.
Після того, як ви намалювали поля та встановили їх властивості, ви можете почати заповнювати форму.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
You can enter this word in the search entry in any form: agree, agreed, agreeing, etc.
Ви можете ввести це слово у рядок уведення в будь-якій формі: «agree», «agreed», «agreeing» і т.д.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
Cut the selected object and placing it in clipboard (form mode)
Вирізати виділений фрагмент та помістити його в буфер обміну (режим форма)
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Note: You can save a copy of an already existing form, just select the Save Copy As item in the File menu.
Зауваження: Ви можете зберегти копію вже існуючої форми, лише виділивши елемент Зберегти Копію Як у меню Файл.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
You can print an entirely filled-in form, a blank form, or you can print only data.
Ви можете друкувати вже заповнену форму, бланк форми або лише дані.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Allows you to connect the form fields and the CSV file columns with the same field names automatically
Дозволяє вам автоматично пов'язувати поля форми та колонки CSV файлу з однаковими назвами.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
In order for the application to "know" where and what data are located on the form, you must create and locate the fields.
Для того, щоб програма "знала" де і що розміщується на формі, вам потрібно створити та розташувати поля.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
Creating and editing the form fields
Створення та редагування полів форми
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
The application allows you to print the form out in one of the following modes: blank form only (the scanned image), data only (in order to "print the data in" a blank paper form) or the data and form (the filled-in form as such).
Програма дозволяє вам роздруковувати форму в одному з наступних режимів: лише бланк форми (відскановане зображення), лише дані (для того щоб друкувати дані на бланку форми) або і дані, і форму (заповнену форму).
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
By default, the whole form is displayed on the screen in the preview mode.
Стандартно, повна форма показується на екрані у режимі перегляду перед друком.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
If the form fields and the respective CSV file columns have the same names, you can just click the Automatically button.
Якщо поля форми та відповідні колонки CSV файлу мають однакові назви, то вам лише потрібно натиснути на кнопку Автоматично.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
List of all form fields.
Список всіх полів форми.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
If the form contains color elements (pictures, color letters or background) and you plan to print it out in color or save in a color image file, select the color image type.
Якщо форма містить кольорові елементи (картинки, кольорові літери або фон) і ви хочете зберегти або друкувати її у кольорі, то виберіть тип зображення кольоровий.
Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFiller
жливості ABBYY FormFiller
Можливості ABBYY FormFille
atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille

Añadir a mi diccionario

fɔ:mSust. neutroформа; зовнішній вигляд; обрис; контур

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The standing part of the thread is then pulled, and the knot is formed under the nail of the second finger.
В такому положенні вузол формується під нігтем другого пальця

Forma de la palabra


Common caseformforms
Possessive caseform'sforms'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)forming
Past Participle (Participle II)formed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I formwe form
you formyou form
he/she/it formsthey form
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am formingwe are forming
you are formingyou are forming
he/she/it is formingthey are forming
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have formedwe have formed
you have formedyou have formed
he/she/it has formedthey have formed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been formingwe have been forming
you have been formingyou have been forming
he/she/it has been formingthey have been forming
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I formedwe formed
you formedyou formed
he/she/it formedthey formed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was formingwe were forming
you were formingyou were forming
he/she/it was formingthey were forming
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had formedwe had formed
you had formedyou had formed
he/she/it had formedthey had formed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been formingwe had been forming
you had been formingyou had been forming
he/she/it had been formingthey had been forming
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will formwe shall/will form
you will formyou will form
he/she/it will formthey will form
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be formingwe shall/will be forming
you will be formingyou will be forming
he/she/it will be formingthey will be forming
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have formedwe shall/will have formed
you will have formedyou will have formed
he/she/it will have formedthey will have formed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been formingwe shall/will have been forming
you will have been formingyou will have been forming
he/she/it will have been formingthey will have been forming
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would formwe should/would form
you would formyou would form
he/she/it would formthey would form
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be formingwe should/would be forming
you would be formingyou would be forming
he/she/it would be formingthey would be forming
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have formedwe should/would have formed
you would have formedyou would have formed
he/she/it would have formedthey would have formed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been formingwe should/would have been forming
you would have been formingyou would have been forming
he/she/it would have been formingthey would have been forming
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am formedwe are formed
you are formedyou are formed
he/she/it is formedthey are formed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being formedwe are being formed
you are being formedyou are being formed
he/she/it is being formedthey are being formed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been formedwe have been formed
you have been formedyou have been formed
he/she/it has been formedthey have been formed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was formedwe were formed
you were formedyou were formed
he/she/it was formedthey were formed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being formedwe were being formed
you were being formedyou were being formed
he/she/it was being formedthey were being formed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been formedwe had been formed
you had been formedyou had been formed
he/she/it had been formedthey had been formed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be formedwe shall/will be formed
you will be formedyou will be formed
he/she/it will be formedthey will be formed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been formedwe shall/will have been formed
you will have been formedyou will have been formed
he/she/it will have been formedthey will have been formed