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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
школьное обучение, образование
плата за обучение
уст. выговор; взыскание; наказание
Biology (En-Ru)
скосячивание; стайный
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Ejemplos de los textos
‘I don’t deny,’ added Bitzer, ‘that my schooling was cheap.— Я не отрицаю, — продолжал Битцер, — что ученье мое стоило дешево.Dickens, Charles / Hard TimesДиккенс, Чарльз / Тяжелые временаТяжелые временаДиккенс, Чарльз© Государаственное издательство художественной литературы, 1960Hard TimesDickens, Charles© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
A number of factors, however, such as distances to schools, the inadequacy of facilities and lack of separate schooling for boys and girls, continue to impede larger enrolment.Вместе с тем ряд факторов, таких, как удаленность школ, неадекватный уровень учебных заведений и отсутствие раздельного обучения для мальчиков и девочек, продолжает препятствовать повышению доли учащихся.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год© United Nations 2010
Nevertheless, studies of economic returns to education for individuals demonstrate that the returns from increasing women's schooling are, on average, even larger than the returns from increasing men's schooling.Тем не менее изучение экономической отдачи от образования для отдельных лиц свидетельствует, что в среднем отдача от повышения уровня образования у женщин даже выше, чем у мужчин.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год 03.01.2011© United Nations 2010 03.01.2011
What did I think ought to be done about Yuki's schooling?– А со школой как быть? – спросила она.Murakami, Haruki / Dance, dance, danceМураками, Харуки / Дэнс, дэнс, дэнсДэнс, дэнс, дэнсМураками, Харуки© Haruki Murakami 1991 "Dansu, dansu, dansu"© Дмитрий Коваленин, 2001Dance, dance, danceMurakami, Haruki© 1994 by Kodansha International Ltd.
“Your schooling,” Olga said.— А ваше образование? — вновь заговорила Ольга.Stross, Charles / The Family TradeСтросс, Чарльз / Семейное делоСемейное делоСтросс, ЧарльзThe Family TradeStross, Charles© 2004 by Charles Stross
A frightened trader with sweaty palms and a pounding heart feels the same whether he grew up in New York or Hong Kong and whether he had 2 years or 20 years of schooling.Пусть один вырос в Нью-Йорке, а другой в Гонконге, один окончил аспирантуру, а другой лишь церковно-приходскую школу - оба в испуге покрываются испариной, у обоих бешено колотится сердце, оба теряют самообладание.Elder, Alexander / Trading for a LivingЭлдер, Александр / Как играть и выигрывать на биржеКак играть и выигрывать на биржеЭлдер, Александр© 1996 by Alexander Elder© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2001Trading for a LivingElder, Alexander© 1993 by Dr. Alexander Elder
Speedy let him bang in nails, sand down a picket or two that needed paint; these simple tasks done under Speedy's instructions were the only schooling he was getting, but they made him feel better.Ему позволялось забивать гвозди, поправлять ограду; эти простые задания, выполненные с помощью советов Смотрителя, делали его совершенно счастливым.King, Stephen,Straub, Peter / The TalismanКинг, Стивен,Страуб, Питер / ТалисманТалисманКинг, Стивен,Страуб, Питер© Copyright Стивен Кинг, Питер Страуб© Copyright Ирина ТкачThe TalismanKing, Stephen,Straub, Peter© 1984 by Stephen King and Peter Straub© 2001 by Stephen King and Peter Straub
Thanks to concerted efforts, enrolment at all levels of education has generally improved for girls and young women, and the gender gap in schooling has been reduced in most regions of the world.Благодаря согласованным действиям прием девочек и девушек в учебные заведения на всех уровнях образования в целом повысился, а различие между мальчиками и девочками в системе школьного обучения уменьшилось в большинстве регионов мира.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год 15.10.2010© United Nations 2010 15.10.2010
I told him about my schooling, my books--four published novels to my credit now.Рассказал о своей учебе в колледже и университете, о своих книгах – я уже мог похвастаться четырьмя опубликованными романами.Hosseini, Khaled / The Kite RunnerХоссейни, Халед / Бегущий за ветромБегущий за ветромХоссейни, ХаледThe Kite RunnerHosseini, Khaled© 2003 by Khaled Hosseini
They make sure she gets a good schooling, learns her manners, how to carry herself.Они заботятся о ее образовании, учат, как себя вести, как ухаживать за собой.De Lint, Charles / Someplace To Be FlyingДе Линт, Чарльз / Покинутые небесаПокинутые небесаДе Линт, ЧарльзSomeplace To Be FlyingDe Lint, Charles© 1998 by Charles de Lint
Thought to when I come out here she'd get some schooling.Думал, пошлю ее в школу.Steinbeck, John / The Grapes of WrathСтейнбек, Джон / Гроздья гневаГроздья гневаСтейнбек, Джон© Издательство "Правда", 1989The Grapes of WrathSteinbeck, John© John Steinbeck, 1939© renewed John Steinbeck, 1967
The man fou't well, though his eye was'n't quick enough for one who had had his schooling in your company, Delaware."Он дрался храбро, хотя глаз его был не настолько быстр, чтобы опередить того, кто прошел военную выучку вместе с тобой, делавар.Cooper, James Fenimore / The DeerslayerКупер, Джеймс Фенимор / Зверобой, или Первая тропа войныЗверобой, или Первая тропа войныКупер, Джеймс Фенимор© Издательство "Детская литература", 1974The DeerslayerCooper, James Fenimore© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
UNDP considered that education did not necessarily have to be provided through formal schooling, and gave considerable attention to education outside the traditional school setting, which could last throughout life.По мнению ПРООН, образование не обязательно должно обеспечиваться посредством формального школьного образования. ПРООН уделяет значительное внимание образованию вне традиционной школьной среды, которое может продолжаться на протяжении всей жизни.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год 13.02.2011© United Nations 2010 13.02.2011
As for the rest of David's career in school, one may assume that a lad who could substitute six weeks of unsupervised reading for four years of formal schooling could also stand first in his class academically.Что же касается учебных занятий Дэвида, нетрудно предположить, что молодой человек, способный за шесть недель бесконтрольного чтения усвоить науки, изучаемые в школе четыре года, легко может стать первым учеником.Heinlein, Robert / Time Enough For LoveХайнлайн, Роберт / Достаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса ЛонгаДостаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса ЛонгаХайнлайн, Роберт© 1973 by Robert A. Heinlein© Перевод. Ю. Соколов, 2008© TERRA FANTASTICA, 2008Time Enough For LoveHeinlein, Robert© 1973 by Robert Heinlein
