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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.



  1. сущ.

    1. (meanders) извилина (дороги, реки; лабиринта)

    2. отклонение, уклон

    3. архит. меандр (орнамент)

  2. гл.

    1. извиваться (о реке, дороге)

    2. слоняться без дела, без цели

Engineering (En-Ru)


меандр || имеющий форму меандра (о сигнале)

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A meander signal former 13 generates the meander signal having a period twice as much as the period of the second PRS, i.e., the frequency of this meander signal is equal to the value (F).
Формирователь 13 меандрового сигнала формирует меандровый сигнал с периодом вдвое больше, чем период второй ПСП, т.е. частота этого меандрового сигнала равна (F).
The trigger D2, while responding at the meander front, takes the value of logical one for a time equal to the signal path along the feedback circuit and to the trigger internal delay.
Триггер D2, срабатывая по фронту меандра, принимает значение логической единицы на время, равное длине пробега сигнала по цепи обратной связи и внутренней задержкой триггера.
But a little way downstream, the water veered sharply back toward them in a wide meander, along a jumble of boulders and scrub.
Чуть дальше ручей резко поворачивал, образуя широкую излучину среди каменных обломков.
Bradley, Marion,Zimmer, Paul Edwin / The SurvivorsБрэдли, Марион,Зиммер, Пол Э. / Уцелевшие
Брэдли, Марион,Зиммер, Пол Э.
The Survivors
Bradley, Marion,Zimmer, Paul Edwin
© 1979, by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Paul Edward Zimmer
Depending on the constructive solution, various configurations for the first conductivity type regions 2 may be provided: squared, circular, cellular, meander, globular or any other.
В зависимости от конструктивного решения конфигурация областей 2 с первым типом проводимости может выполняться различной: квадратной, круговой, сотовой, меандровой, глобулярной или любой другой.
A duration of charging and discharging of the capacitors C1 and C2 determines a duration of meander half-periods and a repetition rate for output pulses of the generator.
Длительность процессов заряда и разрядки конденсаторов Cl и C2 определяет длительность полупериодов меандра и частоту следования выходных импульсов генератора.
This meander signal comes to the manipulator 11.
Этот меандровый сигнал поступает на манипулятор 11.
Thus, a meander with a preset frequency comes to the timing input of the trigger D2 from the non-inverting output Q1 of the trigger D1, a chart for which is shown in FIG. 3C.
Таким образом, на синхронизирующий вход триггера D2 с неинвертирующего выхода Ql триггера Dl поступает меандр с заданной частотой, график которого показан на фигуре ЗС.
The shining stream gave one meander of hesitation and then rushed over.
Сверкающий ручеек, точно в нерешительности, свернул в сторону и потом ринулся вниз.
Wells, Herbert George / The First Men in the MoonУэллс, Герберт / Первые люди на Луне
Первые люди на Луне
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
The First Men in the Moon
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
Thus, the meander signal is obtained at the output of the second frequency extractor 37, and the values of the second PRS are inverted with cycle of that meander signal.
Таким образом, на выходе второго блока 37 выделения частоты подстройки выделяется меандровый сигнал, с периодом которого инвертируются значения второй ПСП.
Then, the obtained signals are summed in the first and second adders 9 and 10, respectively, with the second PRS formed in the second PRS former 12 and manipulated in the manipulator 11 with the meander signal from the meander signal former 13.
Затем полученные сигналы суммируются, соответственно, в первом и втором сумматорах 9 и 10 со второй ПСП, формируемой в формирователе 12 второй ПСП и манипулированной в манипуляторе 11 меандровым сигналом из формирователя 13 меандрового сигнала.
I think I was about to say something else, to meander down some other path of inquiry, but suddenly Helen turned to me and shook my arm.
Кажется, я собирался добавить что-то, забрести дальше по тропе рассуждений, но Элен вдруг повернулась ко мне и встряхнула меня за плечо.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
This ambiguity elimination is performed by means of multiplying the bursts by the meander signal M obtained from the second output of the second PLL unit 56 in the clock-frequency discriminator 42.
Это устранение неоднозначности выполняется путём перемножения пачек на меандровый сигнал вида M, получаемый со второго выхода второго блока 56 ФАПЧ в выделителе 42 тактовых частот.
The first PRS former 8, the second PRS former 12, and the meander signal former 13 are clocked with the frequency C1*f1/2 coming from a third output of the clock frequency former 4.
Формирователь 8 первой ПСП, формирователь 12 второй ПСП и формирователь 13 меандрового сигнала тактируются с частотой Ci*f1/2, поступающей с третьего выхода формирователя 4 тактовых частот.
Owing to this, at the receiving side, the QAM signal components corresponding to the meander signal of the PRS inversion (which frequency is known) are derived.
Благодаря этому на приёмной стороне выделяются составляющие сигнала KAM, соответствующие меандровому сигналу инвертирования ПСП (частота которого известна).
Then we meandered pleasantly away toward the hermit holes in sociable converse together, and better friends than ever.
Мы вместе пошли по извилистым тропкам к норам отшельников, мирно беседуя между собой и чувствуя, что стали еще лучшими друзьями, чем прежде.
Twain, Mark / A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's CourtТвен, Марк / Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Твен, Марк
© Н. Чуковский. Наследники. 2010
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Twain, Mark
© 2009 by Seven Treasures Publications

