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El diccionario de física inglés-ruso- Contains about 76,000 terms from all the fields of modern physics, classical and innovative alike.
- Contains about 76,000 terms from all the fields of modern physics, classical and innovative alike.
Ejemplos de los textos
This results in high operation costs, a risk of slagging, and a higher content of nitrogen oxides in the flue gas.Это приводит к большим эксплуатационным затратам, вызывает опасность шлакования и повышения содержания NOx в топочных газах. 11/1/2011 11/1/2011
Co-firing of herbaceous biomass is technically possible, but results in a higher chance of slagging and fouling, and its grinding costs and energy use are higher than for other types of biomass.Совместное сжигание с травяной биомассой технически возможно, но приводит к повышению риска шлакования и образования нагара, а затраты на измельчение и энергоемкость выше, чем при использовании других видов биомассы.© 2010 OECD/IEA 07.03.2011© 2010 OECD/IEA 07.03.2011
Research is also being carried out on fouling and slagging, and dioxin formation and destruction.Исследуется также образование нагара и шлакование, образование и разрушение диоксинов.© 2010 OECD/IEA 07.03.2011© 2010 OECD/IEA 07.03.2011
There was no hissing and steaming and the barrier didn't melt into a puddle of silicate slag.Не было ни шипения, ни испарений, и прозрачная преграда не превратилась в кучу силикатного шлака.Foster, Alan Dean / Sentenced to PrismФостер, Алан Дин / Приговоренный к ПризмеПриговоренный к ПризмеФостер, Алан ДинSentenced to PrismFoster, Alan Dean
Iron ore is a mixture of iron, silica and alumina oxides, which, alongside with the added fluxing agent (alkaline-earth metal carbonates), form the layers of melting slag and iron.Железная руда представляет собой смесь оксидов железа, кремния и алюминия. Из них и добавленного флюса - карбонатов щелочно-земельных металлов, образуется плавильный шлак и железо. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
The slag, which is solidified in open air during a controlled rap- idly-passing cool-down process (the so-called quenching) is generally an endurable and dense slag.Шлак, отвердевающий при контролируемом быстром охлаждении на воздухе (так называемом, гашении), в основной массе твердый и плотный. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
In three thousand years we might make our poor waste of an earth, jungle and desert, slag-heap and slum, into another such heaven of beauty and power....За три тысячи лет мы тоже переделаем нашу запущенную, захламленную землю и превратим ее джунгли и пустыни, шлаковые отвалы и трущобы в такой же прекрасный и величественный рай.Wells, Herbert George / Men Like GodsУэллс, Герберт / Люди как богиЛюди как богиУэллс, Герберт© Издательство "Правда", 1964Men Like GodsWells, Herbert George© 1922 and 1923 by H. G. Wells
He passed slag heaps and scrap piles, stacks of old building timbers and rows of abandoned buildings.Следопыт шел мимо куч шлака, груд металлолома, штабелей строительных материалов и рядов заброшенных домов.Brooks, Terry / First King of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Первый король ШаннарыПервый король ШаннарыБрукс, ТерриFirst King of ShannaraBrooks, Terry© 1996 by Terry Brooks
The slag is transported to a cooling well either directly or with iron-made ladders, dependent on a distance between the well and the furnace.Шлак транспортируют в охладительный колодец, непосредственно или с использованием железных ковшей, в зависимости от расстояния между колодцем и печью. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
The known installation solves a practical problem of preparing the mixture of slag-forming materials comprising only two materials-lime and fluor-spar.Устройство по известному изобретению предназначено для строго утилитарного решения - подготовки смеси шлакообразующих материалов, состоящих только из двух материалов - извести и плавикового шпата. 11/25/2011 11/25/2011
The proppant of claim 4, wherein a slag powder is additionally mixed with a milled at least one of bauxite, aluminum oxide, and clay powders.Способ по n. 4, отличающийся тем, что шлаковый порошок дополнительно смешивают с измельченными бокситом или глиноземом и/или с порошками глин. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
Namely "inflatable"-slag necks inside (for the most part disconnected).Именно "надувные" - шлаковые перетяжки внутри (по большей части разорванные). 11/11/2011 11/11/2011
Lead, lead-zinc and zinc slagsСвинцовый, свинцово-цинковый и цинковый шлаки 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
I could direct a firestorm up at the thing, but it would slag the metal it was on and that would come raining back down on us and kill us, make the elevator shaft too hot for us to survive.Я мог нацелить на эту чертову тварь огонь, но при этом он бы расплавил металл, на котором та сидела, и тот стек бы на нас, или мы просто задохнулись бы заживо в узкой лифтовой шахте.Butcher, Jim / Storm FrontБатчер, Джим / Гроза из ПреисподнейГроза из ПреисподнейБатчер, Джим© Jim Butcher, 2000© Перевод Н.К. Кудряшев, 2006© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers, 2010Storm FrontButcher, Jim© Jim Butcher, 2000
