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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
with a single heart
Ejemplos de los textos
I figured I could stop his lousy heart with a single blow.Я не сомневался, что смогу заставить его поганое сердце остановиться всего одним движением руки.Child, Lee / The EnemyЧайлд, Ли / ВрагВрагЧайлд, Ли© 2004 by Lee Child© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2010© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010The EnemyChild, Lee© 2004 by Lee Child
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with a single heart
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