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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
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['mʌðə] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

      1. мать

      2. материнские чувства

      3. рел. мать, матушка (уважительное обращение к настоятельнице монастыря, игуменье)

    1. источник, начало

    2. земля

    3. рел.; = Mother Church мать (о церкви как матери каждого христианина)

    4. страна

    5. = artificial mother инкубатор

    6. (the mother of all) что-л. непревзойдённое, исключительное

  2. гл.

      1. быть матерью, родить, производить на свет

      2. порождать, производить, создавать

    1. относиться по-матерински; заботиться, воспитывать, охранять

      1. признавать себя матерью

      2. (mother (up)on) приписывать материнство (кому-л.)

      3. (mother (up)on) приписывать авторство (кому-л.)

    2. усыновлять; брать на воспитание

Law (En-Ru)



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Ejemplos de los textos

That calmed your mother down a lot, and she, um, sat on your father—anyway, they decided to wait for further reports."
Это несколько успокоило твоих родителей. В общем, они решили подождать, пока дело не прояснится окончательно.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / The Warrior's ApprenticeБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Ученик воина
Ученик воина
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
© перевод С. Роя, С. Курдюкова, 1995
The Warrior's Apprentice
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
She had relied on her mother her whole life, and then she had expected Althea to help her.
Она всю свою жизнь полагалась на мать, а потом стала ждать, что ей поможет Алтея.
Goodkind, Terry / The pillars of creationГудкайнд, Терри / Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения
Седьмое правило Волшебника: Столпы творения
Гудкайнд, Терри
© Теrry Goodkind, 2001
© Перевод Н.Романецкий, 2003
© ООО "Издательство ACT", 2003
The pillars of creation
Goodkind, Terry
© 2001 by Теrry Goodkind
We part, and perchance for ever, yet I pray of you to think of me kindly, for I have loved you and I love you; I was the mother of your children, whom being Christian, you will meet again.
Мы расстаемся навеки, но, прошу тебя, не думай обо мне плохо, ибо я любила тебя и люблю. Я была матерью твоих сыновей; их ты сделал христианами и с ними, может быть, встретишься.
Haggard, Henry Rider / Montezuma's DaughterХаггард, Генри Райдер / Дочь Монтесумы
Дочь Монтесумы
Хаггард, Генри Райдер
© Издательство "Мысль", 1964
Montezuma's Daughter
Haggard, Henry Rider
© 2007 BiblioBazaar
The dead mother became almost a Marian figure and there were posters reading ELIAN, SAVE US.
Мёртвую мать стали сопоставлять с Марией, и уже появились плакаты СПАСИ НАС, ЭЛИАН.
Rushdie, Salman / FuryРушди, Салман / Ярость
Рушди, Салман
© Salman Rushdie, 2001
© Александр Андреев, перевод, 2009
Rushdie, Salman
© 2001 by Salman Rushdie
She came home, however, still controlling herself, but she could not help telling mother.
Она пришла, однако же, домой еще сдерживаясь, но маме не могла не признаться.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
He had my mother.
У него была моя мать.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
He raced to the tent's flap, peeking out at the seething maelstrom as it wiped away the horizon. He turned to the group of robed figures, his mother among them.
Он укрылся за пологом палатки, бросая испуганные взгляды в сторону песчаного вихря, которым уже закипал горизонт, и закричал в сторону группы женщин в балахонах, среди которых была и его мать.
Rollins, James / SubterraneanРоллинс, Джеймс / Пещера
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski
© А. Новиков, перевод, 2008
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2008
Rollins, James
© 1999 by Jim Czajkowski
Of course I was not eavesdropping, I simply could not avoid listening when I saw how agitated my mother was at the news of this woman's arrival.
Разумеется, не подслушивал: просто не мог не слушать, когда увидел, что вдруг, при известии о приезде этой женщины, так взволновалась мать.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Katerina Ivanovna stands in the place of a mother to you?" Pyotr Petrovitch began with great dignity, though affably.
Заместо матери приходится вам Катерина-то Ивановна? - начал Петр Петрович весьма солидно, но, впрочем, довольно ласково.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
She evidently knew the name of the man with whom her mother had gone away and who was probably her father.
Она, очевидно, знала, с кем ушла ее мамаша и кто, вероятно, был и ее отец.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The Insulted and InjuredДостоевский, Фёдор / Униженные и оскорблённые
Униженные и оскорблённые
Достоевский, Фёдор
© "Государственное издательство художественной литературы", 1955
The Insulted and Injured
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
And then Billy's mother came back from the ladies' room, sat down on a chair between Billy's and Rosewater's bed.
И тут вернулась из дамской уборной мать Билли и уселась на стул между постелями Розуотера и Билли.
Vonnegut, Kurt / Slaughterhouse-Five Or The Children's CrusadeВоннегут, Курт / Бойня номер пять, или крестовый поход детей
Бойня номер пять, или крестовый поход детей
Воннегут, Курт
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
Slaughterhouse-Five Or The Children's Crusade
Vonnegut, Kurt
© 1969 by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
He had to think of vespers, which he generally said to empty seats, for even mother Brichet did not carry her piety so far as to go back to church in the afternoon.
В этот день бывала вечерня; обычно он служил ее перед пустыми стульями, так как даже тетка Брише не простирала своей набожности до того, чтобы возвращаться в церковь после обеда.
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
“Helen’s mother sat with folded hands, looking from one of us to the other with an expression of great patience, but I thought I detected a flush of excitement in her face.
Мать Элен между тем сидела, сложив руки и глядя на нас с величайшим терпением, но мне показалось, что ее лицо чуть разгорелось от волнения.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
Came the mother Ceres down,
Сходит мать-Церера вслед
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
We are not at home!" said her mother with mock gravity.
Мы не дома, – сказала Элен с напускной строгостью.
Zola, Emile / A Love EpisodeЗоля, Эмиль / Страница любви
Страница любви
Золя, Эмиль
A Love Episode
Zola, Emile
© 2005 Mondial