Maisie assented to the new programme of schooling so adorably that Dick could hardly restrain himself from picking her up then and there and carrying her off to the nearest registrar's office.Мэзи так мило согласилась с новой программой обучения, что Дик едва мог удержаться, чтобы не схватить ее тут же на руки, как ребенка, и не отнести ее в ближайший участок мэрии, где заносятся в книги лица, вступающие в брак.Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / The Light That FailedКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / Свет погасСвет погасКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд© "Издательство П. П. Сойкина", 1915The Light That FailedKipling, Joseph Rudyard© 2011 by Victorian Secrets
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popular schooling
народное образование
schooling habit
стадное поведение
universal schooling
всеобщее образование
years of schooling
последняя достигнутая степень образования
years of schooling
продолжительность обучения
advanced schooling
повышенная подготовка
civil schooling
общеобразовательная подготовка
military schooling
военное образование
military schooling
военное обучение
aerial delivery schooling
обучение воздушным перевозкам
basic schooling
базовое образование
approved school
исправительная школа для малолетних правонарушителей
approved school
одобренная судом школа
approved school boy
подросток, содержащийся в одобренной судом школе
art school
художественное училище
Forma de la palabra
Basic forms | |
Past | schooled |
Imperative | school |
Present Participle (Participle I) | schooling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | schooled |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I school | we school |
you school | you school |
he/she/it schools | they school |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am schooling | we are schooling |
you are schooling | you are schooling |
he/she/it is schooling | they are schooling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have schooled | we have schooled |
you have schooled | you have schooled |
he/she/it has schooled | they have schooled |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been schooling | we have been schooling |
you have been schooling | you have been schooling |
he/she/it has been schooling | they have been schooling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I schooled | we schooled |
you schooled | you schooled |
he/she/it schooled | they schooled |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was schooling | we were schooling |
you were schooling | you were schooling |
he/she/it was schooling | they were schooling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had schooled | we had schooled |
you had schooled | you had schooled |
he/she/it had schooled | they had schooled |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been schooling | we had been schooling |
you had been schooling | you had been schooling |
he/she/it had been schooling | they had been schooling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will school | we shall/will school |
you will school | you will school |
he/she/it will school | they will school |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be schooling | we shall/will be schooling |
you will be schooling | you will be schooling |
he/she/it will be schooling | they will be schooling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have schooled | we shall/will have schooled |
you will have schooled | you will have schooled |
he/she/it will have schooled | they will have schooled |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been schooling | we shall/will have been schooling |
you will have been schooling | you will have been schooling |
he/she/it will have been schooling | they will have been schooling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would school | we should/would school |
you would school | you would school |
he/she/it would school | they would school |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be schooling | we should/would be schooling |
you would be schooling | you would be schooling |
he/she/it would be schooling | they would be schooling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have schooled | we should/would have schooled |
you would have schooled | you would have schooled |
he/she/it would have schooled | they would have schooled |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been schooling | we should/would have been schooling |
you would have been schooling | you would have been schooling |
he/she/it would have been schooling | they would have been schooling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am schooled | we are schooled |
you are schooled | you are schooled |
he/she/it is schooled | they are schooled |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being schooled | we are being schooled |
you are being schooled | you are being schooled |
he/she/it is being schooled | they are being schooled |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been schooled | we have been schooled |
you have been schooled | you have been schooled |
he/she/it has been schooled | they have been schooled |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was schooled | we were schooled |
you were schooled | you were schooled |
he/she/it was schooled | they were schooled |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being schooled | we were being schooled |
you were being schooled | you were being schooled |
he/she/it was being schooled | they were being schooled |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been schooled | we had been schooled |
you had been schooled | you had been schooled |
he/she/it had been schooled | they had been schooled |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be schooled | we shall/will be schooled |
you will be schooled | you will be schooled |
he/she/it will be schooled | they will be schooled |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been schooled | we shall/will have been schooled |
you will have been schooled | you will have been schooled |
he/she/it will have been schooled | they will have been schooled |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | schooling | schoolings |
Possessive case | schooling's | schoolings' |