Ejemplos de los textos
And she removed her sandals with the utmost grace.И с непередаваемой грацией она сбросила сандалии.Vonnegut, Kurt / Cat's CradleВоннегут, Курт / Колыбель для кошкиКолыбель для кошкиВоннегут, Курт© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978Cat's CradleVonnegut, Kurt© 1969 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
I'm regular sick of these sandals.Я совсем извелся в этих сандалиях.Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухеВойна в воздухеУэллс, Герберт© Издательство "Правда", 1964The war in the airWells, Herbert George© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
And he was a sight, too, with his rum-painted nose and his red whiskers and elephant feet with leather sandals strapped to them.И хорош же он был с его красным от рома носом, рыжими баками и ногами, как у слона в кожаных сандалиях на ремешках!O.Henry / The Day We CelebrateГенри, О. / День, который мы празднуемДень, который мы празднуемГенри, О.The Day We CelebrateO.Henry
The outfit has all the required accessories and sundries – training shoes, sandals, shower slippers, socks, bandanas, wristband, swimming goggles, towel and waist pack.В экипировку входят все необходимые аксессуары и мелочи - кроссовки, сандалии, тапочки для душа, носки, банданы, напульсник, очки для плавания, полотенце, сумка на пояс.© 2011 Организационный комитет XXII Олимпийских зимних игр и XI Паралимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в городе Сочиwww.sochi2014.com 15.07.2011© 2011 Organizing Committee of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochiwww.sochi2014.com 15.07.2011
Immediately I recognized Anna Wintour, looking absolutely ravishing in a cream-colored silk slip dress and beaded Manolo sandals.Я заглянула туда и тут же увидела Анну Винтур: затянутая в кремовый шелк, в расшитых бисером босоножках от Маноло, она смотрелась восхитительно.Weisberger, Lauren / Devil Wears PradaВайсбергер, Лорен / Дьявол носит "Prada"Дьявол носит "Prada"Вайсбергер, Лорен© Lauren Weisberger, 2002© 2006 Fox "Devil Wears Prada" TM © All Rights Reserved© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009Devil Wears PradaWeisberger, Lauren© 2003 by Lauren Weisberger
I swarmed up the ladder, my sandals flapping on the treads.Я полез по лестнице. Сандалии соскальзывали со ступенек.Feintuch, David / Voices of HopeФайнток, Дэвид / Надежда смертникаНадежда смертникаФайнток, ДэвидVoices of HopeFeintuch, David© 1996 by David Feintuch
A finer man than the Imperor Nero niver wore sandals.Из людей, носивших сандалии, не было человека лучше императора Нерона.O.Henry / The Door of UnrestГенри, О. / Дверь, не знающая отдыхаДверь, не знающая отдыхаГенри, О.The Door of UnrestO.Henry
She walked along in silence, scowling out across the scrubby landscape, sandals crunching on the dry dirt of the road.Ферро в молчании шла рядом и мрачно оглядывала поросший кустарником ландшафт, хрустя сандалиями по высохшей грязи на дороге.Abercrombie, Joe / The Blade ItselfАберкромби, Джо / Кровь и железоКровь и железоАберкромби, Джо© 2006 by Joe Abercrombie.© Перевод. В. Иванов, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008The Blade ItselfAbercrombie, Joe© 2007 by Joe Abercrombie
The secretary contemplated Bert's collar with sustained attention. Only for one moment did his gaze move to the sandals and back.Секретарь пристально рассматривал воротничок Берта и лишь один раз мельком взглянул на сандалии.Wells, Herbert George / The war in the airУэллс, Герберт / Война в воздухеВойна в воздухеУэллс, Герберт© Издательство "Правда", 1964The war in the airWells, Herbert George© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
She wore a tight, shredded denim skirt, a see-through white button-down, and strappy silver sandals.На ней были обтягивающая юбка из кусочков джинсовой ткани, прозрачная белая блузка и босоножки из серебристых ремешков.Weisberger, Lauren / Devil Wears PradaВайсбергер, Лорен / Дьявол носит "Prada"Дьявол носит "Prada"Вайсбергер, Лорен© Lauren Weisberger, 2002© 2006 Fox "Devil Wears Prada" TM © All Rights Reserved© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009Devil Wears PradaWeisberger, Lauren© 2003 by Lauren Weisberger
His throat became uncommonly tight as he realized the implication of finding only one of Elise’s sandals and this scrap of fabric ripped from her clothing.Горло у него сжалось. Он понял, что может означать потерянная Элизой босоножка и этот клок ее юбки.Brown, Sandra / RicochetБраун, Сандра / РикошетРикошетБраун, Сандра© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.© Перевод. С. Панина, 2010© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010RicochetBrown, Sandra© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.