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cutoff meander
meander lake
meander line
meander neck
шейка меандра
meander panel
многозаходная топочная панель
meander wave
ширина меандра
meander width
ширина меандра
mild meander
неполный меандр
neck of meander lobe
горло меандра
meander configuration
зигзагообразная конфигурация
meander gate
зигзагообразный затвор
river meander
излучина реки
meander belt
пояс меандрирования
meandering river
извилистая река

Forma de la palabra


Common casemeandermeanders
Possessive casemeander'smeanders'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)meandering
Past Participle (Participle II)meandered
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I meanderwe meander
you meanderyou meander
he/she/it meandersthey meander
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am meanderingwe are meandering
you are meanderingyou are meandering
he/she/it is meanderingthey are meandering
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have meanderedwe have meandered
you have meanderedyou have meandered
he/she/it has meanderedthey have meandered
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been meanderingwe have been meandering
you have been meanderingyou have been meandering
he/she/it has been meanderingthey have been meandering
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I meanderedwe meandered
you meanderedyou meandered
he/she/it meanderedthey meandered
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was meanderingwe were meandering
you were meanderingyou were meandering
he/she/it was meanderingthey were meandering
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had meanderedwe had meandered
you had meanderedyou had meandered
he/she/it had meanderedthey had meandered
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been meanderingwe had been meandering
you had been meanderingyou had been meandering
he/she/it had been meanderingthey had been meandering
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will meanderwe shall/will meander
you will meanderyou will meander
he/she/it will meanderthey will meander
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be meanderingwe shall/will be meandering
you will be meanderingyou will be meandering
he/she/it will be meanderingthey will be meandering
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have meanderedwe shall/will have meandered
you will have meanderedyou will have meandered
he/she/it will have meanderedthey will have meandered
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been meanderingwe shall/will have been meandering
you will have been meanderingyou will have been meandering
he/she/it will have been meanderingthey will have been meandering
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would meanderwe should/would meander
you would meanderyou would meander
he/she/it would meanderthey would meander
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be meanderingwe should/would be meandering
you would be meanderingyou would be meandering
he/she/it would be meanderingthey would be meandering
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have meanderedwe should/would have meandered
you would have meanderedyou would have meandered
he/she/it would have meanderedthey would have meandered
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been meanderingwe should/would have been meandering
you would have been meanderingyou would have been meandering
he/she/it would have been meanderingthey would have been meandering
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am meanderedwe are meandered
you are meanderedyou are meandered
he/she/it is meanderedthey are meandered
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being meanderedwe are being meandered
you are being meanderedyou are being meandered
he/she/it is being meanderedthey are being meandered
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been meanderedwe have been meandered
you have been meanderedyou have been meandered
he/she/it has been meanderedthey have been meandered
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was meanderedwe were meandered
you were meanderedyou were meandered
he/she/it was meanderedthey were meandered
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being meanderedwe were being meandered
you were being meanderedyou were being meandered
he/she/it was being meanderedthey were being meandered
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been meanderedwe had been meandered
you had been meanderedyou had been meandered
he/she/it had been meanderedthey had been meandered
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be meanderedwe shall/will be meandered
you will be meanderedyou will be meandered
he/she/it will be meanderedthey will be meandered
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been meanderedwe shall/will have been meandered
you will have been meanderedyou will have been meandered
he/she/it will have been meanderedthey will have been meandered