Añadir a mi diccionario


She was like a mother to them. — Она была им как мать.

Traducciones de usuarios


  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Татьяна Макеева
  2. 2.

    самая дорогая женщина на свете

    Traducción agregada por Russii Bear
  3. 3.


    Traducción agregada por Roman Matroskin
  4. 4.

    Мама , мамуля , мамочка , маман.

    Traducción agregada por Катя Попова

Categoría gramatical no está fijada

  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Elena Sef
  2. 2.

    Мама или Мать

    Traducción agregada por Марьяна Смирнова
  3. 3.


    Traducción agregada por Лизуля Кицуля
  4. 4.


    Traducción agregada por Olga Panova
  5. 5.


    Traducción agregada por Danil Jigulin
  6. 6.


    Traducción agregada por Альберт Курта
  7. 7.


    Traducción agregada por Артем С
  8. 8.


    Traducción agregada por Arina
  9. 9.


    Traducción agregada por mehrubon ahrorov
  10. 10.

    мать, мама

    Traducción agregada por Nel Ly
  11. 11.

    мать, мама

    Traducción agregada por Sasha Arora
  12. 12.

    мама ))))))

    Traducción agregada por Эмилия Калачева


bachelor mother
birth mother
биологическая мать
expectant mother
беременная женщина
expectant mother
будущая мать
expectant mother
женщина, готовящаяся стать матерью
father and mother of smth
крайняя степень
father and mother of smth
масштабное проявление
father and mother of smth
хорошая порция
foster mother
приемная мать
mother abscess
первичный абсцесс
mother aircraft
mother aircraft
воздушный авианосец
mother aircraft
летающий авианосец
mother belt
магистральный ленточный конвейер
mother board
объединительная плата

Forma de la palabra


Common casemothermothers
Possessive casemother'smothers'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)mothering
Past Participle (Participle II)mothered
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I motherwe mother
you motheryou mother
he/she/it mothersthey mother
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am motheringwe are mothering
you are motheringyou are mothering
he/she/it is motheringthey are mothering
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have motheredwe have mothered
you have motheredyou have mothered
he/she/it has motheredthey have mothered
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been motheringwe have been mothering
you have been motheringyou have been mothering
he/she/it has been motheringthey have been mothering
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I motheredwe mothered
you motheredyou mothered
he/she/it motheredthey mothered
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was motheringwe were mothering
you were motheringyou were mothering
he/she/it was motheringthey were mothering
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had motheredwe had mothered
you had motheredyou had mothered
he/she/it had motheredthey had mothered
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been motheringwe had been mothering
you had been motheringyou had been mothering
he/she/it had been motheringthey had been mothering
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will motherwe shall/will mother
you will motheryou will mother
he/she/it will motherthey will mother
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be motheringwe shall/will be mothering
you will be motheringyou will be mothering
he/she/it will be motheringthey will be mothering
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have motheredwe shall/will have mothered
you will have motheredyou will have mothered
he/she/it will have motheredthey will have mothered
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been motheringwe shall/will have been mothering
you will have been motheringyou will have been mothering
he/she/it will have been motheringthey will have been mothering
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would motherwe should/would mother
you would motheryou would mother
he/she/it would motherthey would mother
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be motheringwe should/would be mothering
you would be motheringyou would be mothering
he/she/it would be motheringthey would be mothering
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have motheredwe should/would have mothered
you would have motheredyou would have mothered
he/she/it would have motheredthey would have mothered
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been motheringwe should/would have been mothering
you would have been motheringyou would have been mothering
he/she/it would have been motheringthey would have been mothering
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am motheredwe are mothered
you are motheredyou are mothered
he/she/it is motheredthey are mothered
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being motheredwe are being mothered
you are being motheredyou are being mothered
he/she/it is being motheredthey are being mothered
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been motheredwe have been mothered
you have been motheredyou have been mothered
he/she/it has been motheredthey have been mothered
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was motheredwe were mothered
you were motheredyou were mothered
he/she/it was motheredthey were mothered
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being motheredwe were being mothered
you were being motheredyou were being mothered
he/she/it was being motheredthey were being mothered
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been motheredwe had been mothered
you had been motheredyou had been mothered
he/she/it had been motheredthey had been mothered
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be motheredwe shall/will be mothered
you will be motheredyou will be mothered
he/she/it will be motheredthey will be mothered
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been motheredwe shall/will have been mothered
you will have been motheredyou will have been mothered
he/she/it will have been motheredthey will have been mothered