A man in a pea jacket and plastic sandals gazed at the rubber boots in Cuddy’s Marine Supply window.Мужчина в жакете горохового цвета и пластиковых сандалиях глазел на резиновые сапоги в витрине магазина морских товаров Кади.Proulx, Annie / The Shipping NewsПрул, Энни / Корабельные новостиКорабельные новостиПрул, Энни© 1993 by Annie Proulx© Издание на русском языке, перевод. ЗАО ТИД "Амфора", 2005The Shipping NewsProulx, Annie© 1993 by Annie Proulx
"He saw me get out of that old Pontiac with no sneakers or sandals on and said it was against the law to drive barefoot in the state of Maine." Lisey glanced briefly, guiltily, down at her toes on the accelerator as she finished saying this.– Он увидел, как я вылезаю из старого «понтиака» без кроссовок или сандалий, и сказал, что в штате Мэн водить автомобиль босиком запрещено законом, – и Лизи бросила короткий, виноватый взгляд на босую ногу, придавливающую педаль газа.King, Stephen / Lisey's storyКинг, Стивен / История ЛизиИстория ЛизиКинг, СтивенLisey's storyKing, Stephen© 2006 by Stephen King
In a passageway far from the skirmishes he heard footsteps-sandaled, not booted-coming after him.Уже далеко от места схватки он услышал позади себя шаги ног, обутых в сандалии, а не ботинки, – кто-то шел за ним.Barker, Clive / The Damnation GameБаркер, Клайв / Проклятая играПроклятая играБаркер, Клайв© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker© 1994, Кэдмэн© перевод Д. АношинаThe Damnation GameBarker, Clive© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker
He stamped one sandaled foot vehemently and waited for them to go.Он нетерпеливо постукивал по земле подошвой стоптанной сандалии и ждал, что чужаки наконец уйдут.Brooks, Terry / The Wishsong of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Песнь ШаннарыПеснь ШаннарыБрукс, ТерриThe Wishsong of ShannaraBrooks, Terry© 1985 by Terrence D. Brooks
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Traducción agregada por Natalia Os
open-toe sandals
strappy sandals
sandal foot
след без усиления
bast shoe / sandal
sandal-wood oil
сандаловое масло
Forma de la palabra
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | sandal | sandals |
Possessive case | sandal's | sandals' |
Basic forms | |
Past | sandaled, sandalled |
Imperative | sandal |
Present Participle (Participle I) | sandaling, sandalling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | sandaled, sandalled |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I sandal | we sandal |
you sandal | you sandal |
he/she/it sandals | they sandal |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am sandaling, sandalling | we are sandaling, sandalling |
you are sandaling, sandalling | you are sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it is sandaling, sandalling | they are sandaling, sandalling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have sandaled, sandalled | we have sandaled, sandalled |
you have sandaled, sandalled | you have sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it has sandaled, sandalled | they have sandaled, sandalled |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been sandaling, sandalling | we have been sandaling, sandalling |
you have been sandaling, sandalling | you have been sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it has been sandaling, sandalling | they have been sandaling, sandalling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I sandaled, sandalled | we sandaled, sandalled |
you sandaled, sandalled | you sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it sandaled, sandalled | they sandaled, sandalled |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was sandaling, sandalling | we were sandaling, sandalling |
you were sandaling, sandalling | you were sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it was sandaling, sandalling | they were sandaling, sandalling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had sandaled, sandalled | we had sandaled, sandalled |
you had sandaled, sandalled | you had sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it had sandaled, sandalled | they had sandaled, sandalled |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been sandaling, sandalling | we had been sandaling, sandalling |
you had been sandaling, sandalling | you had been sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it had been sandaling, sandalling | they had been sandaling, sandalling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will sandal | we shall/will sandal |
you will sandal | you will sandal |
he/she/it will sandal | they will sandal |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be sandaling, sandalling | we shall/will be sandaling, sandalling |
you will be sandaling, sandalling | you will be sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it will be sandaling, sandalling | they will be sandaling, sandalling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have sandaled, sandalled | we shall/will have sandaled, sandalled |
you will have sandaled, sandalled | you will have sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it will have sandaled, sandalled | they will have sandaled, sandalled |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been sandaling, sandalling | we shall/will have been sandaling, sandalling |
you will have been sandaling, sandalling | you will have been sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it will have been sandaling, sandalling | they will have been sandaling, sandalling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would sandal | we should/would sandal |
you would sandal | you would sandal |
he/she/it would sandal | they would sandal |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be sandaling, sandalling | we should/would be sandaling, sandalling |
you would be sandaling, sandalling | you would be sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it would be sandaling, sandalling | they would be sandaling, sandalling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have sandaled, sandalled | we should/would have sandaled, sandalled |
you would have sandaled, sandalled | you would have sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it would have sandaled, sandalled | they would have sandaled, sandalled |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been sandaling, sandalling | we should/would have been sandaling, sandalling |
you would have been sandaling, sandalling | you would have been sandaling, sandalling |
he/she/it would have been sandaling, sandalling | they would have been sandaling, sandalling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am sandaled, sandalled | we are sandaled, sandalled |
you are sandaled, sandalled | you are sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it is sandaled, sandalled | they are sandaled, sandalled |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being sandaled, sandalled | we are being sandaled, sandalled |
you are being sandaled, sandalled | you are being sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it is being sandaled, sandalled | they are being sandaled, sandalled |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been sandaled, sandalled | we have been sandaled, sandalled |
you have been sandaled, sandalled | you have been sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it has been sandaled, sandalled | they have been sandaled, sandalled |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was sandaled, sandalled | we were sandaled, sandalled |
you were sandaled, sandalled | you were sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it was sandaled, sandalled | they were sandaled, sandalled |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being sandaled, sandalled | we were being sandaled, sandalled |
you were being sandaled, sandalled | you were being sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it was being sandaled, sandalled | they were being sandaled, sandalled |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been sandaled, sandalled | we had been sandaled, sandalled |
you had been sandaled, sandalled | you had been sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it had been sandaled, sandalled | they had been sandaled, sandalled |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be sandaled, sandalled | we shall/will be sandaled, sandalled |
you will be sandaled, sandalled | you will be sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it will be sandaled, sandalled | they will be sandaled, sandalled |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been sandaled, sandalled | we shall/will have been sandaled, sandalled |
you will have been sandaled, sandalled | you will have been sandaled, sandalled |
he/she/it will have been sandaled, sandalled | they will have been sandaled, sandalled |