In case if the slag solidifies during a slowly-passing cooling process, the escaping gases leave a low-density porous aggregation behind them.В случае, если шлак отвердевает в условиях медленного охлаждения, выделяющиеся газы оставляют после себя пористый агрегат низкой плотности. 11/22/2011 11/22/2011
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ash slagging power
шлакуемость золы
furnace slagging
ошлакование топки
reactor slagging
зашлаковывание ядерного реактора
slagging index
коэффициент шлакования
slagging-bottom furnace
топка с жидким шлакоудалением
slagging test
испытание на шлакоустойчивость
loss by slagging
потери со шлаком
slagging effect
шлакующее действие
slagging practice
скачивание шлака
slagging-bottom furnace
печь с жидким шлакоудалением
slagging gas producer
газогенератор с выпуском жидкого шлака
acid slag
кислый шлак
air-slag wall
стена воздушного шлаковика
aluminous slag
глиноземистый шлак
basic slag
основной шлак
Forma de la palabra
Basic forms | |
Past | slagged |
Imperative | slag |
Present Participle (Participle I) | slagging |
Past Participle (Participle II) | slagged |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I slag | we slag |
you slag | you slag |
he/she/it slags | they slag |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am slagging | we are slagging |
you are slagging | you are slagging |
he/she/it is slagging | they are slagging |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have slagged | we have slagged |
you have slagged | you have slagged |
he/she/it has slagged | they have slagged |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been slagging | we have been slagging |
you have been slagging | you have been slagging |
he/she/it has been slagging | they have been slagging |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I slagged | we slagged |
you slagged | you slagged |
he/she/it slagged | they slagged |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was slagging | we were slagging |
you were slagging | you were slagging |
he/she/it was slagging | they were slagging |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had slagged | we had slagged |
you had slagged | you had slagged |
he/she/it had slagged | they had slagged |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been slagging | we had been slagging |
you had been slagging | you had been slagging |
he/she/it had been slagging | they had been slagging |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will slag | we shall/will slag |
you will slag | you will slag |
he/she/it will slag | they will slag |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be slagging | we shall/will be slagging |
you will be slagging | you will be slagging |
he/she/it will be slagging | they will be slagging |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have slagged | we shall/will have slagged |
you will have slagged | you will have slagged |
he/she/it will have slagged | they will have slagged |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been slagging | we shall/will have been slagging |
you will have been slagging | you will have been slagging |
he/she/it will have been slagging | they will have been slagging |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would slag | we should/would slag |
you would slag | you would slag |
he/she/it would slag | they would slag |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be slagging | we should/would be slagging |
you would be slagging | you would be slagging |
he/she/it would be slagging | they would be slagging |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have slagged | we should/would have slagged |
you would have slagged | you would have slagged |
he/she/it would have slagged | they would have slagged |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been slagging | we should/would have been slagging |
you would have been slagging | you would have been slagging |
he/she/it would have been slagging | they would have been slagging |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am slagged | we are slagged |
you are slagged | you are slagged |
he/she/it is slagged | they are slagged |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being slagged | we are being slagged |
you are being slagged | you are being slagged |
he/she/it is being slagged | they are being slagged |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been slagged | we have been slagged |
you have been slagged | you have been slagged |
he/she/it has been slagged | they have been slagged |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was slagged | we were slagged |
you were slagged | you were slagged |
he/she/it was slagged | they were slagged |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being slagged | we were being slagged |
you were being slagged | you were being slagged |
he/she/it was being slagged | they were being slagged |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been slagged | we had been slagged |
you had been slagged | you had been slagged |
he/she/it had been slagged | they had been slagged |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be slagged | we shall/will be slagged |
you will be slagged | you will be slagged |
he/she/it will be slagged | they will be slagged |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been slagged | we shall/will have been slagged |
you will have been slagged | you will have been slagged |
he/she/it will have been slagged | they will have been slagged |